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Exterior Window Shades

David Dwight

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Hi Guys, Has anyone come any idea where we can obtain Exterior Window Shades, in the UK.. We have thought about making some, with lightweight canvas. For many years we have seen them on Caravans on the Continent. We could realy have done with some this year in France. David
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We've had them for many years, we even made a windscreen cover in the early eighties before Silver Screens came along. We now have just one for the large window in the side of the Timberland, we use the rollerblind for the other side when the door is open. The one we have now was made ftom a polly-cotton bedsheet. We secure it with two "bungies" and two tapes for tying the top. We used it at Lincoln with great success. It covers a large window and helps to keep the van cool. We will have it at the Malvern show if anybody is interested. Don
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[QUOTE]David Dwight - 2006-07-22 2:51 PM Hi Guys, Has anyone come any idea where we can obtain Exterior Window Shades, in the UK.. We have thought about making some, with lightweight canvas. For many years we have seen them on Caravans on the Continent. We could realy have done with some this year in France. David[/QUOTE]

Eriba caravans had a neat window shade.  The only drawback to cribbing the design for mororhomes is that you need a bit of awning channel above the window, which caravans often have but most motorhomes don't. 

On Eriba windows the awning channel was integral with the top, extruded, aluminium window hinge/frame.  The shades, made from synthetic awning type canvas (and thus waterproofed and reasonably free from shrinkage) had a corresponding length of awning bead along the top edge, and two diagonal elastic tapes across the bottom corners on the reverse side. 

Loosen the window catches, feed beads into channels, slip elastic tapes across bottom corners of window, and Bob's your uncle!  Full ventilation with shade.  You could also close and lock the window with these shades on.

Our van has one window, at the rear, that incorporates the awning channel into it's top hinge, so we made a similar shade for that.  However, I've chickened out of screwing/glueing awning channel above the two side windows.  There's that six year water ingress warranty on the body, you see! 

Annoying, isn't it?

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Hi Don and Brian, It was as I thought you needed an awning channel over the window, as there was on the Caravans we have had. Many thanks. The boss has come up with the answer, she produced an odd lenght of Curtain lining, the right size to do two windows, says she knows how to make them to fit snug. Well thats saved a few bob towards the next bottle. David
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