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Snow on roof


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Hi Pete,


If you don`t need to go anywhere in the van then leave it be.


It`s almost like have a layer of insulation on the roof, after all snow is mainly air.


If you do need to go out then carefully remove it with a soft brush, because just imagine how you

would feel driving behind a van and all of a sudden a large amount of snow comes off the roof

or slides off sideways on say a roundabout and lands right on the bonnet of your vehicle.


I think the Police should prosecute more people that drive with ridiculous amounts of snow on their

vehicle all because they are too LAZY to spend a minute or two clearing it off even if it`s just with their






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Bolly1965 - 2013-01-22 11:06 PM


Apparently police do




It`s just a shame it doesn`t happen around here more !


I live within 2 minutes of ...... " Hutton. Lancashire Police Headquarters ".


This is where all the Training is based and it is also has the Driving School, Stables Mounted Section,

Dog Section, Underwater Search section, Scientific Support ( Forensics ). etc.etc.etc and is also where all the " Top Bods " have their nice big fat Plush Offices.


As you can imagine it is absolutely crawling with Police and yet some of the vehicles you see around

here are beyond a joke and no one knows anyone that has ever been prosecuted.


The other year in our local supermarket i saw a " Elderly Gentleman " whos roof must have had a

good 6 inch plus of snow on it. As he braked the whole lot slid forward and completely covered his windscreen, thankfully no one was near him because it obviously panicked him by the amount of time

it took him to stop. It`s just a shame there wasn`t a Brick Wall in front of him.



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i agree,last mon i sat in hospital carpark,whilt mrs.had physio,i sat bemused at idiots skidding around on snow nearly knocking each other, then one pratt came in ,his REAR lights had at least 4inches snow stuck to them,you simply COULD NOT see his brake lights or indicaters working through it.
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