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CamperStop Europe v. the Others


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We are just back from 5 weeks in Belgium (four days + later 1 week at the end) , Netherlands (1 week) and west Germany (3 weeks +) which gave us the opportunity to try out our new guide CamperStop Europe. We bought this by internet from the publishers back in May for £20.02 but now it can be obtained from the Uk distributor Vicarious Books for £16 (or from Motor Caravanning Club). I agree with much of what Don Madge says in his review (see http://tinyurl.com/r58ef). The detail is impressive (over 200 pages) and covers several countries other guides such as the French ones do not cover adequately. However, using this guide we did experience difficulties in actually finding the Stell Platz/Aires on the ground, especially those in larger towns (we do not have SatNav). Also, as Don states, sometimes the information was sometimes out of date or inaccurate. But in general CamperStop Europe did lead us to places where we could/and often did stay. Readers need to watch out for overnight stops listed at actual camp sites which are much more expensive that is usual with the inexpensive proper Stell Platzes. Sometimes, also, the information provided was very rudimentary - just the place name with no details as to what was available (often these turned out to be a parking place on an expensive camp site). Another adverse criticsm is that while the detailed maps certainly show each stopping place clearly (though I had to use a magnifying glass to see some of the symbols!) but in relation to road systems, including motorways. If they did not have a stopping place for motorcaravans, no towns are named. To use these maps you need also to refer to a motor atlas alongside and work out the locations of key towns and cities by the roadpatterns, with large centres showing a knot of roads meeting! It would have been helpful to have at least a few major towns/regional centres named clearly and distinctively. I found, also, that the various pages of maps in CampersStop Europe did not match up easily as you turn from page to page (as in a normal road atlas with numbered pages). Towards the end of our travels, after using the CamperStop Europe as our guide, I went into several large book shops in Germany and looked at other guides, especially REISE MOBIL INTERNATIONAL BUILD ATLAS (€16.90, A4 format) and ADAC STELLPLATZ-FUHRER (hard back A5-ish format, about same price with two large unfolding maps - one covering Germany and Denmark, the other covering France and other countries of Europe). The REISE MOBIL INTERNATIONAL was definately very good and comprehensive on Germany, with excellent maps showing locations and photographs of each Stellplatz. However, this guide was not all that comprehensive on France and the other countries. The ADAC guide is excellent. In previous editions it covered only Germany, but now it covers most European countries. Moreover, within the volume there is a small postage-size map showing the precise location of each StellPlatz. On our next visit I shall be much tempted to buy the ADAC guide and use it alongside CamperStop Euope which in my view has limitations (not being able to find the actual sites for stopping because the information provided is too brief). On the other hand the brief information on local attractions for tourists is very useful. Where can either of thes two other guides be obtained in the UK? It seems that they are not stocked by Amazon UK (though are listed on Amazon Germany). Incidentally, all the information is provide in a standard format in German but it is relatively easy to come to grips with the terms used and understand the information provided.
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