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Thou Shalt Not Park There.


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I watched it last night and was surprised to learn of the existence of the Parking Penalty Tribunal,I wished I knew about it years ago when I was disputing fines with the council. Also the work of the bikers group 'No to Mob',who have a website and forum.

Sad to say parking does get peoples dander up and now that conucils have the control they are using it as a source of income. Despite what they say the attendants ARE on ticket quotas and worst of all some complainants are 'targetted'!

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An excellent programme aired at a silly time. This should have been on prime time TV.


Hats off to the No Mob Biker guys doing a fine job and they appear to be very well organised too. Until this programme I never knew anything about these CCTV cars being used by Councils to buzz around town and city areas. Very sneaky and quite evil i'm surprised we haven't seen violent attacks against these things and I for one most certainly would not envy the job of driving one of those around! With all the cuts Councils are currently facing i'm even more surprised they manage to find the money to fund the purchase of these cars.....but then closing a few old peoples homes, swimming bath facilities for disabled and chucking folk out of work pays for them.


One man summed it up perfectly. As British we don't complain.....just meekly accept whatever is thrown at us, pay up and shut up.

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Bulletguy - 2013-01-09 4:02 PM


...One man summed it up perfectly. As British we don't complain.....just meekly accept whatever is thrown at us, pay up and shut up.


Very true!..the most "pro-active" some tend to get,are a few disgruntled comments on internet forums.. (lol)


..and if/when any group does ever does kick up a fuss or take to the streets..ironically,folk just complain about 'em anyway(.."..why aren't they at work?.."...."..I'm not gettin' a pay rise,why should they?.." etc) and it's usually on....yep,you've guessed it...internet forums! (lol)


Hopefully,for some,the revolution will be televised..or better still streamed to their laptops.


I may well be wrong(it's not unheard of! ;-) ) but I wouldn't mind betting that a lot of this "surveillance" type stuff has slipped in on the back of so called "anti-terror laws"....You know..the "laws" that a lot of folk thought didn't concern them because they weren't a "terrosist" or a " subversive leftie"...


..and who thought, "...If you have nothing to hide....you have nothing to fear.." well..how's that working out for 'em now then....? *-)

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I recollect the comment that a tax system "breathes through its loopholes" in other words a bit of give and take helps the acceptability of taxation.

The same applies to parking enforcement and It does seem that over zealous enforcement of parking may in the long term be contrary to the public good, for example by making trading at certain city centre locations unsustainable.

The legality of the actions of Councils is a different question but it would seem that the number of successful appeals in some areas means that Council are guilty of massive illegality and that cannot be right or sustainable. Sadly only big time intervention by the High Court may be the only way that will improve.

Certainly (whether in my car or MH) I already feel very unwelcome in many locations in England e.g. supermarkets and motorway service stations.

For me the solution is very simple. I walk where I can and otherwise avoid locations where I have any concern.

Compare "fortress Britain" where we are probably the most spied upon country on the planet with mainland Europe where there is a much more relaxed and give and take attitude in all but the largest cities. its all very sad indeed.

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Bulletguy - 2013-01-09 4:02 PM


An excellent programme aired at a silly time. This should have been on prime time TV.


With all the cuts Councils are currently facing i'm even more surprised they manage to find the money to fund the purchase of these cars.....but then closing a few old peoples homes, swimming bath facilities for disabled and chucking folk out of work pays for them.

I watched it on iPlayer this morning while browsing the forum, if anyone wants to 'catch up'.


I also feel that the 'stealth cars' will pay for themselves pretty quickly judging by the 'lemming like' approach to parking that some of the participants had. Like lambs to the slaughter despite the best efforts of the 'mob' to warn of impending doom.


The guy who was parked on the pavement straddling double yellow lines and then claimed 'racism to Asians' when he came out of the shop to find a ticket on his windscreen creased me up.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
The latest fixed penalty our council has come up with ( Gwynedd ) is parking too far away from the curb, yes I know some do, but .....................................add in to that the copious height barriers, and "no motor home" signs springing up, well you despair, and we vote for these people, well at least for the councillors who don't give a fig..
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I am just waiting for some adventurous soul to come up with a manufactured revolving number plate system, like in the Bond films, may not work with wardens, but would work a treat with all these revenue cameras. I would be first in line to buy one. >:-)
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1footinthegrave - 2013-01-09 6:15 PM


The latest fixed penalty our council has come up with ( Gwynedd ) is parking too far away from the curb, yes I know some do, but .....................................add in to that the copious height barriers, and "no motor home" signs springing up, well you despair, and we vote for these people, well at least for the councillors who don't give a fig..



They`ve been enforcing that one in Preston for a while now, the distance is " 30cm " and they take

a photo of anyone who contravenes it.


There was articles in the local papers and on Granada Reports about it at the time.

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Wooie - 2013-01-10 10:13 AM


They`ve been enforcing that one in Preston for a while now, the distance is " 30cm " and they take

a photo of anyone who contravenes it.


To be fair, if folk can't park to within a foot of the kerb,I think they're getting let off easy with just a fine!? 8-) (lol)

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chas - 2013-01-10 10:06 AM


I am just waiting for some adventurous soul to come up with a manufactured revolving number plate system, like in the Bond films, may not work with wardens, but would work a treat with all these revenue cameras. I would be first in line to buy one. >:-)


no need for expensive solutions, a piece of reflective tape over the FIRST digit of your plate, will do the trick. First digit is county of first registration. Ray

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chas - 2013-01-10 10:06 AM


I am just waiting for some adventurous soul to come up with a manufactured revolving number plate system, like in the Bond films, may not work with wardens, but would work a treat with all these revenue cameras. I would be first in line to buy one. >:-)


Already available....well almost, but not quite!


A friends son purchased some number plates which reflect speed cameras making the photograph impossible to see the registration. But they are illegal and a sharp eyed copper spotted them, pulled him over and lucky for my mates son he got away with a warning, but was told to replace them with legal plates.



Rayjsj - 2013-01-10 12:21 PM


no need for expensive solutions, a piece of reflective tape over the FIRST digit of your plate, will do the trick. First digit is county of first registration. Ray


As above......highly illegal!


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You'd like to ignore the speed limits


Park wherever you want


Park however you want


Isn't that called anarchy?


Just don't complain if someone steals your motorhome or breaks into your home. Just assume that, just like you, they too have opted out of some of the laws of the land.

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You obviously did not watch the T.V programe that this thread is all about *-) the suggested ways ways round these money making scams by greedy councils was offered in a light hearted way, not to avoid speeding fines, or parking on double yellow lines, or causing dangerous obstructions, but to stop this money making methods of councils. I suggest you watch the program on Iplayer if possible and you may grasp what is going on around the country.
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