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Bike Locks

dick GCT

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Can anybody help me with some advice/opinions please? I need to purchase bike locks (2 are probably what I need) to secure two hybrid bikes to the rack on the back of our PVC. The bikes are fairly new and obviously we want pretty secure locks! Scoured the Halfords website looking at chain/cable/shackle locks and could not decide what type would be best to fit around 2 bikes and the frame of the bike rack. The different type of locks priced between £35 and £50 seemed to be what I would need. All you guys and gals out there with bikes --- what sort of locks do you use? Any help much appreciated.
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Guest JudgeMental

why not look on a bike forum? pedelec.co.uk a good place for info.


ABUS gold/Silver rated D locks pretty good. informed opinion is that a heavy chain lock and a D lock best..why? because thieves need to carry different tools to break different locks.


Next thing aluminium bike racks flimsy, and can be cut through with a junior hacksaw in minutes.. so we use a pair of long krptonite cable locks (normally used to secure wheels to D lock) as chain to heavy at the length needed. Pass these around bikes and frame and secure under bumper to rear tow bolt.. So far with 2 bikes worth 4K we have been OK :-S :-D

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We use a motorcycle 'enclosed chain' type lock for our bikes.


Be aware though that you need to ensure that your insurance definitely covers you for your bikes whilst secured to the rear of your camper as many will only cover them when they are attached to an immovable object ... a 3.5 tonne motorhome doesn't count! 8-)

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Be aware though that you need to ensure that your insurance definitely covers you for your bikes whilst secured to the rear of your camper as many will only cover them when they are attached to an immovable object ... a 3.5 tonne motorhome doesn't count!


That’s a very good point. It’s a question I always ask if I change our buildings/contents insurer. Some will accept a vehicle as an ‘immovable object’ for the purposes of insurance and others won’t!

Cattwg :-D

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Guest JudgeMental

no insurance company in their right mind will cover while on a rack.. thats why I take so many precautions.


then when you get somewhere remove and secure to an immovable object. use a cover (on rack also) As what the eye dont see the heart don't grieve over.....

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I use a couple of locks, one is a Yale "U" lock and the other is a Yale cable with an alarm that goes off if the cable is cut.


If they do get nicked I am definitely covered by insurance, I have it in writing ( Co op house insurance plus bikes etc).



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Take a look at the Oxford Products range they make locks to for cheap to very secure.


I use an Oxford viper around the frames & rack and a couple of light weight cable locks around wheels & saddles.


Don't over do the security on a bike rack the toe rags will just cut through the rack.

As Eddie says use a cover keeps them out of site most toe rags go for the ones they can see & remove quickly.

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The professional thief will have your bike off the outside of the van no matter how save you think it is. The best that we can hope for is to deter the opportunist thief. We have been lucky so far, locking them to the rack, covering them up and wired into our alarm system. Where possible I reverse close up to something when parking.

Brian B.

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Guest JudgeMental

Spot on Brian.....if they want it they will have it , all you can do is delay and hope to deter the non professional thieves... Pros use small battery powered disc cutters with diamond disc blades that cut through anything in no time......




Depending on bike value and insurance company attitude, locks like vehicle alarms usually required to be insurance rated? Sold secure is the UK standard. If my bikes get stolen I suspect insurers will require evidence in terms of a receipt of locks used.


No matter how good the chain and D look you use, its pointless and laughable to secure bikes to a rack made of marshmallow and expect it to be safe *-) ,

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Morning Judge,


If your insurance requires proof of lock purchase so well and good, but it does not prove that you actually used them. Although a photo of the bikes locked to your van only proves that they were locked properly at the time that the photo was taken, plus one with any cover in place, the photos plus receipts would surely make you bomb proof.


Because of your comments re proof, I will now be taking photos as well as keeping receipts safe, just takes one usefull comment to stir up the old grey matter and instihate improvements.


Cheers all - Mike

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Slightly OT But I had my 18month old,1200 Bandit nicked from down the side of our house a few years back..

...and that was coverered up and "secured" by two hefty, "proper",motorbike-lock chains(@100 quid plus each!),one of which was fixed through the wrought iron fence,it also had a small D lock threaded through the stand,so that it couldn't be wheeled away..


None of the above stopped it disappearing one night,without a trace..


If they want it..they'll try bloody hard to get it..the thievin' bar-stewards!... 8o|

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Apart from doing your best with locks/chains (Sold secure rated) I get a little added sense of security having an alarm u lock fitted.  Google 'alarm u lock' for loads of results.  These don't need to be overly strong if used in conjunction with other 'rated' devices.  It is merely something to make a whole load of noise if the bike is tampered with.  Just another minor deterrent because like has been said if the scum want it they will get it.


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Guest JudgeMental

No one takes a blind bit of notice of alarms, even if a couple of thieves were physically pulling the rack with bikes of back of the camper with alarm blaring, the odds are anyone around will ignore, that i'm afraid is the state of the nation :-S


and yes it has been reported on forums that bikes and racks have been pulled of back of campers. 2 long kryptonite cables about £9 each plus decent long shackle padlock £25. Cables looped around bike and frame and padlocked to rear towing eye. chain would be better but to heavy at length required...... about all you can reasonably do. (plus the D lock and chain lock)


chain and D locks SHOULD be 19mm then bolt cutters/croppers cant be used, so that puts of some......but if they have a battery disc cutter bikes are gone anyway. they say you should spend 10% of bike cost on security...most locks are rubbish






Tip: kyptonite locks are made from recycled steel apparently .ABUS are not. we have been using them since 2008



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I fully agree Judge that alarm locks don't seem to get a response from passers by. I use them more for my own peace of mind (in conjunction with sold secure locks) meaning that if I am close by though out of sight of my bikes (in a shop or sitting having a coffee for instance) but within earshot it does give me a little warning.  Given the cost of these it is a minor outlay for a little peace of mind.
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Guest JudgeMental

so what are you going to do if you catch two burly thieves hammering your bikes of the rack... they are probably wired and on drugs. All we can do is make our bikes less attractive to steal then the ones parked next door..


The main point I am trying to make is the rack itself is laughably insecure...

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I used a big chain and padlock when mine were on the rack in transit chained to each other and the rack..then wire type locks through each wheel front and back to each other just to make sure the wheels didn't go missing..excessive yea maybe but at 400 quid plus per bike it made sense..still have the bikes and the locks and chains..
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JudgeMental - 2013-01-09 1:27 PMso what are you going to do if you catch two burly thieves hammering your bikes of the rack... they are probably wired and on drugs. All we can do is make our bikes less attractive to steal then the ones parked next door..The main point I am trying to make is the rack itself is laughably insecure...


A very valid point which I agree with.  The only thing you can do is make it as difficult as possible for the scum because like I said if they want it they will get it unless you're lucky enough to scare them off.......or deter them with your security.


Realistically with bikes on rack you've got no chance.  All it takes is a hacksaw......simples.


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JudgeMental - 2013-01-09 1:27 PM


so what are you going to do if you catch two burly thieves hammering your bikes of the rack... they are probably wired and on drugs...


That was one point that was made to me the morning after I'd had my bike nicked...of cause at that stage I was angry and full of, "..if I'd o' got hold of 'em I'd o' bl**dy killed 'em.." rhetoric..

..But the fact was/is..me running down the stair in the middle of the night in my boxers(..as distasteful an image as that may be (lol) ),would not cut much ice with two or three "ne'er do wells" hell bent on dragging away my bike... :-S

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pepe63 - 2013-01-09 1:58 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-01-09 1:27 PM


so what are you going to do if you catch two burly thieves hammering your bikes of the rack... they are probably wired and on drugs...


That was one point that was made to me the morning after I'd had my bike nicked...of cause at that stage I was angry and full of, "..if I'd o' got hold of 'em I'd o' bl**dy killed 'em.." rhetoric..

..But the fact was/is..me running down the stair in the middle of the night in my boxers(..as distasteful an image as that may be (lol) ),would not cut much ice with two or three "ne'er do wells" hell bent on dragging away my bike... :-S

Pepe, have you got stairs in your motorhome? Which model do you have? ;-)

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