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Islamic terrorism in Mali

John 47

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 2:04 PM


You say ( John47 ) you are a passionate believer in free speech, try telling that to Salman Rushdie, or the Muhhammad cartoon publishers In Denmark, where four men were sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Danish court which found them guilty of planning a terrorist attack on newspaper offices.


The court heard the men wanted to kill people in revenge for Jyllands-Posten's publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in 2005.


The four were all Muslims resident in Sweden. Police said they were arrested just hours before the foiled attack


Prosecutors said that they had intended to kill "an unknown number" of people during the attack, which had been due to take place on the same day as a sporting award ceremony attended by Crown Prince Frederik.,nice stuff once again, and all because of a bloody cartoon..




I agree with you - and I was in Egypt during the incident over the Danish cartoon. I had many an interesting discussion with many Muslims about free speech. Some of those conversations became quite animated but I'm still here so those I was disagreeing with didn't want to kill me! Of course there are idiots. Each time you post details of such idiots I tell you that I agree they are idiots (and dangerous ones) but, once again, they are NOT TYPICAL.


And if you ask Salman Rushdie (not that I know him personally) I am sure he would say that no terrorist is going to stop him exercising free speech. Incidentally, Salman Rushdie is a Muslim!



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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 3:57 PM.............. The game is up, you are one and the same., ........................

Ah, my son, but you forgot me, for I am one and the same with them also, in your head. We are the Holy(ish) Trinity, we know you do not believe in us, but we exist. We are omnipotent and all powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid! We are Faith, Hope, and Charity.


Alternatively, we are three, relativaly sane, (sometimes) like-minded people, who find we have strayed into a lunatic asylum, and can't quite find our way out! :-D

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 3:57 PM


You have exactly the same writing styles as John47 , you ignore al the "uncomfortable" parts of a post like the "free speech" I posted above, but just zoom in to the flippant, because you have no real answer to the more serious points


The game is up, you are one and the same.,


My only embarrassment is you managed to hoodwink me and others for so long, well done, quite a neat trick , although you could have made up a " real "name for him in "his" profile instead of leaving it blank, how about Muhammad the mad Mullah



And your style is predictable too. You ignore all the uncomfortable parts such as "why blame innocent people" and try to deflect attention by pretending that there can only possibly be one person who disagrees with you so they must all be one and the same! Trying to pass all your faults off on those who disagree with you is an old trick but it won't work.


Btw, who is ignoring anything to do with free speech? One of the reasons I am so strongly in favour of it is because I like to know where the idiots are and what they are thinking. As far as this forum is concerned I now have a pretty good idea.




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Brian Kirby - 2013-02-03 4:37 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 3:57 PM.............. The game is up, you are one and the same., ........................

Ah, my son, but you forgot me, for I am one and the same with them also, in your head. We are the Holy(ish) Trinity, we know you do not believe in us, but we exist. We are omnipotent and all powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid! We are Faith, Hope, and Charity.


Alternatively, we are three, relativaly sane, (sometimes) like-minded people, who find we have strayed into a lunatic asylum, and can't quite find our way out! :-D


I was just thinking the same thing.........................must be because I am you and he is me and..... we are all together (with apologies to John Lennon) :-D


But can I opt not to be faith please? (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I'm quite well aware he is a Muslim,


You know many Muslims were after his head, Rushdie had a Fatwa issued ordering other Muslims to kill Rushdie. Numerous killings, attempted killings, and bombings resulted from Muslim anger over the novel, you know that, and this is what I have consistently tried to put over. This seems like a religion born out of backward thinking and in many cases unspeakable horrors,unlike anything else in the 21st century.


There could well be millions of Muslims that would love to live free of this outdated bulls**t, but simply fear for the consequences, so your constant apparent backing of this nonsense if it was in a public domain would simply hamper that process. My guess is, if the human race survives another 500 years, the then historians will look back with as much incredulity at Islam, as we do at Witch burning. On that note I am definitely out of this thread.


Don't think that is a victory for you, I've simply had enough of banging my head against your particular brick wall.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 4:50 PM



There could well be millions of Muslims that would love to live free of this outdated bulls**t, but simply fear for the consequences, so your constant apparent backing of this nonsense if it was in a public domain would simply hamper that process.


Quite the reverse. The moderates (like Rushdie) need all the help they can get to combat the extremists. Those of you (fortunately few in number) who deride the moderates as well as the extremists are playing into the extremist's hands. If the moderates can find no friends outside the religion they are open to manipulation by the extremists. The situation in Mali is a classic example of this - if the French had not gone in the extremists would have had complete control over the moderates. As it is, that moderate majority is likely to look upon the West as saviours not enemies and that is what we must always encourage. There is no other way to defeat extremism.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Brian Kirby - 2013-02-03 4:37 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-03 3:57 PM.............. The game is up, you are one and the same., ........................

Ah, my son, but you forgot me, for I am one and the same with them also, in your head. We are the Holy(ish) Trinity, we know you do not believe in us, but we exist. We are omnipotent and all powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid! We are Faith, Hope, and Charity.


Alternatively, we are three, relativaly sane, (sometimes) like-minded people, who find we have strayed into a lunatic asylum, and can't quite find our way out! :-D


I'd stick to inventing in your head boilers that don't exist, about the same as far as your concerned the fears many in the west have about Islam, that's all in their head as well, don't think there's many of them down leafy East Sussex though, move to inner city Birmingham in the thick of it, and then come back and speak some sense born out of real life experiences like mine and all my family, all effectively forced away over the years, as have been approximately 50% of Brums population, but perhaps they are all paranoid as well, but you lot would have no sympathy with that would you. It's always easy to be the liberal elite when your not affected by the issue isn't it.


As for straying in to a lunatic asylum and not being able to find your way out, there,s a button at the top of the page "LOG OUT " easy really, and no need to thank me for helping you out of it.

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I'd stick to inventing in your head boilers that don't exist, about the same as far as your concerned the fears many in the west have about Islam, that's all in their head as well, don't think there's many of them down leafy East Sussex though, move to inner city Birmingham in the thick of it, and then come back and speak some sense born out of real life experiences like mine and all my family, all effectively forced away over the years, as have been approximately 50% of Brums population, but perhaps they are all paranoid as well, but you lot would have no sympathy with that would you. It's always easy to be the liberal elite when your not affected by the issue isn't it.


As for straying in to a lunatic asylum and not being able to find your way out, there,s a button at the top of the page "LOG OUT " easy really, and no need to thank me for helping you out of it.


Brian can't help the fact that Muslims have not chosen to live next door to him but I note that you now avoid throwing the same insult at me, despite my similar views, because you got that particular prejudice wrong when hurling it in my direction.


As for real life experiences, I have plenty and can see no difference in the proportions of good and bad, miserable and happy, sensible and downright bonkers in any section of the population. We all have bad experiences with certain people from time to time but fortunately, most of us do not conclude that the whole of the community those people come from is the same. I am willing to hazard a guess that you have never been to a Muslim country, yet you know absolutely that all Muslims are evil. You must be hell to live with.

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donna miller - 2013-02-01 4:54 PMWill the lot of you please stop banging on about where you've been, what you've done and who you know. The fact is, if it was YOUR 13 year old daughter then no bulls**t excuses or reasons would cut any ice. You would be demanding the full force of the law to be bought down on the head of the 18 year old. Also, you should be asking why hasn't he been put on the sex offenders register?It wouldn't matter to any of you whether he was Muslim, Indian, Eskimo or White Anglo Saxon, if he'd have screwed your daughter, your attitude would be different. The law in this country is the law that should be applied, his religious beliefs and educational background are irrelevant. Full stop.


Well said Donna.  Having just got back to reading this topic (and got as far as your post) after a few days away you hit the nail on the head.  There seems to be a certain 'protagonist' here that does not wish to 'see the problem'.  Regardless of what the judge said in this case the point is, as you say, and I have tried to illustrate this 'rapist' should have felt the full weight of the law.  I have also tried to illustrate that there is something seriously wrong with a 'religion' that allows teachings such as Rashid underwent and 'why' it is allowed in this country beggars belief.


My 'list' of experiences/life was merely to try and show a certain member that I am speaking from 'life' experiences not 'hearsay/bias'.


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RogerC - 2013-02-04 12:01 PMWell said Donna.  Having just got back to reading this topic (and got as far as your post) after a few days away you hit the nail on the head.  There seems to be a certain 'protagonist' here that does not wish to 'see the problem'.  Regardless of what the judge said in this case the point is, as you say, and I have tried to illustrate this 'rapist' should have felt the full weight of the law.  I have also tried to illustrate that there is something seriously wrong with a 'religion' that allows teachings such as Rashid underwent and 'why' it is allowed in this country beggars belief.


My 'list' of experiences/life was merely to try and show a certain member that I am speaking from 'life' experiences not 'hearsay/bias'.

"Regardless of what the judge said............................." So nice to know that although you weren't there and although you never heard the evidence, your "life experiences" give you the wisdom and insight to know better than he what should have happened. How does our legal system manage without you?
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It seems to me that this particular issue is not one that only happens when the accused is Muslim. There seems to be an issue with the Judiciary giving lenient sentences rather than any particular religion being given differing treatment.








So yes - if it were my 13 year old daughter I would want to have the perpetrators nuts in a vice regardless of their religion.


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John 47 - 2013-02-04 12:13 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-04 12:01 PMWell said Donna.  Having just got back to reading this topic (and got as far as your post) after a few days away you hit the nail on the head.  There seems to be a certain 'protagonist' here that does not wish to 'see the problem'.  Regardless of what the judge said in this case the point is, as you say, and I have tried to illustrate this 'rapist' should have felt the full weight of the law.  I have also tried to illustrate that there is something seriously wrong with a 'religion' that allows teachings such as Rashid underwent and 'why' it is allowed in this country beggars belief.


My 'list' of experiences/life was merely to try and show a certain member that I am speaking from 'life' experiences not 'hearsay/bias'.

"Regardless of what the judge said............................." So nice to know that although you weren't there and although you never heard the evidence, your "life experiences" give you the wisdom and insight to know better than he what should have happened. How does our legal system manage without you?


John47...what a provocational individual you are...once again you choose to pick a phrase, take it out of context and become insulting.  I, like a great many others both here and in real life, feel the findings of the Judge to be far too lenient.

The 'reported' evidence clearly illustrates that this despicable individual was 'educated' in a radical school which has no place existing in this country.  He is clearly guilty of 'statutory rape' and therefore should have been 'sent down'....and maybe if I was in a position within the judicial system to hand down 'justice' instead of these wooly minded members of the Judiciary the country would be a better place.


Just another illustration for you from the CPS 'Statutory Rape' sentencing guidelines:

Starting points: 8 years custody if the victim is 13 or over but under 16

Sentencing ranges: 6 - 11 years custody


In this case the Judge did give weight to the defence:

The court heard that Rashid attended a fundamentalist-style Islamic school where he was taught "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground."

Judge Stokes described Rashid by stating:

"He’s had an unusual education, certainly in terms of the sexual education provided.

Comparing women to lollipops is a very curious way of teaching young men about sex."

Nonetheless, the judge sentenced Rashid to nine months youth custody, suspended for two years, along with a two-year probation supervision order.

It beggars belief that this type of 'school' is allowed to operate in the UK, it beggars belief that the judge was so lenient.  Ignorance of such a fundamental of life in the UK is simply not acceptable.

News of the apparent gaps in monitoring comes as questions are being raised about whether some Muslim schools are adequately preparing children for life in Britain. The Government closed an Islamic school in East Sussex , which was raided by police as part of an anti-terror operation, because it did not meet registration standards. 

When was a school of any other faith or curriculum closed under 'anti terror' legislation?

Late 2006 early 2007, King Fahad Academy, a west London school funded by the Saudi government, was condemned for using text books that described Jews as "pigs".

The controversy centres on the use of textbooks produced by the Saudi Ministry of Education used in Muslim schools.   A textbook dated 2005/2006 allegedly asks the reader to "give examples of worthless religions... such as Judaism, Christianity, idol worship and others".The book also allegedly asks the reader to "explain that those who die without adhering to Islam will go to hellfire".

In another textbook for 12 and 13 year olds, dated 2004/2005, the author allegedly says that a Koranic verse, which talks of turning people into monkeys and pigs, is about Jews and Christians.

Muslim parents are increasingly choosing the private sector because they feel the state sector does not cater for their children.

As of Feb 2007, the  Muslim council of Britain accused state schools of failing to respect Muslim wishes and called on headmasters to open prayer rooms, introduce single changing cubicles, overhaul sex education and reschedule exams outside Ramadan.

The Muslim Council is by the looks of things not exactly 'embracing' multicultural integration is it?

The foregoing clearly illustrates that Muslim education of hundreds of thousands (probably millions worldwide) is inherently evil.  This in itself should give all right thinking people cause for concern at least and fear at worst.

Now do try to stick to the point if you deign to provoke once more. 


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RogerC - 2013-02-04 1:31 PM


John47...what a provocational individual you are...once again you choose to pick a phrase, take it out of context and become insulting.  I, like a great many others both here and in real life, feel the findings of the Judge to be far too lenient.


Hardly out of context! I have no time at all for the teachings of extemist Muslim madrasas. The judge found them peculiar too. But the fact remains that the judge heard the evidence. You and I did not hear the evidence. The judge rejected the defence out of hand so to keep repeating the defence achieves nothing. It was NOT on the basis of the defence that the judge came to his conclusion. Maybe that conclusion was not what another judge would have come to (an appeal would help to sort that out) but for you to say, without being there, that this is definitely the case is odd to say the least.

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CliveH - 2013-02-04 12:25 PM


So yes - if it were my 13 year old daughter I would want to have the perpetrators nuts in a vice regardless of their religion.


What I am about to say may seem odd to twofeetinthemouth because, after all, we are one and the same person (!) but I doubt that you or I would be the parents of that 13 year old girl because the judge decided that she was probably the initiator of the sexual relationship. I would, quite frankly, be ashamed to be the parent of that girl, because her parents seem to have an awful lot to answer for.

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John 47 - 2013-02-04 1:52 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-04 1:31 PMJohn47...what a provocational individual you are...once again you choose to pick a phrase, take it out of context and become insulting.  I, like a great many others both here and in real life, feel the findings of the Judge to be far too lenient.
Hardly out of context! I have no time at all for the teachings of extemist Muslim madrasas. The judge found them peculiar too. But the fact remains that the judge heard the evidence. You and I did not hear the evidence. The judge rejected the defence out of hand so to keep repeating the defence achieves nothing. It was NOT on the basis of the defence that the judge came to his conclusion. Maybe that conclusion was not what another judge would have come to (an appeal would help to sort that out) but for you to say, without being there, that this is definitely the case is odd to say the least.


I concede...I throw in the towel.  You choose to provoke without taking note of the 'extremists' in our midst.  Thank goodness there are many others out there who think differently to you otherwise we would be speaking German or on our way to Sharia law in a Muslim state.


You might like to ponder these few words:

There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue.

‘When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.


And by all that is logical a religion as radicalised as Islam is producing 'bad men' by the thousands.

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RogerC - 2013-02-04 3:21 PM


There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue


When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.


I have pondered and agree. But you need to realise that the good men include millions of moderate Muslims without whose help we will never defeat the terrorists.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-04 9:34 AM


I'd stick to inventing in your head boilers that don't exist, about the same as far as your concerned the fears many in the west have about Islam, that's all in their head as well, don't think there's many of them down leafy East Sussex though, move to inner city Birmingham in the thick of it, and then come back and speak some sense born out of real life experiences like mine and all my family, all effectively forced away over the years, as have been approximately 50% of Brums population, but perhaps they are all paranoid as well, but you lot would have no sympathy with that would you. It's always easy to be the liberal elite when your not affected by the issue isn't it.


As for straying in to a lunatic asylum and not being able to find your way out, there,s a button at the top of the page "LOG OUT " easy really, and no need to thank me for helping you out of it.


I am willing to hazard a guess that you have never been to a Muslim country, yet you know absolutely that all Muslims are evil. You must be hell to live with.


You my friend need to get checked out for dyslexia, I have NEVER feckING ONCE SAID ALL MUSLIMS ARE EVIL, I have even commented on many occasions on the terrible way Muslim woman are treated, you should learn to read pal, I have however said on many occasions that Islam is intrinsically evil, and I make no apology for that.


As for me being hell to live with, I'm not even in the same ball game as the very followers of this b*****ks religion you so espouse are, you an Ashiest, not on your life, if you was you'd admit it was all b*****ks.


As for going to a Muslim country what the feck would that tell me, mind you maybe I could take in a beheading or two, or a summary execution of a woman or two.


There are many parts of the UK that are effectively Muslim, so that saves on the air fair.


I would in all seriousness invite you to accompany me to where I used to live, and see the raw hostility, and the s**t hole it's become but no doubt that would be our fault as well. >:-)


P.S I'm curious to know why you have NOT put your name on your profile as most every one does.

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knight of the road - 2013-02-04 6:16 PM


So who is Muslim John 47 then? He appears to be well travelled with a good job perhaps, where does he actually live, in a nice area as befitting his status or does he live in the nitty gritty of a Muslim/ Asian/Paki area in the inner city?







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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-04 5:46 PM


1. You my friend need to get checked out for dyslexia, I have NEVER feckING ONCE SAID ALL MUSLIMS ARE EVIL, I have even commented on many occasions on the terrible way Muslim woman are treated, you should learn to read pal, I have however said on many occasions that Islam is intrinsically evil, and I make no apology for that.


2. As for going to a Muslim country what the feck would that tell me, mind you maybe I could take in a beheading or two, or a summary execution of a woman or two.


3. I would in all seriousness invite you to accompany me to where I used to live, and see the raw hostility, and the s**t hole it's become but no doubt that would be our fault as well. >:-)


P.S I'm curious to know why you have NOT put your name on your profile as most every one does.


1. You claim that the religion is evil. You claim that anyone following it is responsible for the actions of all (including the terrorists). Therefore you have said that all Muslims are either evil or support evil. I once even provoked you into saying that you don't give a damn about the innocent majority. You don't know what you have said!


2. It would tell you a heck of a lot. For example, most Muslim men don't sport the stereotypical beard and clothing; they are clean-shaven and dress just like you or I. Most Muslim women don't wear the veil either. You have probably met lots of Muslims wiothout realising they are Muslims. Some of them even drink alcohol so you might have met them in the pub! In short, there is no difference between the average Muslim and the average non-Muslim (except in your warped mind).


3. I take your word for the area you come from because I don't know it (that's the difference between you and me - if I don't know about something, I don't comment on it). All I will say is that from my personal experience of living among Muslims, your experience is NOT TYPICAL of the whole community. And I will say it yet again - if we don't work with the law-abiding majority there is no chance of defeating the extremeist minority.


PS No sinister reason - my name is John Harrington. But if your name really is Mike Hunt then your parents played an extremely cruel joke on you. Mind you, you have lived up to the name! (lol)



PPS Just read the last two posts from your fan club. Amazing, isn't it that if people ask difficult questions that the prejudiced can't answer (such as "why do you wish to persecute innocent people?") then they resort to trying to blacken your image. I MUST be a Muslim; I MUST be a troll, I MUST live in an affluent area, I MUST be a member of the liberal elite (whatever that is), I MUST be anything but what I actually am - a man who has lived and worked among Muslims (and lots of other communities) all my life in a series of very average areas in a variety of countries. I now spend most of my time travelling around Europe with my wife in our motorhome and meeting lots of fascinating characters that have a far more balanced outlook on life than you do. By the way, I was a teacher before I retired, so I suppose you have something against teachers as well! On the other hand, you and your acolytes could always try to actually answer the question.

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Guest pelmetman
John 47 - 2013-02-04 6:26 PM


PS No sinister reason - my name is John Harrington. )


Any relation to a Francis Graham? ;-)

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pelmetman - 2013-02-04 6:37 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-04 6:26 PM


PS No sinister reason - my name is John Harrington. )


Any relation to a Francis Graham? ;-)


Never heard of him. But I am intrigued - what would be the problem if I was? Did he also ask unanswerable questions of twofeetinthemouth?

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Guest pelmetman
John 47 - 2013-02-04 7:00 PM


pelmetman - 2013-02-04 6:37 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-04 6:26 PM


PS No sinister reason - my name is John Harrington. )


Any relation to a Francis Graham? ;-)


Never heard of him. But I am intrigued - what would be the problem if I was? Did he also ask unanswerable questions of twofeetinthemouth?


No.......I guess your not related :D.................but he did have an amazing superiority complex .........you would of liked him ;-).................worked in the lawyering trade :D..................I still miss him :'(

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pelmetman - 2013-02-04 7:08 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-04 7:00 PM


pelmetman - 2013-02-04 6:37 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-04 6:26 PM


PS No sinister reason - my name is John Harrington. )


Any relation to a Francis Graham? ;-)


Never heard of him. But I am intrigued - what would be the problem if I was? Did he also ask unanswerable questions of twofeetinthemouth?


No.......I guess your not related :D.................but he did have an amazing superiority complex .........you would of liked him ;-).................worked in the lawyering trade :D..................I still miss him :'(


No superiority complex - I have seen too much of life to be one of those who regards themselves as superior. But I do have a very keen instinct for fairness and when I see someone like your mate twofeetinthemouth being so totally unfair on millions of innocent people then I am quite prepared to step in. Other than that I am just as flawed as the next person.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Let's be quite clear, no one on here is "my mate" they just see you the same as I do a ****head in denial, and trying to defend the indefensible, the UK was a great place once upon a time, probably when you were not part of it.


Apparently he was a teacher before he retired, he must be having withdrawal symptoms, explaining as he does not all Muslims have beards, do you know I never knew that.


But how he managed to be a teacher being dyslexic is a wonder.


He makes things up like saying I said "You claim that anyone following it is responsible for the actions of all"


and then makes nasty jibes about my name, all in all seems a nice type of bloke,and perfect I would have thought to be a shining example to his pupils to make that kind of connection. By the way the name is MIchael Hunt, or MIke to my friends, and yes it is quite funny, you want to try getting someone to ask out loud if they have seen me they are the embarrassed ones, I'm the one having a good laugh


Anyway lets just leave him in his make believe world, and we'll just accept all Muslims are wonderful folk, following an equally wonderful religion.


I will say though, if anyone reading his constant denials of this terrible religion who had someone killed or maimed in the UK by some of these nutters' he'd probably spend quite a time looking over his shoulder, I'm sure they'd just love to give him a bloody good kicking for his trouble..


>:-( >:-(

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