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3 years around Europe in a motorhome


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yeti - 2013-02-01 12:53 PM


On BBC North West last night a couple who spent 3 years travelling in Hector their motorhome.

Here is the link but be quick it disappears after 5 hours and is not downloadable.


It's on after 22 minutes.


Pity hasn't remained on for longer. I would have enjoyed watching that and the link is 'dead' now.


I communicated with this couple a few times re. a couple of countries i've always been interested in visiting and wanted to know how they went about certain 'issues' as one country is not that easy to get access to.

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Guest JudgeMental
PJay - 2013-02-02 1:24 PM


Thanks for that Judge

I had it saved, but looked yesterday and it was not there. So have now saved your version


No probs..in fact Brians link the same. My eyesight not good and the way the site set up I cant read the text anyway, as I cant make it large enough..very odd. I have a new PC that I got last week and screen wonderful...

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Finance Director and a Company MD = plenty of dosh. 'DINKYS' = no ties = no problems! House sold in just three weeks when 'average' properties take years to sell...........must have been a very desirable property! Location Location Location springs to mind!


This couple lived the dream where most only ever get to fantasise about it!


Also did it at the right age too.





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I know Catherine and Chris very well and have met them on their travels on a couple of occsasions. Their adventures are inspirational and I followed the blog every week which is very well written by Catherine.


They are still living in the van and have started a fun and interesting motorhome related business here http://www.bobilstore.com its in its early stages at the moment but they are I think visiting all the shows so look out for them.


Ive been trying to persuade my wife to to the same thing for the past three years (we are the same ages as Catherine and Chris) but so far I have never managed to persuade her to make the full time leap although last year we managed six months.

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Guest JudgeMental
sorry but 3 years in a van around Europe would bore me stiff......There is a big wide world out there to see if you are lucky enough to have the time, health and money
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JudgeMental - 2013-02-02 5:27 PM


sorry but 3 years in a van around Europe would bore me stiff......There is a big wide world out there to see if you are lucky enough to have the time, health and money


Have to agree. Health being a VERY important part of it. Europe is a very small part , (and rather samey) IMO.


See the world if you can, while you can. Been fortuneate ? to travel to lots of places, except USA, (Which I have no desire to go to.}


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I'm puzzled. And why not the USA? its very different in many ways, much bigger but the camping facilities are similar. We've been several times with few problems, everyone accepts the RV as a way of life. Many owners move north to south and visa verser according to the temeratures.


Whatever part of the world is choosen in which to experience your camping its a matter of adjusting to local conditions and laws. We saw no need to wild camp as most of the sites were scenic with some actually on the beach. In Australia wild camping is accepted as the norm along with permanent sites.


Surely PJay you should consider it. What have you against it? You make the comment as though you have a grievance. Its different but surely thats life. And one final comment if you have a complaint it will be THE BOSS or A FAMILY MEMBER who replies.


On one of our return visits after a complaint and 2 years later we were welcomed with a complimentary pass and the red carpet treatment much to the surprised of the depot staff.


Mrs T



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Guest JudgeMental
Have to agree America vast and wonderful.....but I prefer India and far east any day, as its a mind changing experience..especially India
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Mrs T

I was not referring to motor home holidays, in particular. As we are late in coming to MHomes.


I like places and people that are different, ie India/Thailand/Africa/China

I have never wanted to go to USA (OH has been many times) I would like to see the Grand Canyon, from the air though.


We do have other Holidays in Hotels/ Cruise ships etc.

We are really sailors at heart, and only changed our boat for Motor Home, as getting to old for sailing and all the inclement weather it entails. You can stay dry in the van!! We consider the van , a BOAT with wheels on!!



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JudgeMental - 2013-02-02 5:27 PM


sorry but 3 years in a van around Europe would bore me stiff......There is a big wide world out there to see if you are lucky enough to have the time, health and money


They set out with a goal though to visit all 47 countries as well as six weeks in Maroco. No mean feat really. Most of us just do the usual France, Italy, Germany etc and hardly venture much further. I agree with you to an extent. Im bored of these places now. Done France to death. I imagine getting to Moscow and Iceland was an experience!



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Guest JudgeMental

Northern India at Christmas had a profound affect on me...I. JuSt found it a wonderful and crazy country, so vibrant and alive. When people say we are overcrowded here they reall have not a clue!lol


The sites on tourist trial jaw dropping..some difficult to get to and lots of time on the road but they say travel broadens the mind......For me India certainly changed my outlook and perceptions.


In Delhi we visited the main Sikh temple. In the basement they have a large kitchen, staffed entirely by volunteers. And funded by general population who gift money and raw materials..people bring cars loaded with sacks of rice as an example..they can feed between 20 and 50,000 people a day! It's free and they feed absouloutly anyone who turns up..would like to see RC or Anglican churches doing this....

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-02 5:27 PM


sorry but 3 years in a van around Europe would bore me stiff......There is a big wide world out there to see if you are lucky enough to have the time, health and money


Maybe they had already been to far flung parts of the world! We have lived and travelled extensively in the Far East and also the USA - now we are happy to potter round Europe.

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Regarding ourselves we do find that TV adds a lot to our learning of other cultures. With SKY we are able to watch Japanese and Chinese channels, then there are the Indian railways etc, its not like being there in reality but perhaps provides a view. In our travels we found that 3 months at least was needed to even begin to feel we had been there.


And what does one see in a fleeting glimse of a town, very little we think, we cycled in days past and began to see the real stuff where only the bicycle could take us like back streets and cycle paths looking into back gardens and real people working in fields just doing what they always do, surviving to the next birthday.


Modern M/H's are fine but the bicycle beats all, a combination of the two must be magic.





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Guest JudgeMental

I can assure you nothing can prepare you for an overnight Indian train journey even in !st class..!lol :D


"The exotic marigold hotel" movie is very accurate to be honest..it captures a real flavor of the place...Its a stunning country, so different....No wonder the Beatles and hippies where so impressed. :-D


I cycle daily and always take our e bikes away with camper..its the main thing for us to be honest. many use e bikes well into their 70's even 80's as they flatten the hills and make cycling enjoyable again...

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Guest JudgeMental

the kitchen....wanted to load more picture s but re sizer playing up..but my kids joined in with making the bread/chapattis. If I manage to load they are wearing orange head scarfs.




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