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blue badge parking


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Guest 1footinthegrave
You may well be correct, but sometimes going through the hoops get's a bit wearing, and makes you feel like saying "sod it ", my wife fits exactly the scenario of your husband, oh well, we'll see, but thanks for the advice. ;-)
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Blue badges are not always given because of the inability to walk. Our daughter has a blue badge as she is registered blind. Although she has a BIT of sight when they get out of the carsome people have said they do not look disabled. So never judge anyone because they seem to be ok and should not have a badge.


Keith (sooty)

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I think it also depends on the area you live, my mother at 92 who lives on the Isle of Wight {pensioners paradise} who cannot go out of her house unless someone is picking her up, had to go to be reassessed......she obviously got her badge!!!!
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My wife doesn't mind being 're-assessed' as long as it's a 'proper' medical doctor (not a doctor of government finance !) doing the assesment, A cursory 'you seem to be ok' what do you need a Blue badge for ? IS NOT good enough. (i can get very angry on her behalf, as she doesn't). Ray
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My wife 75 who cannot walk more than a few yards,she has osteoarthritis,etc.uses elec buggy,asked her GP , only last week, about a blue badge,he said sorry,no chance you are a doorstop person,you can walk from a doorstop! he said, we have been forced to stop allowing blue badge issues,except for severe cases because too many people abuse them, Dave
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peacock312 - 2013-01-26 5:14 PM


My wife 75 who cannot walk more than a few yards,she has osteoarthritis,etc.uses elec buggy,asked her GP , only last week, about a blue badge,he said sorry,no chance you are a doorstop person,you can walk from a doorstop! he said, we have been forced to stop allowing blue badge issues,except for severe cases because too many people abuse them, Dave

Then, I can only suggest you gently challenge what you are being told. I cannot see who, other than central government, can bring that pressure to bear on the GP. The cost of the badge, on the other hand, falls on the local authority, and then only for administration and lost parking revenue. Abuse may be an issue, but the cost of properly used badges must, in the overall scheme of things, be minuscule. I think your GP is running his own court, and feeding you bovine poo!

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Under the new DLA/PIP rules a lot of us are going to lose our Blue Badge entitlements, I am probably 2. c or d so would 8 to 10 points so will lose my entitlement, if you look at the latest Blue Badge form the qualification are quite strict.




1. Planning and following journeys.

a. Can plan and follow the route of a journey unaided. 0 points.

b. Needs prompting to be able to undertake any journey to avoid overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant. 4 points.

c. Cannot plan the route of a journey. 8 points.

d. Cannot follow the route of an unfamiliar journey without another person, assistance dog or orientation aid. 10 points.

e. Cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant. 10 points.

f. Cannot follow the route of a familiar journey without another person, an assistance dog or an orientation aid. 12 points.


2. Moving around.

a. Can stand and then move more than 200 metres, either aided or unaided. 0 points.

b. Can stand and then move more than 50 metres but no more than 200 metres, either aided or unaided. 4 points.

c. Can stand and then move unaided more than 20 metres but no more than 50 metres. 8 points.

d. Can stand and then move using an aid or appliance more than 20 metres but no more than 50 metres. 10 points.

e. Can stand and then move more than 1 metre but no more than 20 metres, either aided or unaided. 12 points.

f. Cannot, either aided or unaided, –

(i) stand; or

(ii) move more than 1 metre. 12 points.



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The above 'List' doesn't mention 'pain' involved in any of the actions at all. Has it been drawn up by a Doctor of Medicine ? or someone with a PHD in 'Economy & Finance' ?

Suggest anyone who goes to an 'Interview/assesment' , ask to see the interviewers Medical qualifications, if he/she hasn't got any, 'walk (or Limp) away' . If he/she IS a Doctor, record the coversation, in case you need to appeal the outcome. As my wife is over 65 the new 'PIP' evidently doesn't apply, and DLA will continue ? Not enough 'Cheats' to warrant the 'fear and uncertainty' which is being felt by the genuinely Disabled. Ray

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I think the intention is to reduce the number of blue badge holders regardless, we're back to the government's problem of an aging population and what do do with us so if they move the goalposts then nobody gets a badge and the problems of too many people using a blue badge is solved. As I said earlier it is already much tougher in the Isle of Wight to get one than it is here in Lincoln because there are far more elderly people in the Isle of Wight. What they fail to realise is that for a lot of people its not about free parking its about being close to where you need to get to
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Guest 1footinthegrave
I must confess I don't get the "free parking" bit at all, provision yes, free no, sorry,I'm on a basis state pension, I have to pay, why not everyone else, especially as many get a free brand new car with all costs covered, Mmmm. and before any one kicks off, both me and the missus have our share of problems, the biggest one being advancing years, and a knackered up body from years of hard manual work.
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Most councils don't give 'Free Parking' to Blue Badge holders, you just get an extra hour on top of what you have paid for, provision, preferably closer to entrance doors , Town, City centres etc., is what the Blue Badge gives us, we just want equal access, not free or prefential. Ray
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1footinthegrave - 2013-01-27 5:39 PM


I must confess I don't get the "free parking" bit at all, provision yes, free no, sorry,I'm on a basis state pension, I have to pay, why not everyone else, especially as many get a free brand new car with all costs covered, Mmmm. and before any one kicks off, both me and the missus have our share of problems, the biggest one being advancing years, and a knackered up body from years of hard manual work.


Sorry Mick, wrong on all counts, (well, except maybe the last)


There are very few "free" parking places, extended period v normal parking rate yes, but that is generally to reflect the additional time required, (i.e getting the wheelchair out, disabled into wheelchair & reverse on return)

No Blue Badge holder gets a free brand new car, some choosing the Mobility scheme, but that entails payment of their "Mobility Allowance" each month + a self funded lump sum & monthly top-up for anything except a "very basic" small car.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
flicka - 2013-01-27 10:30 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-01-27 5:39 PM


I must confess I don't get the "free parking" bit at all, provision yes, free no, sorry,I'm on a basis state pension, I have to pay, why not everyone else, especially as many get a free brand new car with all costs covered, Mmmm. and before any one kicks off, both me and the missus have our share of problems, the biggest one being advancing years, and a knackered up body from years of hard manual work.


Sorry Mick, wrong on all counts, (well, except maybe the last)


There are very few "free" parking places, extended period v normal parking rate yes, but that is generally to reflect the additional time required, (i.e getting the wheelchair out, disabled into wheelchair & reverse on return)

No Blue Badge holder gets a free brand new car, some choosing the Mobility scheme, but that entails payment of their "Mobility Allowance" each month + a self funded lump sum & monthly top-up for anything except a "very basic" small car.


I stand corrected, but by definition as I understand it, and I do have some knowledge of the scheme as my sister in law has a car through it, the granting of a blue badge in many of not most cases come as a result of being in receipt of the higher rate of the allowance. You can construe it any way you like,but someone in receipt of it can either keep the cash tax free, or exchange it for a brand new car, for example a brand new Astra !.6 with all costs covered including recovery and servicing, and insurance can be had with zero deposit,so hardly a small basic car, and a brand new one every three years, sounds good to me, and there is widespread abuse as I'm sure you've witnessed on many occasions, both with blue badges and "free cars" for the ones who know there way round the system..


No don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the genuinely disabled, as I believe your wife is, as is mine,( although she cannot get any help ) but why on earth should the tax payer be funding some of the top of the range cars of every marque as well, advance deposit or not, if we could get help I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven to get a brand new 1.6 astra with all running costs found for what is it £50 odd quid a week. Genuine people,yes give them all the help they need, but in proportion, and I do think there is an argument that it should be means tested as well.

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My husband is not in receipt of any disabled pension/living allowance/whatever but does have a blue badge due to his mobility problems. I understand the need to tighten up but people like my husband who soldier on, manage as best they can and do not claim any benefits are the people who are gradually losing out on getting a badge. All he wants is to be able to park close to where he wants to be so he can retain some mobility and that doesn't seem a lot to ask?
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Guest 1footinthegrave
gwyn - 2013-01-28 3:14 PM


My husband is not in receipt of any disabled pension/living allowance/whatever but does have a blue badge due to his mobility problems. I understand the need to tighten up but people like my husband who soldier on, manage as best they can and do not claim any benefits are the people who are gradually losing out on getting a badge. All he wants is to be able to park close to where he wants to be so he can retain some mobility and that doesn't seem a lot to ask?


No of course it isn't, but given we are an ever more ageing population, with as is more and more the case people driving well into their 80's and beyond sometimes, it does need sorting out. From my perspective I've seen many a disabled persons unable to park, and yet a trip down any supermarket with all the bays invariably full, and I've personally seen very few people using walking aids, or wheelchairs or in any apparent difficulty at all. The badges have been widely forged, and misused, this is why for example In Leeds, a city council investigation found over 60 per cent of badges were being misused, while in Newcastle, officials estimate that "more than half" of the 4,000 blue badges in issue are being used illegally.


In Edinburgh, officials think the problem is even worse, with 70 per cent of badges being misused.

The scams include using a disabled relative's badge without their knowledge, keeping a disabled relative's badge after they have died, and photocopying or using stolen or forged badges.

Nationwide, around 2.5 million blue badges are in issue, suggesting that the number being used fraudulently may be in excess of a million. Why, because they can park where others can't, avoiding expensive off street parking charges,and they are scumbags to boot.

I have a personal experience of a relative abusing both the Motability scheme, and the Blue badge, which infuriates me, but she is my Wife's sister, and a near neighbour, so I feel compelled to keep my mouth shut.


All of this is bad news for your husband, and other genuine users, and ends up tarring everyone with the same brush though.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-01-28 3:43 PM


gwyn - 2013-01-28 3:14 PM


My husband is not in receipt of any disabled pension/living allowance/whatever but does have a blue badge due to his mobility problems. I understand the need to tighten up but people like my husband who soldier on, manage as best they can and do not claim any benefits are the people who are gradually losing out on getting a badge. All he wants is to be able to park close to where he wants to be so he can retain some mobility and that doesn't seem a lot to ask?


No of course it isn't, but given we are an ever more ageing population, with as is more and more the case people driving well into their 80's and beyond sometimes, it does need sorting out. From my perspective I've seen many a disabled persons unable to park, and yet a trip down any supermarket with all the bays invariably full, and I've personally seen very few people using walking aids, or wheelchairs or in any apparent difficulty at all. The badges have been widely forged, and misused, this is why for example In Leeds, a city council investigation found over 60 per cent of badges were being misused, while in Newcastle, officials estimate that "more than half" of the 4,000 blue badges in issue are being used illegally.


In Edinburgh, officials think the problem is even worse, with 70 per cent of badges being misused.

The scams include using a disabled relative's badge without their knowledge, keeping a disabled relative's badge after they have died, and photocopying or using stolen or forged badges.

Nationwide, around 2.5 million blue badges are in issue, suggesting that the number being used fraudulently may be in excess of a million. Why, because they can park where others can't, avoiding expensive off street parking charges,and they are scumbags to boot.

I have a personal experience of a relative abusing both the Motability scheme, and the Blue badge, which infuriates me, but she is my Wife's sister, and a near neighbour, so I feel compelled to keep my mouth shut.


All of this is bad news for your husband, and other genuine users, and ends up tarring everyone with the same brush though.


ONLY in the eyes of people like YOU ! you have already said that your wife has mobility problems and osteoarthitis, WHY don't you expound your 'Boundless Energy' Fighting HER corner ? instead of adding to the problems of Disabled people by perpetuating the Myth that almost everyone (your figures quoted from tabloid newspapers) are 'Conning the system' . They are Not, that is what the Government would HAVE us believe, to put Disabled people 'on the spot' . AND it is not true that Genuinely Disabled people have nothing to fear from being Re-assessed, A young adult with learning disabilities, whom I Used to drive to the local Day centre, has just been re-assessed (by an 'Non Doctor') who didn't even have his past medical history, As being fit to Work, and subsequently losing most of his Benefits (this means he will probably have to leave his 'Sheltered warden assisted flat'. ) It has got to stop. And spreading lies about the Disabled is NOT helping. Ray


And to satisfy you, the latest Blue Badges,my wife has just received hers, are far more difficult to copy,

having lots of features making it almost impossible.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Sorry, but a typical knee jerk reaction, do you think people are universally honest, no of course not, and the point I was trying to make ( unsuccessfully with you ) was that the system let's down the genuine, and allows the non genuine, and in my opinion needs sorting for just the genuine.


That's just my opinion,not an attack on the disabled, as I said,( but you chose to skip over ) I have first hand knowledge of a fraud, and a neighbour that has a motability car, he is well known at the local pub, but for obvious reasons does not drive there, but walks around a quarter of a mile each way unaided to get there, several times a week.


To be so full of indignation does nothing to help the genuine disabled who for the most part have probably been put in the position of re-assessment by the likes of my sister-in-law, and my near neighbour getting caught out.I So blame them, not me please.

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I do get full of indignation, when i see folk (like yourself) Tut,Tutting as my wife gets out of the car, and actually walks to the Supermarket door, they don't realise that she is high on Painkillers, and probably hasn't slept the night before because of the pain.

I am waiting for an 'Actual out Loud' comment, PLEASE be the one ! AS I am not disabled, and very capable of shutting the mouth of a 'Tut Tutter'.

I had better stop now before I say more than I should. Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Rayjsj - 2013-01-28 7:11 PM


I do get full of indignation, when i see folk (like yourself) Tut,Tutting as my wife gets out of the car, and actually walks to the Supermarket door, they don't realise that she is high on Painkillers, and probably hasn't slept the night before because of the pain.

I am waiting for an 'Actual out Loud' comment, PLEASE be the one ! AS I am not disabled, and very capable of shutting the mouth of a 'Tut Tutter'.

I had better stop now before I say more than I should. Ray


I nor my wife "Tut Tutt" and as far as your threat of physical violence is concerned, instead of actually reading what I have said beggars belief, as does your apparent denial of abuse of the system like any other system


Let me be quite clear my wife was told she would have to be unable or virtually unable to walk to get a badge,despite her copious use of Co-dydramol, and every complementary therapy known to man she has tried over the last few years, so anyone receiving the same advice could be forgiven for being confused about the situation, as it relates to them. Anyway nice attitude mate.

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