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Islamic terrorism in Mali

John 47

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knight of the road - 2013-02-02 11:37 AM


John 47 - 2013-02-02 9:38 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


And who are members of the Mafia? Italians - presumably you don't trust any of them either?


If you go through life blaming all for the crimes of a few you will end up leading a very sad and frightened life.

Muslim John47, the Mafia and any other white criminality is not on the same scale as Muslim terrorism which is world wide, if their religion and way of life is so superior to ours in the West why do they flock in their thousands to live amongst people the profess to hate? Their whole lifestyle is barbaric from the way they treat their own people and the methods they use to slaughter animals for food, you are a Muslim sympathiser and during the last war you would have been classed as a traitor, you're a disgrace to every decent Englishman.



Thank you for your considered response! (lol)


Btw, many Muslims fought on OUR side in the last war and the Mafia is world-wide (or hadn't you noticed?).


Finally, get it right - I am not a Muslim sympathiser - or a Christian sympathiser or an anybody-else sympathiser. I simply defend innocent people when I see them being blamed for something they had nothing to do with. You should try it sometime - it might make you feel less bitter and twisted.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Looks like another "bitter and twisted" one to add to your list, it would be interesting to see the figures, Muslims bitter and twisted = ? others = ?
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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 1:54 PM


Looks like another "bitter and twisted" one to add to your list, it would be interesting to see the figures, Muslims bitter and twisted = ? others = ?


The ghost of FG lives on 8-) ......


You should know by now Mike ;-) .........anyone who disagrees with the lawyering trade is by default bitter & twisted :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2013-02-02 2:05 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 1:54 PM


Looks like another "bitter and twisted" one to add to your list, it would be interesting to see the figures, Muslims bitter and twisted = ? others = ?


The ghost of FG lives on 8-) ......


You should know by now Mike ;-) .........anyone who disagrees with the lawyering trade is by default bitter & twisted :D


Perhaps he is FG, but I did have a laugh at this............


The Ministry of Justice has suspended a prison meat supplier after it was discovered that Halal pies and pasties may have contained traces of pork DNA.

The meat had been sourced from a properly Halal certificated caterer, however an investigation showed that the products could have contained traces of non-Halal meat, including pork.


The consumption of pork is forbidden under Islamic law ( I mean what the f**k is that all about ) no doubt they'll all be struck down by Allah.


No doubt some fairly hefty compensation claims from Muslim prisoners coming fairly soon, but non for us beef burger eaters !.


What a pity we cannot express our outrage of Halhal meat that us "infidels" are eating every day of the week,as it is not required to be labelled as such in the United Kingdom, so yet another bit of creeping Islam in to the lives of all of us, whether we like it or not.


But no-one is much bothered about the dietary sensitivities of the vast majority of our population >:-(

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knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


Dont't forget the Irish - they are all members of the IRA!


And the Basques! they are all members of ETA - every single one of them!..


And the Tamils in Sri Lanka - every single ONE of them is a Terrorist!







Why are they all labeled as Terrorists by some?


Because some on here do not know the difference??


And REALLY do not want to acknowledge that fact.


A very sad state of affairs for them.



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"The consumption of pork is forbidden under Islamic law ( I mean what the f**k is that all about ) no doubt they'll all be struck down by Allah."


Some religions do have odd (to us) rules - Some strange Christian sects (sarc!) state that you should only eat fish on a Friday.


I mean what the f**k is that all about? Come to that what the f**ck is all this about - after all its in the Bible!!


Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19) (Weird or what)


Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)


Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19) (Even more weird!)


Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27) (We're all gonna burn in HELL!!!!)


Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9) (Have you ever done that?)


If a man cheats on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die. (Leviticus 20:10). (I wonder how many would like that one to be enforced?)


If a man sleeps with his father's wife... both him and his father's wife is to be put to death. (Leviticus 20:11) (!!! - why would you want to?)


If a man sleeps with his wife and her mother they are all to be burnt to death. (Leviticus 20:14) (No Comment!)


If a man or woman has sex with an animal, both human and animal must be killed. (Leviticus 20:15-16). (I guess you should kill the animal since they were willing participants. Are they crazy?)


If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be "cut off from their people" (Leviticus 20:18)


Psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:27) (Well that's Harry Potter stuffed then)


If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake. (Leviticus 21:9) (Who decides what she is?)


People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)


Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)


Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19) (Quite right too! - how dare a cow and another type of cow share the same field - what the HELL were they thinking!)


Some Christian fundamentalists often site Leviticus as justification for banning gays and gay bashing, but they never mention these other rules. How strange. It is common that a Christian will blow off these old rules with "Jesus came to change the laws, so these are outmoded, and we don't need them", but throughout Leviticus God states that these laws are to be followed forever. Hmmm.


Those that cite individual "odd" rules as an example of why any one religion is "bad" should understand that ALL religions have their fair share of nutters.


Good example everywhere - you REALLY do not have to look far for examples (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)




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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 12:44 PM


I'm a little unclear, Kasim Hafeez naive because he was fed prejudice from birth, ( as I suspect many others are ) or his different view as a 28 year old ?


If nothing else it gave me cause for hope.

Hope yes, but confidence? Gal appears, from her Linkedin profile, to be a member of a Zionist women's movement so, IMO, that casts some doubt on her objectivity in this area. I therefore suspect she was rather pleased to find a Muslim with such a pro-Israel tale to tell, and may have applied the maximum of "knacker lacker" to his story. Hafeez seems to have something of a biblical conversion on the streets of Jerusalem. Half an hour was all he needed to go, apparently, from one extreme to the other. From Israel hater to Israel admirer. It all seems a just bit revelationary to me, so I wonder just how true it all is. If he really changed his mind from visceral hatred to (apparently) uncritical admiration in so short a time, I think he must be a very naive 28 year old indeed. Cynics, see? Awful people! :-)

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John 47 - 2013-02-02 11:52 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 11:37 AM


John 47 - 2013-02-02 9:38 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


And who are members of the Mafia? Italians - presumably you don't trust any of them either?


If you go through life blaming all for the crimes of a few you will end up leading a very sad and frightened life.

Muslim John47, the Mafia and any other white criminality is not on the same scale as Muslim terrorism which is world wide, if their religion and way of life is so superior to ours in the West why do they flock in their thousands to live amongst people the profess to hate? Their whole lifestyle is barbaric from the way they treat their own people and the methods they use to slaughter animals for food, you are a Muslim sympathiser and during the last war you would have been classed as a traitor, you're a disgrace to every decent Englishman.



Thank you for your considered response! (lol)


Btw, many Muslims fought on OUR side in the last war and the Mafia is world-wide (or hadn't you noticed?).


Finally, get it right - I am not a Muslim sympathiser - or a Christian sympathiser or an anybody-else sympathiser. I simply defend innocent people when I see them being blamed for something they had nothing to do with. You should try it sometime - it might make you feel less bitter and twisted.

Muslims may have fought on our side but that was 70 years ago a totally different world, I am talking about today, I am neither bitter or twisted and would say I have a keen perspective on justice, Catholics and Jews have their problems in their local but the Muslim problem is on a world wide scale, of all the immigrants to this country over many years none have demanded that their laws be enshrined with ours such as Sharia, we the British gave the world fair justice, it may be that not all Muslims are active terrorists but you can bet your bottom dollar that all Muslims are active supporters in the back ground and no doubt fund terrorist activities.

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Brian Kirby - 2013-02-02 5:01 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 12:44 PM


I'm a little unclear, Kasim Hafeez naive because he was fed prejudice from birth, ( as I suspect many others are ) or his different view as a 28 year old ?


If nothing else it gave me cause for hope.

Hope yes, but confidence? Gal appears, from her Linkedin profile, to be a member of a Zionist women's movement so, IMO, that casts some doubt on her objectivity in this area. I therefore suspect she was rather pleased to find a Muslim with such a pro-Israel tale to tell, and may have applied the maximum of "knacker lacker" to his story. Hafeez seems to have something of a biblical conversion on the streets of Jerusalem. Half an hour was all he needed to go, apparently, from one extreme to the other. From Israel hater to Israel admirer. It all seems a just bit revelationary to me, so I wonder just how true it all is. If he really changed his mind from visceral hatred to (apparently) uncritical admiration in so short a time, I think he must be a very naive 28 year old indeed. Cynics, see? Awful people! :-)


You wicked old cynic Brian.


Close to blasphemy I would say.


You will be called an "unbeliever" next!!


(lol) (lol) (lol)

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knight of the road - 2013-02-02 5:04 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-02 11:52 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 11:37 AM


John 47 - 2013-02-02 9:38 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-02 9:28 AM


So at the end of the day who is it that is engaging in terrorism? Muslims, are they to be trusted? I think not.


And who are members of the Mafia? Italians - presumably you don't trust any of them either?


If you go through life blaming all for the crimes of a few you will end up leading a very sad and frightened life.

Muslim John47, the Mafia and any other white criminality is not on the same scale as Muslim terrorism which is world wide, if their religion and way of life is so superior to ours in the West why do they flock in their thousands to live amongst people the profess to hate? Their whole lifestyle is barbaric from the way they treat their own people and the methods they use to slaughter animals for food, you are a Muslim sympathiser and during the last war you would have been classed as a traitor, you're a disgrace to every decent Englishman.



Thank you for your considered response! (lol)


Btw, many Muslims fought on OUR side in the last war and the Mafia is world-wide (or hadn't you noticed?).


Finally, get it right - I am not a Muslim sympathiser - or a Christian sympathiser or an anybody-else sympathiser. I simply defend innocent people when I see them being blamed for something they had nothing to do with. You should try it sometime - it might make you feel less bitter and twisted.

Muslims may have fought on our side but that was 70 years ago a totally different world, I am talking about today, I am neither bitter or twisted and would say I have a keen perspective on justice, Catholics and Jews have their problems in their local but the Muslim problem is on a world wide scale, of all the immigrants to this country over many years none have demanded that their laws be enshrined with ours such as Sharia, we the British gave the world fair justice, it may be that not all Muslims are active terrorists but you can bet your bottom dollar that all Muslims are active supporters in the back ground and no doubt fund terrorist activities.


Have you ever considered the point that 90% of the population of Mali is Muslim. So by your view - they all secretly supported the extremists did they?


The extremists were attacking and amputating the limbs of other Muslims.


The countries leaders asked the West for help in removing these extremists.


So a Muslim Country asked for help from non-muslim countries to get rid of Muslim extremists but by your definition 1foot they are all in it together.


How does that work in your version of reality then 1foot?



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cerro - 2013-02-01 9:42 PM.....................Remember Geronimo could not read or write but he was a very intelligent man nine thousand troops after 39 warriors and they had to cheat him into surrendering because they could not catch him and my point is learning is not the be all and end all as has been proven on here.

But, cerro, reading and writing do not define intelligence. Even in our culture there are those who are highly intelligent, but cannot learn to read or write. In Apache culture, Geronimo was doubtless very good at reading and writing, just not using English and the Latin alphabet. It is also true that the skills of a great general are not necessarily synonymous with academic ability. Other skills are far more important. There is more than one kind of intelligence, the trick is to find the field in which one's own form will bring the greatest satisfaction. It is unfortunate that the male of the species is over-competitive, and given to becoming an anorak. Two anoraks with opposing views, both of whom have over active competition glands, will keep on going at each other for hours. Yet, both may be highly intelligent. Strange, isn't it! :-D

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knight of the road - 2013-02-02 5:04 PM


Muslims may have fought on our side but that was 70 years ago a totally different world, I am talking about today, I am neither bitter or twisted and would say I have a keen perspective on justice, Catholics and Jews have their problems in their local but the Muslim problem is on a world wide scale, of all the immigrants to this country over many years none have demanded that their laws be enshrined with ours such as Sharia, we the British gave the world fair justice, it may be that not all Muslims are active terrorists but you can bet your bottom dollar that all Muslims are active supporters in the back ground and no doubt fund terrorist activities.


It was you that raised the subject of the war! But since you raise it again, I would be interested to know how, since many fought on our side and I don't think many fought on the German side (!), I would have been declared a traitor for saying that innocent Muslims should not be persecuted! You don't think things through very clearly, do you? You certainly do not have "a keen perspective" on this matter. You read in the press about Muslim crimes; you therefore assumer all Muslims are responsible. Tell me, when you read about crimes committed by Yorkshiremen do you automatically assume Yorkshire is trying to take over the world? You are as paranoid as onefoot.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

With respect Clive H, a good try, and John 47 will be proud of you.


But just a slight flaw, even the most devout Christians dumped all the mumbo jumbo centuries ago, don't pretend they did not for a minute, and that is precisly the difference with the Muslim religion. Despite how you and John 47 want to try to divert the argument, there simply is no religion practised in the modern world, and on a world wide basis that still slavishly follows something that should have in part at least been dumped also.


To try to give examples of localised terrorism as some kind of comparison to Muslim terrorism is quite frankly ludicrous, people are not stupid you know, they can make the distinction between an ideology that see's followers of another religion other than Islam as second class, and despite every accommodation given to them, still want more, and more,


And daily commit the most awful acts that they see in part or in whole as not only reasonable, but demanded of them by their religion,WHY IS IT YOU TWO GUYS DON'T GET THAT ! (!)


The end game is a Muslim flag flying over downing street, the problem is the moderates which you say are the great majority never hold sway over the extremists, Hitler being a great example. And there are more than enough very extreme followers of this faith, as I once said those five that sliced that poor mans head off, imagine them in some position of power, and where are they right now, just possibly one of John 47's Muslim friends , how the hell would he know, I absolutely guarantee the neighbours of the "home grown" B'ham suicide bombers would not have known they were planning to kill God knows how many, nor the doctors in their attempt to blow up Glasgow airport..


Me paranoid, what a fecking joke

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 5:37 PM


But just a slight flaw, even the most devout Christians dumped all the mumbo jumbo centuries ago, don't pretend they did not for a minute, and that is precisly the difference with the Muslim religion.


Try telling that to the Lord's Resistance Army or the Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland or the Serbs (Orthodox) and Croats (Cathloic) and so on and so on - ever been to the Bible belt of the USA? You simply do not know what you are talking about.


And, just as those examples above cannot be laid at the door of the average Christian, the atrocities of Al Qaeda and similar organisations cannot be laid at the door of the average Muslim. You should start questioning what you read in the right wing press a little more or your paranoia will be the end of you!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-02 5:49 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 5:37 PM


But just a slight flaw, even the most devout Christians dumped all the mumbo jumbo centuries ago, don't pretend they did not for a minute, and that is precisly the difference with the Muslim religion.


Try telling that to the Lord's Resistance Army or the Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland or the Serbs (Orthodox) and Croats (Cathloic) and so on and so on - ever been to the Bible belt of the USA? You simply do not know what you are talking about.


And, just as those examples above cannot be laid at the door of the average Christian, the atrocities of Al Qaeda and similar organisations cannot be laid at the door of the average Muslim. You should start questioning what you read in the right wing press a little more or your paranoia will be the end of you!



Yes of course Christians are running amok everywhere causing mayhem and carnage wherever they go, and there you go again trying to bring a localised conflict between loyalist idiots and republican nut cases as being anywhere near comparable to what the west faces now, the only reason we are in Mali is because the Mali people are incapable to sort out their own problems, and because of international energy interests, do you really think we would be there for any other reason, no of course not, you really must try harder. ;-)


My paranoia is nothing compared to those poor sods in London , wouldn't it be ironic for you if tomorrow I was caught up in something like that, or you for that matter. ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 6:19 PM


Yes of course Christians are running amok everywhere causing mayhem and carnage wherever they go, and there you go again trying to bring a localised conflict between loyalist idiots and republican nut cases as being anywhere near comparable to what the west faces now, the only reason we are in Mali is because the Mali people are incapable to sort out their own problems, and because of international energy interests, do you really think we would be there for any other reason, no of course not, you really must try harder. ;-)


My paranoia is nothing compared to those poor sods in London , wouldn't it be ironic for you if tomorrow I was caught up in something like that, or you for that matter. ;-)


No they are not - and neither are Muslims except in your deluded mind. And before you post about another Muslim crime, remember that for every Muslim crime you post there is at least one crime committed by somebody claiming to be a Christian, so posting more proves absolutely nothing.


By the way, Mali is one of the poorest countires in the world with virtually no energy resources, so not only do you know nothing about Muslims, you know very little about geography. But logic isn't your strongpoint either is it?


You, my friend, are the textbook definition of paranoia!



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Guest 1footinthegrave

And you, my friend, are the textbook definition of a ****head.


And I don't give a s**t about another Muslim s**t hole like Mali, as long as no British lives are lost again.


Can't stop however, me and my Christian mates are of to a Witch burning. ;-)


P.S, watch how you go on the number 30 bus

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Muslim John

So what is your opinion of Islam trying to take over the West as in trying to instill their Sharia laws on us here in Britain, do you honestly think that the populace of this country welcome the Muslims with open arms, we dont have any say in the matter do we? You may be a Muslim lover but you are in the minority.

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knight of the road - 2013-02-02 7:47 PM


Muslim John

So what is your opinion of Islam trying to take over the West as in trying to instill their Sharia laws on us here in Britain, do you honestly think that the populace of this country welcome the Muslims with open arms, we dont have any say in the matter do we? You may be a Muslim lover but you are in the minority.


I have no time for the extremes of sharia law - but then neither do most Muslims. The reason we are in Mali, for example, is because the majority Muslim population wanted to throw off the rule of these extremists but were powerless to do so (he who holds the gun rules the world). They invited us in to help them. They could prove to be an effective ally in the so-called war on terror in the future.


Yes there are extremist nutters out there and we must not give into them - but anyone who brands all of a community because of the activities of the minority is doomed not to find a solution - and to frightening himself into the bargain!


If not all Christians are the same, why do you assume all Muslims are the same? It doesn't make sense.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 7:29 PM


And you, my friend, are the textbook definition of a ****head.


And I don't give a s**t about another Muslim s**t hole like Mali, as long as no British lives are lost again.


Can't stop however, me and my Christian mates are of to a Witch burning. ;-)


P.S, watch how you go on the number 30 bus


It must be a nightmare living inside your head. I'll stick to enjoying the real world, thanks. :-D

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Guest 1footinthegrave

No I'll tell you what a nightmare is, my sister-in-law effectively forced away from the area she was born and lived for 76 years until she could stand it no longer, from Bordesley Green, Birmingham, that was slowly turned into a Muslim, and ethnic ghetto, and feeling like, and made to feel like a outsider in her own country, most of the feckers could not speak English, but I'm sure I've told you all this before


Try a house move to Pretoria Road, Bordesley Green, or in fact any road there and see just how you get on, your a self righteous idiot, one of the liberal idiots quite prepared to sell all our history, life style, and everything we hold to be British in this country down the river..


But I can be certain you live in the more affluent suburbs, and are not at all touched by the changes especially in the inner cities, the most liberal people are always the very ones untouched by the issues, but endlessly pontificate about our diverse society, just as long as they don't have to live in it. Try living in her "real world", no didn't think so. ;-)


No just much better to call people paranoid who don't share your view of the s**thole this country is being turned in to in many places with no go area's, and Muslim patrols warning people off,, but no doubt not in your little neck of the woods, that's always the way.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-02 10:50 PM


No I'll tell you what a nightmare is, my sister-in-law effectively forced away from the area she was born and lived for 76 years until she could stand it no longer, from Bordesley Green, Birmingham, that was slowly turned into a Muslim, and ethnic ghetto, and feeling like, and made to feel like a outsider in her own country, most of the feckers could not speak English, but I'm sure I've told you all this before


Try a house move to Pretoria Road, Bordesley Green, or in fact any road there and see just how you get on, your a self righteous idiot, one of the liberal idiots quite prepared to sell all our history, life style, and everything we hold to be British in this country down the river..


But I can be certain you live in the more affluent suburbs, and are not at all touched by the changes especially in the inner cities, the most liberal people are always the very ones untouched by the issues, but endlessly pontificate about our diverse society, just as long as they don't have to live in it. Try living in her "real world", no didn't think so. ;-)


No just much better to call people paranoid who don't share your view of the s**thole this country is being turned in to in many places with no go area's, and Muslim patrols warning people off,, but no doubt not in your little neck of the woods, that's always the way.


As I said before, I have lived many years among Muslims, both in the UK and in the Middle East, so your assumption doesn't hold water, I'm afraid.


And of course there are some pretty unsavoury areas in the UK - some of them populated by Muslims and some not. I feel sorry for anybody who has had trouble with their neighbours - Muslim or otherwise - but the fact remains that whatever your experiences with small groups of any people, you CANNOT be allowed to get away with vilifying millions of innocent people on the back of those experiences.


And I didn't call you paranoid because you don't agree with me, I called you paranoid because you live your life thinking that the next Muslim you meet is going to slit your throat. That kind of attitude gets you nowhere.

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The whole crux of the matter is that there are 1000's of Muslims over here and they have no untention of integrating with their host nation, they were not welcomed with open arms by the populace, they were allowed in wholesale by the govenment we had no say in the matter, they are not needed and are not wanted, you have your opinion which I respect but I also have mine and so do others, as far as I am concerned this thread has ran its course and I am out.
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There is another emerging problem in this Muslim society, ( and maybe others that are not so worrying ) and that is of inbreeding problems. They have so many arranged marriages that results in cousins or other close relatives marrying. That can results in sub normal children. A friend of mine is a district nurse in the Birmingham area . She has noticed the increase in damaged children over the last few years in the growing Muslim society. It must be of concern that some of these children are being brain washed by their fanatical anti west religious leaders. Makes you wonder what they will get up to in the future.


Brian B.

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