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Walking the Camino de Santiago


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My wife is going to walk 100kms of the Camino Portuges this Spring and I'll be shadowing her in the motorhome and we expect to take about 10 days, although this is pretty flexible depending on daily progress. We've got the Camino Portuges guidebook which is fine for the route and hostels etc but our plan is incorporate the use of the motorhome for her nightly accommodation.


She's going to be starting at Tui so we're fine for overnight parking at the Aire there and for several of the following days there are Aires/stopovers conveniently situated at Mos, Arcade, Pontevedra, Milladoiro, and Santiago de Compostela.




However, there is quite a gap between Pontevedra and Milladoiro (just before the finish at Santiago) so I wondered if anyone knows of any stopover locations between the 2 and not too far from the route itself please? Or anywhere else along the rest of the route to give us some other alternatives.


Has anyone else on here walked any parts of the various Camino de Santiago routes?

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Along the waymarked routes you will notice buildings with a sign of a Clam shell it is the official sign of St James, house where this sign is diplayed will offer food and accomodation , I dont know if there is a charge or not. I think this is part of the ethos of the walking routes.
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JudgeMental - 2013-02-02 1:28 PM


lazy bu$$er........


Not really (or at all) ;-)


Klyne - 2013-02-02 8:24 PM


Some years ago my eldest son walked the Camino from near the French border to Santiago. He stayed at hostels along the route, might that not be more of an adventure?




Thanks, I hope your son gained from/enjoyed his experience. Hostels may (or may not) be more of an adventure but may be a different adventure to the one my wife wishes to undertake :-)


David Dwight - 2013-02-02 11:07 PM


Along the waymarked routes you will notice buildings with a sign of a Clam shell it is the official sign of St James, house where this sign is diplayed will offer food and accomodation , I dont know if there is a charge or not. I think this is part of the ethos of the walking routes.


Thanks, we are aware of the hostels and understand how they work but wish to experience the 'adventure' of the walk, but using our motorhome for accommodation en-route.


My wife has her own reasons for undertaking such a walk and I am very happy to help to facilitate her wishes. The 'ethos' of the walk is really down to the individual and their own requirements as to what they want to achieve from their taking part.


This thread is just to ask if anyone knows of potentially suitable stopping places on or near the route described for a motorhome, other than those already identified, although tips and advice on the walking from others who have gone before will be very welcome.


Your replies are appreciated :-)

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  • 1 year later...


I was wondering if you managed this trip as we would like to experience some of the route this spring in our motorhome, and would appreciate any advice. We are taking the ferry to Santander and would welcome any info on aires and sites en route. We are unable to walk due to very dodgy knees but would like to cycle parts of the route and visit the cathedral at the end ( not claiming to be pilgrims!)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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