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Battery Charging in Circles - One for the Experts


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I have a 2005 Swift Kontiki (magic) which is fitted with a Sargent PSU 2007 control unit. When charging the batteries on hook up it is possible to switch the charger to the vehicle battery from the control unit. Last year I fitted a Ctek D250S B2B charger unit to allow my alternator to give a more efficient charge to the leisure batteries when on the move as I understand it is multistage. Today I put the charger on, first to the leisure batteries and then to the vehicle battery. When switching off I noticed that the Ctek was giving a charge to the leisure battery.


I am not sure if the Sargent gives a multi stage charging but if I can switch to charge the vehicle battery this will allow the Ctek to look after the leisure batteries more efficiently however if the Sargent is trying to charge both at the same time any advantage of the Ctek may be negated.


I could put a switch in to isolate the Sargent from the leisure battery when doing this however I am looking for feedback.

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I'd want to see what you've already done installation-wise before trying to advise usefully on the possible effect of further modifications.


I note that you were concerned about potential conflicts in this earlier thread:




(Gut-feeling tells me that, if your B2B charger currently does what you bought it for - charges your leisure-batteries rapidly while driving - and everything else works properly, you'd be wise not to fiddle with the system.)



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Thanks Derek for your info. The previous problem was resolved simply by removing a fuse at the split charge relay.


I have also contacted Sargent on this subject and from their reply I understand that the PSU2007 isolates the batteries from each other. I now assume that this will mean when using the PSU2007 to charge the vehicle battery it will also use the Ctek to charge the leisure batteries which is a win situation.


Will put on charge today and monitor. Fortunately snow is covering the solar panel so it will not influence any charging. (lol)


Thanks again

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