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Islamic terrorism in Mali

John 47

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Guest pelmetman
John 47 - 2013-02-04 7:14 PM


pelmetman - 2013-02-04 7:08 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-04 7:00 PM


pelmetman - 2013-02-04 6:37 PM


John 47 - 2013-02-04 6:26 PM


PS No sinister reason - my name is John Harrington. )


Any relation to a Francis Graham? ;-)


Never heard of him. But I am intrigued - what would be the problem if I was? Did he also ask unanswerable questions of twofeetinthemouth?


No.......I guess your not related :D.................but he did have an amazing superiority complex .........you would of liked him ;-).................worked in the lawyering trade :D..................I still miss him :'(


No superiority complex - I have seen too much of life to be one of those who regards themselves as superior. But I do have a very keen instinct for fairness and when I see someone like your mate twofeetinthemouth being so totally unfair on millions of innocent people then I am quite prepared to step in. Other than that I am just as flawed as the next person.


I expect 1foot is just as fair minded as your good self ;-)................the difference is I suspect that he has his own way of putting it :D........and you have your own way of reading it :D......


Edit.... to say as for unfortunate names ;-)..............a few years ago on our local Look North news prog there was an item about a chap who had suffered mental health problems all his life 8-)...................not helped I suspect by his parents a................ Mr & Mrs Kerr naming him Wayne *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

To be honest I'm surprised such a "fair minded" man made such a connection with my name.


I think history will prove one way or the other if Islam can coexist peacefully in the west, sadly so far that does not seem to be the case, and I for one do not want to see a single person dead at their hands


There are too many bloody lessons in history of the clash between different faiths and ideologies..


You can be sure the average Jew living in Germany at the start of the last century though the "peaceful" majority of Germans meant them no harm, until they were led to the gas chambers, then where were their "friendly" German neighbours, turning a blind eye, and moving in to their houses.





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John 47 - 2013-02-04 4:05 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-04 3:21 PMThere is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtueWhen bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.
I have pondered and agree. But you need to realise that the good men include millions of moderate Muslims without whose help we will never defeat the terrorists.


I am fully aware that what you say regarding the need for the help of the moderate Muslim world but unfortunately there is a distinct air of silence coming from the 'Global Muslim community' in condemning the atrocities perpetrated in the name of Islam.  Yes we need their help but 'they' are not helping by keeping silent!!  A few placating words from a Muslim leader in Bradford or elsewhere or the Muslim Council will achieve nothing.  It is the Mullahs who wield the power and unfortunately I feel we will never, even with the assistance of the Muslim community bring about a state of cohesion.  As far as the radical Mullahs are concerned it is the duty of 'all Muslims' to destroy 'non believers'....'infidels'...'kafirs'.  Strangely the word 'Infidel' originated from Christians in the late 15th century.


I have said (possibly on another thread) that I am fully aware there is good and bad in all religions/walks of life but it is only Islam that actively partakes in promoting hatred of the West and Israel in it's so called 'schools'.  This forms the bedrock of continued hatred and furthers acts of what we call terrorism and they call martyrdom.  You only need look at the vitriolic outpourings from the 'masses' over Koran burning......they even bombed an airbase in protest,  the angry mobs in the street chanting death to god knows who because someone draws a cartoon taking the mickey out of Mohammed....and the list goes on.  Islam has unfortunately been hijacked, warped and turned into a religion of Western hatred and all that the West stands for.  It is in turn spewed out by the illiterate and ignorant masses against whatever the Mullahs tell them.  It is a very dangerous threat to the free thinking peoples of the world.

FEB 2012:

At least six people were killed and dozens injured in Afghanistan after protests spread over the burning of copies of the Koran at a US airbase.

One person was killed in Kabul, one in the eastern city of Jalalabad and at least four in Parwan province.

US officials apologised on Tuesday after Korans were "inadvertently" put in an incinerator at Bagram airbase.

Officials at Bagram reportedly believed Taliban prisoners were using the books to pass messages to each other.

Have you ever heard of such protests/deaths occurring because a Bible was burned?  I doubt it.

Have you heard of calls to 'wipe Palestine off the face of the world'? I doubt it.

It is an unfortunate fact that the Muslim faith has spawned more fanatics than any other religion in modern times and it is they who carry out atrocities big and small in the name of their 'Prophet'.....and as long as this situation persists people will, and rightly so, be outspoken against and frightened by this hijacked religion of hatred and indiscriminate violence.


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-04 7:20 PM



1. But how he managed to be a teacher being dyslexic is a wonder.


2. He makes things up like saying I said "You claim that anyone following it is responsible for the actions of all"


3. I will say though, if anyone reading his constant denials of this terrible religion who had someone killed or maimed in the UK by some of these nutters' he'd probably spend quite a time looking over his shoulder, I'm sure they'd just love to give him a bloody good kicking for his trouble..


>:-( >:-(


1. I suggest you look up the dictionary definition of dyslexia. I have many inadequacies but dyslexia is not one of them!


2. I didn't make it up - you said it. Time and time and time again!


3. And this is yet another one of your "all Muslims are bad" statements. You know very well that I have condemned Muslim terrorists on many occasions. The difference between us is that I recognise that the majority of Muslims are law-abiding, peace-loving people. I challenge you to say that you unreservedly do not blame the majority of Muslims for the atrocities of the few. Can't, can you?


PS if your name really is Mike Hunt then I apologise for making fun of it.


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Guest 1footinthegrave

When I hear them shouting it loud and clear their collective outrage at what their Muslim brothers do, that will be the point I might reconsider my viewpoint, sadly they do not.


As that Muslim I spoke about who visited Israel said most Muslims were secretly pleased at the twin towers outrage. That was a MUSLIM saying that, not me,and I guess he has a better handle on Muslim thoughts than you or I. unless your a mind reader.


You can never really get into any ones head, if you think you can any more than me, well..................just accept we are poles apart and let that be the end of it.eh.


Michael,................. by the way there's lots of Mike Hunts around.



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RogerC - 2013-02-04 8:03 PMI am fully aware that what you say regarding the need for the help of the moderate Muslim world but unfortunately there is a distinct air of silence coming from the 'Global Muslim community' in condemning the atrocities perpetrated in the name of Islam.  Yes we need their help but 'they' are not helping by keeping silent!!  A few placating words from a Muslim leader in Bradford or elsewhere or the Muslim Council will achieve nothing.  It is the Mullahs who wield the power and unfortunately I feel we will never, even with the assistance of the Muslim community bring about a state of cohesion.  As far as the radical Mullahs are concerned it is the duty of 'all Muslims' to destroy 'non believers'....'infidels'...'kafirs'.  Strangely the word 'Infidel' originated from Christians in the late 15th century.


I have said (possibly on another thread) that I am fully aware there is good and bad in all religions/walks of life but it is only Islam that actively partakes in promoting hatred of the West and Israel in it's so called 'schools'.  This forms the bedrock of continued hatred and furthers acts of what we call terrorism and they call martyrdom.  You only need look at the vitriolic outpourings from the 'masses' over Koran burning......they even bombed an airbase in protest,  the angry mobs in the street chanting death to god knows who because someone draws a cartoon taking the mickey out of Mohammed....and the list goes on.  Islam has unfortunately been hijacked, warped and turned into a religion of Western hatred and all that the West stands for.  It is in turn spewed out by the illiterate and ignorant masses against whatever the Mullahs tell them.  It is a very dangerous threat to the free thinking peoples of the world.

FEB 2012:

At least six people were killed and dozens injured in Afghanistan after protests spread over the burning of copies of the Koran at a US airbase.

One person was killed in Kabul, one in the eastern city of Jalalabad and at least four in Parwan province.

US officials apologised on Tuesday after Korans were "inadvertently" put in an incinerator at Bagram airbase.

Officials at Bagram reportedly believed Taliban prisoners were using the books to pass messages to each other.

Have you ever heard of such protests/deaths occurring because a Bible was burned?  I doubt it.

Have you heard of calls to 'wipe Palestine off the face of the world'? I doubt it.

It is an unfortunate fact that the Muslim faith has spawned more fanatics than any other religion in modern times and it is they who carry out atrocities big and small in the name of their 'Prophet'.....and as long as this situation persists people will, and rightly so, be outspoken against and frightened by this hijacked religion of hatred and indiscriminate violence.


I cannot do anything but agree with the majority of your post (but not all of it!). However, the important point to remember is that the majority may be scared to raise their heads above the parapet but that they deserve and NEED our support. To claim that their religion is evil does not help them. Those who are prepared to stand up and be counted - from Salman Rushdie to that amazing girl who got shot in the head for wanting girls to be educated, deserve more than to be told their religion is hateful. The Muslim majority in Mali who were powerless against the terrorists until the French stepped in deserve our support. If we do not give it then the extremists will win.It is very difficult to speak up against the extremist murderers in any society. Most people would keep their heads down. "Don't involve me" is a common response in all societies and you can't blame them for saying it.My argument with onefoot is that he DOES blame them for saying it. That is no way to get anywhere near a solution.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-04 8:19 PM
RogerC - 2013-02-04 8:03 PMI am fully aware that what you say regarding the need for the help of the moderate Muslim world but unfortunately there is a distinct air of silence coming from the 'Global Muslim community' in condemning the atrocities perpetrated in the name of Islam.  Yes we need their help but 'they' are not helping by keeping silent!!  A few placating words from a Muslim leader in Bradford or elsewhere or the Muslim Council will achieve nothing.  It is the Mullahs who wield the power and unfortunately I feel we will never, even with the assistance of the Muslim community bring about a state of cohesion.  As far as the radical Mullahs are concerned it is the duty of 'all Muslims' to destroy 'non believers'....'infidels'...'kafirs'.  Strangely the word 'Infidel' originated from Christians in the late 15th century.


I have said (possibly on another thread) that I am fully aware there is good and bad in all religions/walks of life but it is only Islam that actively partakes in promoting hatred of the West and Israel in it's so called 'schools'.  This forms the bedrock of continued hatred and furthers acts of what we call terrorism and they call martyrdom.  You only need look at the vitriolic outpourings from the 'masses' over Koran burning......they even bombed an airbase in protest,  the angry mobs in the street chanting death to god knows who because someone draws a cartoon taking the mickey out of Mohammed....and the list goes on.  Islam has unfortunately been hijacked, warped and turned into a religion of Western hatred and all that the West stands for.  It is in turn spewed out by the illiterate and ignorant masses against whatever the Mullahs tell them.  It is a very dangerous threat to the free thinking peoples of the world.

FEB 2012:

At least six people were killed and dozens injured in Afghanistan after protests spread over the burning of copies of the Koran at a US airbase.

One person was killed in Kabul, one in the eastern city of Jalalabad and at least four in Parwan province.

US officials apologised on Tuesday after Korans were "inadvertently" put in an incinerator at Bagram airbase.

Officials at Bagram reportedly believed Taliban prisoners were using the books to pass messages to each other.

Have you ever heard of such protests/deaths occurring because a Bible was burned?  I doubt it.

Have you heard of calls to 'wipe Palestine off the face of the world'? I doubt it.

It is an unfortunate fact that the Muslim faith has spawned more fanatics than any other religion in modern times and it is they who carry out atrocities big and small in the name of their 'Prophet'.....and as long as this situation persists people will, and rightly so, be outspoken against and frightened by this hijacked religion of hatred and indiscriminate violence.


I cannot do anything but agree with the majority of your post (but not all of it!). However, the important point to remember is that the majority may be scared to raise their heads above the parapet but that they deserve and NEED our support. To claim that their religion is evil does not help them. Those who are prepared to stand up and be counted - from Salman Rushdie to that amazing girl who got shot in the head for wanting girls to be educated, deserve more than to be told their religion is hateful. The Muslim majority in Mali who were powerless against the terrorists until the French stepped in deserve our support. If we do not give it then the extremists will win.It is very difficult to speak up against the extremist murderers in any society. Most people would keep their heads down. "Don't involve me" is a common response in all societies and you can't blame them for saying it.My argument with onefoot is that he DOES blame them for saying it. That is no way to get anywhere near a solution.
Blimey, is this a road to Damascus moment, the very thing I have said you repeat in your post"However, the important point to remember is that the majority may be scared to raise their heads above the parapet"Thanks now ask yourself why, why ,why. and lets put this to rest now that we seem to have an accord of sorts.
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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-04 8:14 PM



As that Muslim I spoke about who visited Israel said most Muslims were secretly pleased at the twin towers outrage. That was a MUSLIM saying that, not me,and I guess he has a better handle on Muslim thoughts than you or I. unless your a mind reader.




And that illustrates precisely what I object to in your outlook on life. You take ONE comment from ONE individual and conclude that it applies to millions of others. You are a sad and extremely paranoid man. I'm beginning to feeel sorry for you.

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Blimey, is this a road to Damascus moment, the very thing I have said you repeat in your post


"However, the important point to remember is that the majority may be scared to raise their heads above the parapet"


Thanks now ask yourself why, why ,why. and lets put this to rest now that we seem to have an accord of sorts.



Don't fool yourself. You condemn people for not being prepared to speak up when they have a gun pointed against their head; I say that those people (who are clearly in the majority) need our support not our condemnation. Until you acknowledge that then I will continue to regard you as a bigot.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-04 8:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-04 8:14 PM



As that Muslim I spoke about who visited Israel said most Muslims were secretly pleased at the twin towers outrage. That was a MUSLIM saying that, not me,and I guess he has a better handle on Muslim thoughts than you or I. unless your a mind reader.




And that illustrates precisely what I object to in your outlook on life. You take ONE comment from ONE individual and conclude that it applies to millions of others. You are a sad and extremely paranoid man. I'm beginning to feeel sorry for you.


What the feck are you on about, so a practising UK Muslims view is irrelevant,because of what he said that does not sit comfortable with you. God you want it all ways, sorry but you really are completely bonkers

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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-04 8:29 PM


Blimey, is this a road to Damascus moment, the very thing I have said you repeat in your post


"However, the important point to remember is that the majority may be scared to raise their heads above the parapet"


Thanks now ask yourself why, why ,why. and lets put this to rest now that we seem to have an accord of sorts.



Don't fool yourself. You condemn people for not being prepared to speak up when they have a gun pointed against their head; I say that those people (who are clearly in the majority) need our support not our condemnation. Until you acknowledge that then I will continue to regard you as a bigot.



YOUR NUTS mate, period. Whats all that b*****ks about guns pointed at heads, and not raising their head above the parapet then because they are scared, scared of what of whom, their Muslim brothers that's who. anyway feck off, I've had enough of your s*h*i*t it is your sort that has helped turn this once wonderful country in to a melting pot of s**t, so thanks from us all.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-04 8:36 PM


YOUR NUTS mate, period. Whats all that b*****ks about guns pointed at heads, and not raising their head above the parapet then because they are scared, scared of what of whom, their Muslim brothers that's who. anyway feck off, I've had enough of your s*h*i*t it is your sort that has helped turn this once wonderful country in to a melting pot of s**t, so thanks from us all.


And it is precisely this outburst (and the one above it) that makes you so ridiculous. You pick on one comment from one person and condemn millions because ot it. You criticise those same millions for not wanting to draw the attention of a few mad gun-toting individuals - would you? Of course you wouldn't, any more than the inhabitants of the east end of London wouldn't speak out against the Krays or millions of Germans wouldn't speak out against Hitler or millions of Russians wouldn't speak out against Stalin and so on. You cannot see that to condemn the oppressed is to support the extremists. Your mindset is not only identical to that of the likes of Abu Qatada but your attitude is actually supporting his cause. You stupidly called me a terrorist supporter but you are the biggest terrorist supporter of all!



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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2013-02-04 8:53 PM



(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Where do you get those smilies from Peter? :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave

It's OK guys he really is completely bonkers, no better illustrated than constantly picking on me for his ire, the only thing I might be persuaded to covert to being a Muslim, is to be able to get a Fatwa on him, mind you I'm not sure you can do that with people that are obviously suffering with a delusional disorder.I have read of a cure though that works 99% of the time, a good smack in the teeth. >:-) >:-)



It cured me, just need some new teeth now.



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pelmetman - 2013-02-04 9:32 PM


peter - 2013-02-04 8:53 PM



(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Where do you get those smilies from Peter? :D

Just google smiley gifs for whatever you want to portray.


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Guest 1footinthegrave

And hot of the press for John47


A Saudi cleric has sparked outrage by declaring that baby girls must wear the burka.

Sheikh Abdullah Daoud, who said all female newborns should wear the veil, insisted the burkas would help to protect the infants against the threat of sexual attacks.



Blimey even a baby gets some of them going then




Perhaps some of "our girls" need to start wearing them perhaps. :-S

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One of my best friends is a muslim. He has lived here all his life, has a top job at IBM, isnt remotely religious, likes a beer and is as English as I am. His family are the kindest most generous and gentle people I have ever met. His father (a retired bank manager and in his 70's) was attacked not that long ago my a bunch of white hoodies who were no doubt related to some of the people in this thread! Is it any wonder there is little integration when both sides see such hatred and bile spewed by the ill informed and less inteligent members of society.


My sister Married an Arab. They are are now divorced but have two children together. Strangely he managed to divorce her through the courts and resisted the temptation to have her stoned to death or record her beheading on the internet! (lol) . They both re-married and are still friends. He had a picture of the Queen on his office wall and is a devout roylist despite him only moving here in his early 20's from Jordon. He works in the catering business and once waited on George Bush and Tony Blair. Again amazingly he managed to get through the whole service without lopping either one of their heads of although I have to say on this occasion I did try to persuade him that it might not be such a bad thing.


Generally people are good. Generally people just want a quiet life. There are scumbags of all races, creeds and religions. I just fail to see why others cannot see that. I feel sorry for them.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

That's good to hear, the religion part is the bit that causes the s**t to hit the fan.


But you say he is not remotely religious, well in that case perhaps he's seen the light, or could be very intelligent and seen his religion for what it is, b*****ks, or that he simply isn't a very good Muslim, as to be "not very religious" as a follower of Islam is a contradiction in terms.


Islam is an ideology. It is not defined by what any Muslim wants it to be, but by what it is.


No ideology is above critique - particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet, and that's the problem even if you and others simply cannot admit that.




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Barryd999 - 2013-02-05 12:59 AM


One of my best friends is a muslim. He has lived here all his life, has a top job at IBM, isnt remotely religious, likes a beer and is as English as I am. His family are the kindest most generous and gentle people I have ever met. His father (a retired bank manager and in his 70's) was attacked not that long ago my a bunch of white hoodies who were no doubt related to some of the people in this thread! Is it any wonder there is little integration when both sides see such hatred and bile spewed by the ill informed and less inteligent members of society.


My sister Married an Arab. They are are now divorced but have two children together. Strangely he managed to divorce her through the courts and resisted the temptation to have her stoned to death or record her beheading on the internet! (lol) . They both re-married and are still friends. He had a picture of the Queen on his office wall and is a devout roylist despite him only moving here in his early 20's from Jordon. He works in the catering business and once waited on George Bush and Tony Blair. Again amazingly he managed to get through the whole service without lopping either one of their heads of although I have to say on this occasion I did try to persuade him that it might not be such a bad thing.


Generally people are good. Generally people just want a quiet life. There are scumbags of all races, creeds and religions. I just fail to see why others cannot see that. I feel sorry for them.



Having lived and worked abroad I can certainly confirm that how you describe things Barry is more the norm than how some would seem to wish.


As for Johns point re how some Muslims feel they have a gun at their head - I would say this is also true. And it does very much depend on where you are and the influence that the extremist Islamists have in that area. Anyone displaying pro western or pro Israely views in say, Gaza, is likely to get some "attention" from Hamas.


Taking it one stage further - where we do have a rogue state run by an extremist elite - as in North Korea - can any one see that it would be easy and a sensible thing to do as a citizen of that bizarre State to stand up and openly disagree with those in power who hold the extremist views.


It was a similar problem for people who wished to stand up to Castro in Cuba. Mobile phones were banned and so were personal computers. And if anyone dared to say anything against the ruling elite then the Secret Police cam to call.


It is oh so easy to criticise those that do not speak out in these situations but it should be realised that not everyone in the world have the freedoms to do and say as we do.


And just because that is true 1foot - it does not mean that the religion of those oppressed people is to blame. What is to blame is the dictatorial elite.



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Barryd999 - 2013-02-05 12:59 AM


One of my best friends is a muslim. He has lived here all his life, has a top job at IBM, isnt remotely religious, likes a beer and is as English as I am. His family are the kindest most generous and gentle people I have ever met. His father (a retired bank manager and in his 70's) was attacked not that long ago my a bunch of white hoodies who were no doubt related to some of the people in this thread! Is it any wonder there is little integration when both sides see such hatred and bile spewed by the ill informed and less inteligent members of society.


My sister Married an Arab. They are are now divorced but have two children together. Strangely he managed to divorce her through the courts and resisted the temptation to have her stoned to death or record her beheading on the internet! (lol) . They both re-married and are still friends. He had a picture of the Queen on his office wall and is a devout roylist despite him only moving here in his early 20's from Jordon. He works in the catering business and once waited on George Bush and Tony Blair. Again amazingly he managed to get through the whole service without lopping either one of their heads of although I have to say on this occasion I did try to persuade him that it might not be such a bad thing.


Generally people are good. Generally people just want a quiet life. There are scumbags of all races, creeds and religions. I just fail to see why others cannot see that. I feel sorry for them.




It makes a pleasant change to log into this thread and read something sane but I'm afraid you will never convince the likes of twofeetinthemouth because he will always find an excuse for saying that "your" Muslim isn't the norm or that he's probably secretly planning the downfall of the world or some other paranoid delusion.


Fortunately for the rest of us, his views are not widely held in the real world.

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CliveH - 2013-02-05 8:29 AM



And just because that is true 1foot - it does not mean that the religion of those oppressed people is to blame. What is to blame is the dictatorial elite.



Very true, Clive, which is why I, as an atheist, am not banging on about the abolition of religion even though I think it is all a load of fairy-tale nonsense. There is no point in banning the symtoms of a disease; if religion were to disappear then something else would take its place and the extremists would still be in control - as you pointed out in the case of atheistic North Korea.


It is easy to diagnose, of course, but not so easy to find a solution. The reality is we will never get rid of all the evil dictators in the world but we can do something about cutting off some of the support that brings them to power in the first place - and that will only ever be done if all moderate peoples work to support each other instead of trying to blame some of them just because they believe in something different. To ostracise them is to tell the dictators that "they're all yours" and the only person that seems to make sense to is footinmouth!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
John 47 - 2013-02-05 8:34 AM


Barryd999 - 2013-02-05 12:59 AM


One of my best friends is a muslim. He has lived here all his life, has a top job at IBM, isnt remotely religious.




It makes a pleasant change to log into this thread and read something sane but I'm afraid you will never convince the likes of twofeetinthemouth because he will always find an excuse for saying that "your" Muslim isn't the norm.




Once again you do not address the point, but instead ridicule.


Perhaps you or the other bloke can explain the contradiction, "he's a Muslim, but not the least bit religious"

First of all a Muslim is not a nationality so it would have made more sense to say he's Turkish for arguments sake, and not the least bit religious, perhaps he has a problem with Islam as well. ?


Answers on a post card please ;-)


Is that sane enough for you ?

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I think the point I was trying to make (as well as inject a little humour into a bitter thread) is that 99% of Muslims be they good or not so good Muslims just want a peaceful life as do probably 99% of Christians. I'm a Christian but a crap one. I hardly ever go to church and only when it suits me. There are plenty of Muslims who are the same.


Imagine how it must feel to be one of these law obiding Muslims wandering down the street wondering when someone is going to beat the up because of the vile racist crap that's been pumped into their silly little minds. Imagine how the good people (and most of them will be shlt scared normal people) of Mali must feel. Scared witless and desperate for help.


Somebody mentioned us living in our nice little bubbles, safe and divorced from all this. Well we should think if how lucky we are. We should also think about how it must feel to be "them".


It is clear that there really are some Islamic nutters whipping up anti west hate. Of that there is no doubt but they are a tiny minority exploded to much bigger status and threat level than they really are. We should think about that before condemning entire races or religions

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