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Motorhoming with Parkinson's


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Hi, i have just been diagnosed with Parkinson's. We have recently retired and our plan was to spend quite a bit of time travelling with our small panel van in Europe. This diagnosis has been a shock as i have only a few symptoms at present but i was wondering if anyone as any advice as to how easy it is to travel with this condition.
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Pippin hi


Bad luck, but don't despair.


My colleague Chris was diagnosed with Parkinsons about 10 years ago when he was about 53. He drove his motorhome with his 3 kids until last year, to the Alps for skiing , and also regularly sails with me & others in the solent in a 34 foot yacht, racing in the ISC inshore series & the Round the Island Race. Last year we won the ISC Inshore series.

He only sold the motorhome because his kids have now grown up.


He has deteriorated, but still joins us on all sorts of escapades - eg we are going clay pigeon shooting next week, narrowboating in September & he will do all the yacht races this coming year. He also joins us most Fridays for our visit to the pub where we all after a few sherberts (including him) fall over regularly!


Chin up! Its not what you can't do, its what you can do!


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Thanks for the encouraging reply. I know i need to remain positive and fit as we intened to travel with our bicycles. I was just wondering if the condition would limit travelling for longer periods at a time or if anyone was already travelling with it and had any advice. I guess the best option is to keep going until you stop enjoying it!
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Guest JudgeMental

I would look around for a support group or forum where you can find out how others deal with it...I guess it affects different people difererently? I don't know anything about it. But hopefully if you look after yourself Iand condition remains stable, don't see why you can't continue travelling. If and when your condition deteriorates you could always consider a larger camper....


You probably have a 1001 guestions, maybe try this forum, it's the first that came up on search..good luck and stay positive!



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Guest 1footinthegrave

Hello Pippin, to have any diagnosis that could impact on your life like this can be devastating, I know because I had a life altering diagnosis quite recently myself. The thing is to keep positive, difficult I know, but as Eddie ( Judgemental ) suggests a Parkinsons support group will better answer your questions.


The one thing that you will need to do is inform DVLA, and your insurers. Treatment has come on leaps and bounds to what it was years ago, and there are new developments all the time, so other than that stay positive things are not always as black as they first appear, good luck. ;-)

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My wife was diagnosed with Parkinsons about 4 years ago aged 70. The problem with this condition is that every case is different and there is little consistency in symptoms.She does not drive now but DVLA gave her a licence after consulting her doctor.We still travel with our MH as she is not really affected physically in any serious way so far.The main problem in her case is severe depression which apparently is a common symptom but so far the medical profession is at a bit of a loss as to how best to treat this.You appear to have a positive attitude which is a good sign so just keep on going. We know a few others with this condition now. One who recently died (not from Parkinsons) led a very full life tho' he had noticeable physical symptoms for many years He was a clergyman who eventually retired due to age rather than his illness. The advice to consult the Parkinsons Society is hepful and they can put you in touch with a local group where you will get helpful advice and support if required.
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Thanks for all the replies. I will post on the Parkinsons forum which i had been avoiding after my daughter who is a psychologist suggested it might be too depressing to read all the different posts as they are generally problem orientated. I think it will be fine if i stick to motorhomes! Thanks also for the info on the DVLA and my insurers. There is a lot to get my head around at the moment but i am focusing on keeping fit, planning our two month trip to europe in March and keeping up with friends. I have read that depression can be a problem with this illness, my husband suffers fron a bi-polar disorder so i am well versed in the signs of depression, lets hope i can recognise it in myself! I have found that getting out with the van is a great help. I think this is a wake up call for us to get on with what we want to do now!
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Hello again Pippin, I was reluctant to mention depression in my earlier post, but it's good that your up to speed on the implications of the diagnosis, and although I'm by no stretch of the imagination an expert, depression can follow as a result of just the diagnosis itself, this happened both to a friend ( cancer ) who has now made a full recovery, and indeed myself early last year. The mistake I made was not seeking help early enough, and struggled on for months. Any way keep positive, and enjoy your travels. Mike ;-)
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