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Islamic terrorism in Mali

John 47

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:22 PM




Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder pal ;-)


The question was when did you last POST about a white man committing a crime. I await with interest the details of any such event and your subsequent conclusion that all white men should be flogged.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:57 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:22 PM




Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder pal ;-)


The question was when did you last POST about a white man committing a crime. I await with interest the details of any such event and your subsequent conclusion that all white men should be flogged.


I've come to the conclusion your either completely bonkers, or dyslexic, what you actually said was.....


And when did you last post about a white man committing a crime hidden under a crash helmet? , my reply was as above, but I'll repeat it for you........


Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder and now even harder pal :D :D :D :D

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I find it fascinating how rumours develop and we have witnessed one developing on this thread. The press reports of this rape case do not make any mention of the perpetrator not being put on the sex offender register, yet somebody asks whether he has and subsequent posters take that to mean he hasn't. Now we have someone saying the judge should be ashamed of himself for taking such a lenient approach.


The reality is that anyone found guilty of rape (and he was) is AUTOMATICALLY put on the sex offenders register. But some people only see what they want to see.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:07 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:57 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:22 PM




Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder pal ;-)


The question was when did you last POST about a white man committing a crime. I await with interest the details of any such event and your subsequent conclusion that all white men should be flogged.


I've come to the conclusion your either completely bonkers, or dyslexic, what you actually said was.....


And when did you last post about a white man committing a crime hidden under a crash helmet? , my reply was as above, but I'll repeat it for you........


Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder and now even harder pal :D :D :D :D


In that case, please provide the link to your post and I will read it with interest.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-01 7:18 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:07 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:57 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:22 PM




Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder pal ;-)


The question was when did you last POST about a white man committing a crime. I await with interest the details of any such event and your subsequent conclusion that all white men should be flogged.


I've come to the conclusion your either completely bonkers, or dyslexic, what you actually said was.....


And when did you last post about a white man committing a crime hidden under a crash helmet? , my reply was as above, but I'll repeat it for you........


Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder and now even harder pal :D :D :D :D


In that case, please provide the link to your post and I will read it with interest.


I would not do anything to "please" you pal ;-) but nice to get the "please" anyway.

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CliveH - 2013-02-01 5:26 PM


I too agree Donna - but I would point out that whilst the inference was that the 18 year old somehow "got away" with it because of his faith school education - the Judge actually said nothing of the sort.


And yes he should be in the sex offenders register.


And yes the school if guilty of teaching such tosh should be taken over by new Governors as a school that is obviously failing its obligation to educate.


And I think we should remember that their IS a Politically Correct element to this in that it was not that long ago that the Social Services in Bradford conspired and covered up abuse of underage girls because the perpetrators where Asian, saying that the girls had made a "lifestyle choice".


Abuse of a minor is abuse of a minor. Full stop. It matters not what ethnic background the perpetrators are - they should be caught and punished - not allowed to get away with it and blame placed on the victims of their crimes.


Our laws should be applied equally to all.


But I still believe in a multicultural society and would like to see Faith Schools banned. I do not think you can have the first without the second.



Agreed but until you ban Catholic schools you cannot do this. And then of course where would Labour polticians send their dear darlings if you did not have the London Oratory?

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:27 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 7:18 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:07 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:57 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:22 PM




Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder pal ;-)


The question was when did you last POST about a white man committing a crime. I await with interest the details of any such event and your subsequent conclusion that all white men should be flogged.


I've come to the conclusion your either completely bonkers, or dyslexic, what you actually said was.....


And when did you last post about a white man committing a crime hidden under a crash helmet? , my reply was as above, but I'll repeat it for you........


Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder and now even harder pal :D :D :D :D


In that case, please provide the link to your post and I will read it with interest.


I would not do anything to "please" you pal ;-) but nice to get the "please" anyway.


So I will just have to assume it doesn't exist, then and the answer to my question is actually "never". Good at tying yourself in knots, aren't you?

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Well after reading these posts I am now convinced this is not for me, for a lot of intelligent people going by your literature talents I have never read such petty arguments and mudslinging in my life Thank got I’m as thick as two short planks. But I have nine A levels in native intelligence and that tells me Donna is the only one with any sense (Yes I hate paedophiles) and nobody seems to have worked out that John 47 is a Muslim under an assumed name. Have a nice day.

Remember Geronimo could not read or write but he was a very intelligent man nine thousand troops after 39 warriors and they had to cheat him into surrendering because they could not catch him and my point is learning is not the be all and end all as has been proven on here.


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John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:05 PM


peter - 2013-02-01 5:54 PM


Whether the 13 Yr old initiaated the sex act or not is irrelevant. She is 3 Yrs below the age of consent so was not in the laws eyes able to give her onsent at all. So in the eyes of the law the perpetrator is guilty of statutary rape and should be sentenced accordingly. Personally I'd like to cut his b0llocks off with a rusty razor blade.


Yes it was rape. The judge said it was rape. The defendant was found guilty and given a sentence that the judge though would be the best suitable. The judge was there and heard everything; it never ceases to amaze me that people who only have a newspaper report to go on think they know more than a judge or jury!

And your point is?
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cerro - 2013-02-01 9:42 PM


Well after reading these posts I am now convinced this is not for me, for a lot of intelligent people going by your literature talents I have never read such petty arguments and mudslinging in my life Thank got I’m as thick as two short planks. But I have nine A levels in native intelligence and that tells me Donna is the only one with any sense (Yes I hate paedophiles) and nobody seems to have worked out that John 47 is a Muslim under an assumed name. Have a nice day.

Funny you mention that John 47 must be a muslim . I was thinking exactly the same thing.

If that is the case he or she should be ashamed of themselves for not showing any disgust that this rapist got off with a smack on the hand. >:-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-01 8:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:27 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 7:18 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:07 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:57 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:22 PM




Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder pal ;-)


The question was when did you last POST about a white man committing a crime. I await with interest the details of any such event and your subsequent conclusion that all white men should be flogged.


I've come to the conclusion your either completely bonkers, or dyslexic, what you actually said was.....


And when did you last post about a white man committing a crime hidden under a crash helmet? , my reply was as above, but I'll repeat it for you........


Just yesterday and reported it to the Police.......but actually I could not be sure he was White though, I could only see his eyes through a slit, you really must try harder and now even harder pal :D :D :D :D


In that case, please provide the link to your post and I will read it with interest.


I would not do anything to "please" you pal ;-) but nice to get the "please" anyway.


So I will just have to assume it doesn't exist, then and the answer to my question is actually "never". Good at tying yourself in knots, aren't you?


You presume my post was on this forum, I never said that, I must confess as others may wonder also, is what your real motive for joining these forums were, you obviously don't like the company on here. Just as some dislike seeing our heritage and culture disappearing before our eyes, and being altered day by day, I simply don't want to see anyone White Black or Green walking round with a binbag on thier head,I'd have moved to Saudi Arabia or somewhere like that if I did, Muslims want to keep their customs and beliefs ,but it seems ours is disposable, you don't get that, and your type will never get that, so with respect PISS OFF

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peter - 2013-02-01 9:47 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 6:05 PM


peter - 2013-02-01 5:54 PM


Whether the 13 Yr old initiaated the sex act or not is irrelevant. She is 3 Yrs below the age of consent so was not in the laws eyes able to give her onsent at all. So in the eyes of the law the perpetrator is guilty of statutary rape and should be sentenced accordingly. Personally I'd like to cut his b0llocks off with a rusty razor blade.


Yes it was rape. The judge said it was rape. The defendant was found guilty and given a sentence that the judge though would be the best suitable. The judge was there and heard everything; it never ceases to amaze me that people who only have a newspaper report to go on think they know more than a judge or jury!

And your point is?


Fairly obvious, I would have thought!

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A psychiatrist would have a field day on this site!


1. If someone says that innocent people should not be tarred with the same brush as the guilty ones then they get branded as everything from a troll to a terrorist!


2. There are people on here who violently criticise sharia law yet they want to chop other people's balls off or behead them!


3. Some of the people on here who pay lip service to defending the English way of life are actually behaving in exactly the same way as those people they claim are destroying it!


I'm not going anywhere - its too much fun on here




Btw, I'm not a Muslim; I am an atheist - but I'd rather sit next to a Muslim on a bus than certain people on this site.


Over to the lynch mob..............................................

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-01 10:58 PM



Btw, I'm not a Muslim; I am an atheist - but I'd rather sit next to a Muslim on a bus than certain people on this site.






If it had been the one in Tavistock Square you'd be in a box by now. ;-) and probably ended up as someone else said with your gonads in your mouth, well what would have been left of them :D God knows you need something in your gob to shut you up.

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Dave225 - 2013-02-01 8:23 PM


CliveH - 2013-02-01 5:26 PM


I too agree Donna - but I would point out that whilst the inference was that the 18 year old somehow "got away" with it because of his faith school education - the Judge actually said nothing of the sort.


And yes he should be in the sex offenders register.


And yes the school if guilty of teaching such tosh should be taken over by new Governors as a school that is obviously failing its obligation to educate.


And I think we should remember that their IS a Politically Correct element to this in that it was not that long ago that the Social Services in Bradford conspired and covered up abuse of underage girls because the perpetrators where Asian, saying that the girls had made a "lifestyle choice".


Abuse of a minor is abuse of a minor. Full stop. It matters not what ethnic background the perpetrators are - they should be caught and punished - not allowed to get away with it and blame placed on the victims of their crimes.


Our laws should be applied equally to all.


But I still believe in a multicultural society and would like to see Faith Schools banned. I do not think you can have the first without the second.



Agreed but until you ban Catholic schools you cannot do this. And then of course where would Labour polticians send their dear darlings if you did not have the London Oratory?



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"Well you must be a ..........????????"


The classic "Ad Hominem" by those who have lost the debate.


When the reality is too difficult to deal with, simply label anyone with a different view to yourself that which you despise. And so doing - by your own actions, become one with those that you profess to despise.


Suggesting that because he does not agree with you, John therefore MUST be a Muslim really does underline the problem here.


Bigotry and hatred from wherever - never solved anything.


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 6:07 AM


John 47 - 2013-02-01 10:58 PM



Btw, I'm not a Muslim; I am an atheist - but I'd rather sit next to a Muslim on a bus than certain people on this site.






If it had been the one in Tavistock Square you'd be in a box by now. ;-) and probably ended up as someone else said with your gonads in your mouth, well what would have been left of them :D God knows you need something in your gob to shut you up.


Interesting that you chose to respond to that bit of my post and pretend that the impossible-to-answer bit didn't exist. By so doing you prove my point!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-02 7:12 AM



Bigotry and hatred from wherever - never solved anything.


Your right of course,but given many atrocities are carried out in the modern world by followers of a certain religion, what's the answer.


John 47 said he's sooner sit by a muslim on a bus than some on here, well let's put that to the test.


He's in London, a youngish bearded male of a certain ethnicity joins you as a passenger on that bus, he appears to avoid eye contact or conversation, not long after he leaves the bus when John 47 notices a rucksack he has left behind under the seat.


How will he react..............think nothing of it and continue his journey of some time,then hand the "forgotten" item to the driver. Or get off immediately, of course we'll never hear his true thoughts about a hypothetical situation such as that, but open it up wider, how would others react, or feel ?


I recently watched a movie where the main character was a muslim, one of his comments was he was fed up of getting on the tube, then suddenly finding he had the entire carriage to himself, if nothing else that kind of illustrates a wider sense of unease, even though in a fictional story.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 8:41 AM


CliveH - 2013-02-02 7:12 AM



Bigotry and hatred from wherever - never solved anything.


Your right of course,but given many atrocities are carried out in the modern world by followers of a certain religion, what's the answer.


John 47 said he's sooner sit by a muslim on a bus than some on here, well let's put that to the test.


He's in London, a youngish bearded male of a certain ethnicity joins you as a passenger on that bus, he appears to avoid eye contact or conversation, not long after he leaves the bus when John 47 notices a rucksack he has left behind under the seat.


How will he react..............think nothing of it and continue his journey of some time,then hand the "forgotten" item to the driver. Or get off immediately, of course we'll never hear his true thoughts about a hypothetical situation such as that, but open it up wider, how would others react, or feel ?


I'd react the same way as if that youth had been white, black, Christian, Hindu or anything else - I'd immediately point out to the driver that there was an unattended package left on the bus. In fact, on a couple of ocassions I have had to do something similar - and neither person was obviously Muslim (and in neither case did the package turn out to be dangerous - just forgetful people).


I find it interesting that one option you suggest is to get off the bus - presumably leaving everybody else in potential danger. Very public spirited!


But your hypothetical situation is based on a real one, in which the passengers on a bus were forced to sit on the tarmac of a motorway for several hours because someone spotted a Muslim acting furtively, refusing to look people in the eye and fiddling with something inside a bag. It turned out he was having a secret cigarette. I don't blame the person who alerted the driver but I'd have thought he would have smelled and seen the cigarette smoke and known what was going on!

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knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


And who are members of the Mafia? Italians - presumably you don't trust any of them either?


If you go through life blaming all for the crimes of a few you will end up leading a very sad and frightened life.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-02 9:38 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


And who are members of the Mafia? Italians - presumably you don't trust any of them either?


If you go through life blaming all for the crimes of a few you will end up leading a very sad and frightened life.


The Mafia, the Krays, white men in crash helmets, yes all potential suicide bombers... :D


An every day occurrence :D

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John 47 - 2013-02-02 9:38 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


And who are members of the Mafia? Italians - presumably you don't trust any of them either?


If you go through life blaming all for the crimes of a few you will end up leading a very sad and frightened life.

Muslim John47, the Mafia and any other white criminality is not on the same scale as Muslim terrorism which is world wide, if their religion and way of life is so superior to ours in the West why do they flock in their thousands to live amongst people the profess to hate? Their whole lifestyle is barbaric from the way they treat their own people and the methods they use to slaughter animals for food, you are a Muslim sympathiser and during the last war you would have been classed as a traitor, you're a disgrace to every decent Englishman.

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