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Islamic terrorism in Mali

John 47

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thebishbus - 2013-02-03 1:40 AM


There is another emerging problem in this Muslim society, ( and maybe others that are not so worrying ) and that is of inbreeding problems. They have so many arranged marriages that results in cousins or other close relatives marrying. That can results in sub normal children. A friend of mine is a district nurse in the Birmingham area . She has noticed the increase in damaged children over the last few years in the growing Muslim society. It must be of concern that some of these children are being brain washed by their fanatical anti west religious leaders. Makes you wonder what they will get up to in the future.


Brian B.

Like you I have noticed the large numbers of Asian/Muslim kids who are brain damaged or whatever they are suffering from being pushed around in wheelchairs by their white carers in Bury town centre, no doubt when their parents discover that they subnormal they offload them as being no use to them to the welfare services, had they still been in Pakistan no doubt they would have used them for begging?

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No I really DON'T GET IT 1foot.


You are desperate to make out that all Muslims are the same!


And yet even when it is pointed out to you that the population that came under the incredible abuse of the extremists such that they asked for Western help were themselves 90% Muslim you still insist that all Muslims think as the extremists do.


Despite clear evidence to the contrary


On a more specific note i have previously cited the case of the 14 year old girl shot in the head by the Taliban for wanting an education.


The overall Muslim population DID NOT nod their heads in agreement with what happened to this girl. They were appalled. The asked if we in the UK could help. We did.


The extremists are becoming increasingly desperate. That means that they will likely try to do even more bizarre and wild acts. We need to be prepared for this.


I am no Muslim apologist. I support and applaud the action against the extremists in Mali for example.


And before anyone labels me "Muslim" - I am a Christian. Tho I despair at being labelled the same as the Christian Fundamentalists in the USA or such as the IRA or the Protestant terrorists that do not represent my views at all.


I am certain there are people similar to me in the Muslim world have the same moderate views and that would say the same about the fundamentalist extremists that profess to do what they do with in the name of their God.




As for watching out for the next event on the number 30 bus - well I often ponder fate.


I have walked extensively along the beach and on top of the cliffs that collapsed and killed a young woman teacher last year - an act of God?


I also had a choice one week many year ago to go to Newbury one day for a meeting and Hungerford another. I was in Newbury the day of the shootings - I could have so easily have been in Hungerford.


My brother was with a friend in the Pub in Guildford 2 weeks before the IRA Pub bombings.


I often ponder the "there but for the grace of God go I" nature of life.


All very profound I am sure ! :-D - but my main point is that I believe you yourself - really do need to "get" that not all Muslims are rabid Taliban type operatives.


I too despair at this countries inability to deal with these mad mullahs when they are identified. After all - comedians these days by law, cannot even make a religious joke! And yet some of these extremists openly display hatred against other religions with impunity it seems.


So I can see where your frustration comes from - I feel it myself.


But I still say you are wrong to label ALL Muslims as extremist.


Can you not at least consider that you could be wrong on this point.


Surely the fact that the Muslim population of Mali has just ecstatically welcomed the President of France and thanked France profusely for saving them from the extremists indicates that what you believe may not be entirely true?



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knight of the road - 2013-02-03 12:59 AM


The whole crux of the matter is that there are 1000's of Muslims over here and they have no untention of integrating with their host nation, they were not welcomed with open arms by the populace, they were allowed in wholesale by the govenment we had no say in the matter, they are not needed and are not wanted, you have your opinion which I respect but I also have mine and so do others, as far as I am concerned this thread has ran its course and I am out.


So, you want to tell the Olympic Committee that they should revise our medal tally at the London Games in order to remove those unwanted Muslim gold medals? You want to tell the ICC that they should bar the England Cricket team from international competition for having Muslims in the squad (and indeed having the audacity to make one of them captain in the recent past)? So you want to write to the Health Minister telling him its a disgrace that Muslim surgeons (including one recognised as the best in the world) were allowed to perform heart transplants on white English people? So you want to write to the Football League telling them that the citizens of Manchester are no better than animals for buying tickets from club owners who are obviously going to spend that money on terrorism? So you want to write to the BBC telling them they should be ashamed of themselves for playing music by the likes of the wonderful Yssou N'Dour? So you want to tell all those employed by thousands of Muslim businessmen in the UK that it is more patriotic for them to walk out and claim the dole?


Nonsense isn't it?

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Replying to JohnH, not ****head above who should learn to condemn a little more, and understand a little less, now where's my Halhal bacon butty.


With respect I have never said all Muslims are extremists,what I have said consistently is in my view they follow a religion that is evil, backward, divisive ( in the UK ) and extreme, particularly as if affects their view and treatment of woman, and the simple truth is without you or I knowing, the next group of young men are probably right at this moment planning another Tavistock Square, let's hope non of our loved ones, or John 47's are on it.


Anyway the genies out of the bottle now, it's just a matter of time....................................................................

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I assume you mean CliveH ??? - you wrote JohnH


OK 1foot - saying that not all Muslims are extremists is not exactly how I interpreted the majority of your posts.


I would say that ALL religions have extremists within them - individuals so twisted that they can find justification for their actions in words.


Christians in Bosnia massacred thousands of Muslims.


Serbian Christians carried out ethnic cleansing appalling crimes


Nutters are Nutters - whatever their religion.



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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 10:19 AM


Replying to JohnH, not ****head above who should learn to condemn a little more, and understand a little less, now where's my Halhal bacon butty.


With respect I have never said all Muslims are extremists,what I have said consistently is in my view they follow a religion that is evil, backward, divisive ( in the UK ) and extreme, particularly as if affects their view and treatment of woman, and the simple truth is without you or I knowing, the next group of young men are probably right at this moment planning another Tavistock Square, let's hope non of our loved ones, or John 47's are on it.


Anyway the genies out of the bottle now, it's just a matter of time....................................................................


Oh I'm very good at condemning! I just have this quaint notion that you should condemn the guilty, not the innocent!


And you have condemned the innocent, despite your back-tracking above because you have said quite openly that anyone who follows the religion is just as responsible as the terrorists themselves, despite the fact that the terrorist interpretation of the religion is very different from the majority interpretation.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-03 10:30 AM


I assume you mean CliveH ??? - you wrote JohnH


OK 1foot - saying that not all Muslims are extremists is not exactly how I interpreted the majority of your posts.


I would say that ALL religions have extremists within them - individuals so twisted that they can find justification for their actions in words.


Christians in Bosnia massacred thousands of Muslims.


Serbian Christians carried out ethnic cleansing appalling crimes


Nutters are Nutters - whatever their religion.



Well from where I'm standing they have more than their fair share................................and when it comes to biting the hand that feeds it as in the UK, it's about time to dump the politically correct bulls**t, and start addressing the problems in our communities, like my sister-in-law effectively driven out of her lifelong home because the area was overwhelmed with mainly Pakistani's, and the grooming of White under age girls, another widespread problem largely ignored or swept under the carpet, until now, and yet they refuse to admit the cultural issues that lead to this abuse, citing Jimmy Saville and others, yes sure they expressly targeted certain ethnic groups, what bulls**t.


And here's the thing, why does this happen, it's quite simple White people in the main start to feel uncomfortable and move out, that starts a domino effect, and the ghetto's are created, not good, trust me, we too felt more unwelcome in the area every time we visited, and no my views were quite different to now, but they were the ones that helped to form my current view

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But the "white people" do exactly the same thing when we go to live and work in other countries.


We all do the same.


Trying to make out that one section of the worlds population (your own) is entirely reasonable and fair but very much put upon whereas the Muslim population is entirely unreasonable, unfair and belligerent is very far from the truth.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-03 10:46 AM


But the "white people" do exactly the same thing when we go to live and work in other countries.


We all do the same.


Trying to make out that one section of the worlds population (your own) is entirely reasonable and fair but very much put upon whereas the Muslim population is entirely unreasonable, unfair and belligerent is very far from the truth.



Well perhaps the clue is in there, and also the fatal flaw, people gravitate towards one another, that's why as many commentators say Multiculturalism has been a failure.................... but I doubt down in the Spanish Costa's some brits are planning their next terrorist outrage against the host nation are they.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-03 11:02 AM


No the Basques are quite able to blow up bits of Spain themselves - and they are not Muslim!


What is your world coming to? (lol)


Are back again to the local terrorism comparison, a bit different Clive, they are not kicking off all over the world, nor trying to specifically target westerners ( apart from the Spanish of course ), come on, your not as dim as John47

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John 47 - 2013-02-03 10:18 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-03 12:59 AM


The whole crux of the matter is that there are 1000's of Muslims over here and they have no untention of integrating with their host nation, they were not welcomed with open arms by the populace, they were allowed in wholesale by the govenment we had no say in the matter, they are not needed and are not wanted, you have your opinion which I respect but I also have mine and so do others, as far as I am concerned this thread has ran its course and I am out.


So, you want to tell the Olympic Committee that they should revise our medal tally at the London Games in order to remove those unwanted Muslim gold medals? You want to tell the ICC that they should bar the England Cricket team from international competition for having Muslims in the squad (and indeed having the audacity to make one of them captain in the recent past)? So you want to write to the Health Minister telling him its a disgrace that Muslim surgeons (including one recognised as the best in the world) were allowed to perform heart transplants on white English people? So you want to write to the Football League telling them that the citizens of Manchester are no better than animals for buying tickets from club owners who are obviously going to spend that money on terrorism? So you want to write to the BBC telling them they should be ashamed of themselves for playing music by the likes of the wonderful Yssou N'Dour? So you want to tell all those employed by thousands of Muslim businessmen in the UK that it is more patriotic for them to walk out and claim the dole?


Nonsense isn't it?

Despite what you say we still dont need them, have we not got enough home grown talent to accomplish what you say? Would this country have fallen on its face without them, dont think so. The point is the vast majority of the people in this country have no time for them, despite what you think. We virtually ruled the world without them and now they are dragging a once proud nation down to their level.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
knight of the road - 2013-02-03 11:15 AM


John 47 - 2013-02-03 10:18 AM


knight of the road - 2013-02-03 12:59 AM


The whole crux of the matter is that there are 1000's of Muslims over here and they have no untention of integrating with their host nation, they were not welcomed with open arms by the populace, they were allowed in wholesale by the govenment we had no say in the matter, they are not needed and are not wanted, you have your opinion which I respect but I also have mine and so do others, as far as I am concerned this thread has ran its course and I am out.


So, you want to tell the Olympic Committee that they should revise our medal tally at the London Games in order to remove those unwanted Muslim gold medals? You want to tell the ICC that they should bar the England Cricket team from international competition for having Muslims in the squad (and indeed having the audacity to make one of them captain in the recent past)? So you want to write to the Health Minister telling him its a disgrace that Muslim surgeons (including one recognised as the best in the world) were allowed to perform heart transplants on white English people? So you want to write to the Football League telling them that the citizens of Manchester are no better than animals for buying tickets from club owners who are obviously going to spend that money on terrorism? So you want to write to the BBC telling them they should be ashamed of themselves for playing music by the likes of the wonderful Yssou N'Dour? So you want to tell all those employed by thousands of Muslim businessmen in the UK that it is more patriotic for them to walk out and claim the dole?


Nonsense isn't it?

Despite what you say we still dont need them, have we not got enough home grown talent to accomplish what you say? Would this country have fallen on its face without them, dont think so. The point is the vast majority of the people in this country have no time for them, despite what you think. We virtually ruled the world without them and now they are dragging a once proud nation down to their level.


And back to f*u*c*k knows what century, here we are in the 21st century, able to communicate all over the world in an instant, but these numpties are still praying six time a day to some mythical being, and are quite willing let's be clear, to murder in defence of their mumbo jumbo, for crying out loud how many times does it need saying. >:-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 11:07 AM


CliveH - 2013-02-03 11:02 AM


No the Basques are quite able to blow up bits of Spain themselves - and they are not Muslim!


What is your world coming to? (lol)


Are back again to the local terrorism comparison, a bit different Clive, they are not kicking off all over the world, nor trying to specifically target westerners ( apart from the Spanish of course ), come on, your not as dim as John47


A bomb will blow you up regardless of it being "national" or "international" - you distinction is spurious and designed to make a point that is to many eyes, unsustainable.


And sadly 1 foot, when such a point is made you resort to personal abuse again.





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Despite what you say we still dont need them, have we not got enough home grown talent to accomplish what you say? Would this country have fallen on its face without them, dont think so. The point is the vast majority of the people in this country have no time for them, despite what you think. We virtually ruled the world without them and now they are dragging a once proud nation down to their level.


I don't know what country you live in but in my UK the vast majority of people are very tolerant and welcoming of people who come to our country to contribute. Try telling the country that we don't need the likes of Mo Farrah or Magdi Jacoub and see what reaction you get! Frankly, your posts are a load of jingoistic nonsense.

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And back to f*u*c*k knows what century, here we are in the 21st century, able to communicate all over the world in an instant, but these numpties are still praying six time a day to some mythical being, and are quite willing let's be clear, to murder in defence of their mumbo jumbo, for crying out loud how many times does it need saying. >:-)


It'll need saying a lot more before you convince anyone but yourself and a few other warped minds. I repeat - and I will continue to repeat, no matter how boring you find it - the majority of those people are law-abiding citizens. Plenty of white people pray to what you or I might regard as a mythical being but they are not murderers just because some other Christian nutter goes mad with a handgun.


And its five times a day (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-03 11:44 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 11:07 AM


CliveH - 2013-02-03 11:02 AM


No the Basques are quite able to blow up bits of Spain themselves - and they are not Muslim!


What is your world coming to? (lol)


Are back again to the local terrorism comparison, a bit different Clive, they are not kicking off all over the world, nor trying to specifically target westerners ( apart from the Spanish of course ), come on, your not as dim as John47


A bomb will blow you up regardless of it being "national" or "international" - you distinction is spurious and designed to make a point that is to many eyes, unsustainable.


And sadly 1 foot, when such a point is made you resort to personal abuse again.





I thought I was paying you a compliment actually, I think what you and John47 seem to be saying in always trying to deflect the discussion is let's just accept many innocent people will have their lives cut short, as a result of Islam and it's followers, after all we had the Krays, we have Etta, so a few more doesn't make much difference unless of course your on the receiving end. I've always wondered when the old "when in rome do as the Romans do" was kicked out of the window.


I must say I get very angry about this issue, Ken Bigley having his head sliced off, really was the start of it for me, mind you I guess it was Halhal, so perhaps that's OK in their eyes.


If you'd been in the know and approached Ahmed Faraz you could have got a copy of the video, he was a Birmingham Muslim who had a book shop, found guilty of 30 counts of possessing and distributing extremist material intended to radicalise Muslims around the world, he apparently had a good collections of be-headings including Ken Bigley for his loyal customers.

The problem is all this is underground, and a secretive world, that thank God the UK Police are trying to keep a lid on, perhaps you and others should tell them not too worry.


Odd that he does not look such a bad bloke, who'd have thought eh ;-)


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I think what you and John47 seem to be saying in always trying to deflect the discussion is let's just accept many innocent people will have their lives cut short, as a result of Islam and it's followers, after all we had the Krays, we have Etta, so a few more doesn't make much difference unless of course your on the receiving end.


Nice try, but there is no deflection. I have rigidly stuck to one point throughout - blame the bad guys but not the innocent ones.


You, on the other hand are the drunk in the pub who takes against the guy sitting quietly at the bar because he happens to be of the same religion as someone who insulted you earlier. You prod him and goad him and then, when he finally turns round and decks you you get up and announce to the rest of the pub - "see, I told you he was violent!".


All this may be impressing you and your small band of followers but, fortunatley, it is not the way the majority of the country thinks.

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donna miller - 2013-02-03 12:29 PM


Can the mods pull this thread, it's back to the same old crap between the same people.

The same crap is being batted back and forth, the original topic has long been forgotten, and in the real world the parties involved would have been removed or ostracised from any social group.


I am a passionate believer in free speech, so I cannot agree about pulling threads but if you are upset or annoyed by any thread you do not have to participate in it.


I do agree with you, however, that the original topic has been forgotten about, which is a shame because I, for one, found the replies earlier on very intersting and informative. If anyone else has any views on whether or not we should be in Mali I would like to hear them. As I said earlier on I was not sure about the action when I first read about it but at present I am leaning toward saying that on balance it is probably a good thing we are there. What do you think?


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Well these Black Mail's voted with their feet, pity they then found themselves in a worse situation, in Gao.....


"Abdul Hakim and Aliou Muhammar came to visit us in the police station after the judgment," said Altini. "Aliou said: 'I will tie their hands and feet myself.' Abdul Hakim replied: 'Well, I will cut their throats myself.' Aliou wanted my parents to witness the execution."


According to Gao residents, the victims of sharia punishments were from Mali's black African ethnic groups, while the jihadis were mostly lighter-skinned Arabs – both Malian and foreign – and Tuaregs. Aliou Muhammar Touré, of the Songhai tribe, was one of the few black Malians to join MUJAO.


"If you are a Tuareg or Arab, or if you look like them, they don't threaten you," said Alzouma, the amputee, who is from the Bella, the group traditionally used as slaves by the Tuareg.


"Their people smuggle drugs, cigarettes and everything, but they don't threaten their own families, just black people – the Songhai, the Bella and the Bambara."


This not in the Daily Mail, but that paragon of balanced reporting some would say, the Guardian today.


Just yet another example of this "peaceful religion" how much evidence do you need, especially when also today the second in command in the Afgan forces is warning of a global Jihad when UK troops pull out of that dump.


As for being the drunk in the pub, well that would be a problem,pubs or getting drunk are not my thing thanks.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 1:13 PM


Well these Black Mail's voted with their feet, pity they then found themselves in a worse situation, in Gao.....


"Abdul Hakim and Aliou Muhammar came to visit us in the police station after the judgment," said Altini. "Aliou said: 'I will tie their hands and feet myself.' Abdul Hakim replied: 'Well, I will cut their throats myself.' Aliou wanted my parents to witness the execution."


According to Gao residents, the victims of sharia punishments were from Mali's black African ethnic groups, while the jihadis were mostly lighter-skinned Arabs – both Malian and foreign – and Tuaregs. Aliou Muhammar Touré, of the Songhai tribe, was one of the few black Malians to join MUJAO.


"If you are a Tuareg or Arab, or if you look like them, they don't threaten you," said Alzouma, the amputee, who is from the Bella, the group traditionally used as slaves by the Tuareg.


"Their people smuggle drugs, cigarettes and everything, but they don't threaten their own families, just black people – the Songhai, the Bella and the Bambara."


This not in the Daily Mail, but that paragon of balanced reporting some would say, the Guardian today.


Just yet another example of this "peaceful religion" how much evidence do you need, especially when also today the second in command in the Afgan forces is warning of a global Jihad when UK troops pull out of that dump.


As for being the drunk in the pub, well that would be a problem,pubs or getting drunk are not my thing thanks.


All of which goes to prove that extremists of any kind are nutters. The black population they were terorising are also Muslims. Are you saying that those black Muslims are as much to blame as the terrorists?


The religion of those nutters is not peaceful but the religion of the people they were terrorising is peaceful. They both claim to worship the same god. I have no doubt which lot we should support.


I find one of the most interesting things about the Malian situation is that the Tuaregs originally side with the Jihadists but when they saw the result the deserted them - which is one of the reasons why the French met little resistance when they moved north. I am coming to the view that we should be there to encourage those Tuareg not to revert to their original support, because without that support the extremists will find it very difficult to strike back.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

You say ( John47 ) you are a passionate believer in free speech, try telling that to Salman Rushdie, or the Muhhammad cartoon publishers In Denmark, where four men were sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Danish court which found them guilty of planning a terrorist attack on newspaper offices.


The court heard the men wanted to kill people in revenge for Jyllands-Posten's publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in 2005.


The four were all Muslims resident in Sweden. Police said they were arrested just hours before the foiled attack


Prosecutors said that they had intended to kill "an unknown number" of people during the attack, which had been due to take place on the same day as a sporting award ceremony attended by Crown Prince Frederik.,nice stuff once again, and all because of a bloody cartoon..




Strange that I've just noticed both "Ham" and "Mad" in Muhammad, just a little unfortunate :D

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As I intimated earlier - my brother was in Guildford - having a beer with a friend - just two weeks prior to the IRA bombs going off. But then the IRA got the Cemtex from Gadaffi so it was probably a dastardly plot by the Muslims all along!


As for finding smaller words in a bigger one - who did put the c**t in Scunthorpe?


And does it mean anything?



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Guest 1footinthegrave
CliveH - 2013-02-03 3:41 PM


As I intimated earlier - my brother was in Guildford - having a beer with a friend - just two weeks prior to the IRA bombs going off. But then the IRA got the Cemtex from Gadaffi so it was probably a dastardly plot by the Muslims all along!


As for finding smaller words in a bigger one - who did put the c**t in Scunthorpe?


And does it mean anything?




You have exactly the same writing styles as John47 , you ignore al the "uncomfortable" parts of a post like the "free speech" I posted above, but just zoom in to the flippant, because you have no real answer to the more serious points


The game is up, you are one and the same.,


My only embarrassment is you managed to hoodwink me and others for so long, well done, quite a neat trick , although you could have made up a " real "name for him in "his" profile instead of leaving it blank, how about Muhammad the mad Mullah


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