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Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James

Just an update. I came into La Linea Thursday night and noticed the big parking area before Gibraltar is closed off.

Went across to Gibraltar Friday morning and noticed demonstrators at the car park entrance. As far as I could make out from the signs when driving past the demonstrations were about Spains Unemployed - they were allowing people on to the park only between 8am and 8pm - and charging them.

Been in Gibraltar a couple of nights - the only place I have seen motorhomes overnighting is on the beach car park at Catalan Bay (photo taken from the Mediterranean steps yesterday) - the other side of the rock to the Town Centre, so about as far to walk as La Linea. But the new tunnel is open on that side making a good wide road through to Europa Point - (which has been given a complete makeover.)

There is a demonstration on Gibraltar Main Street this morning complaining about Spanish Fishing boats allegedly going into Gibraltar waters.

Just filled up at Morrisons and now at Mc Donalds.

Gibraltar looks very prosperous - lots of new development. I can see why the Spanish don't like everyone crossing the border into Gibraltar to get all this stuff tax free - depriving the Spanish of tax revenue. Imagine if the Spanish had a small piece of the British Mainland and did the same - Britains tax revenue leaking out through there.



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Guest Peter James
JudgeMental - 2013-02-10 9:21 AM


Maybe we should give the Spanish the Isle of Wight in recompense?

I guess the equivalent would be a chunk of the mainland so it would be worthwhile for people to nip over the border and get stuff tax free.

Given British politicians comments about companies avoiding tax, I wonder how they justify what they are doing to the Spanish Government with Gibraltar?

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Hi Peter -


Just to be clear; are you talking about the large area of rough ground BEYOND the entrance to Gibraltar?


That's the area we always use when visiting Gib, a couple of times each year.


We were last there about 5 weeks ago, and there were no problems then...there were loads of vans parked up there.


The bit I mean is.......as you drive along the portside road heading to the Gibraltar entrance gate, you instead pass that gate on your right and go straight on for another 500 metres or so, to just beyond the next big roundabout (towards the big radio mast), and then the area that wildcamping motorhomers use is on the right side...there are quite a lot of flat concrete bases there which are great to park on, left over from when it had Nissen huts on it.



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Guest Peter James
Wooie - 2013-02-10 8:41 AM


Thanks for that !.........................LOL


Our local Morrisons has just gone up to 140.9p for Diesel.


That`s really cheered me up on a Damp, Wet and downright Miserable Sunday morning

here in the UK.


Just checked a few minutes ago and its gone up here too (photo)


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Guest Peter James
BGD - 2013-02-10 9:50 AM


Hi Peter -


Just to be clear; are you talking about the large area of rough ground BEYOND the entrance to Gibraltar?


That's the area we always use when visiting Gib, a couple of times each year.


We were last there about 5 weeks ago, and there were no problems then...there were loads of vans parked up there.


The bit I mean is.......as you drive along the portside road heading to the Gibraltar entrance gate, you instead pass that gate on your right and go straight on for another 500 metres or so, to just beyond the next big roundabout (towards the big radio mast), and then the area that wildcamping motorhomers use is on the right side...there are quite a lot of flat concrete bases there which are great to park on, left over from when it had Nissen huts on it.



Yes, that sounds like it. Thats where I parked last time before going into Gib, but couldn't get on this time. I didn't want to be driving round Gib at night looking for a parking space, so went into La Linea to park on a street. When I returned next morning to go into Gib about 7am I only saw two motorhomes - big expensibve looking ones parked on La Linea seafront and 4 Spanish Police with them. Spent a couple of nights on a car park with the other white vans ;-) I notice widespread signs limiting parking to vehicles under 1.2 tons, but they were universally ignored and some had been covered over with black bags.

Will check the parking at La Linea when I go past again (soon) and will post again when I get another internet connection.

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Peter , the Spanish deprive themselves of tax income enough in there every day affairs never mind what they miss out on with Gibraltar . If they sorted out there crooked ways maybe they would not have to worry about The Rock .

Gibraltar is British , voted by the locals to stay British and according to the UN through self determination laws will stay British until the vote swings massively the other way .

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We stayed on the car park outside the airport a couple of years ago but had to fly home for a few days from Gibraltar .

The landing in Gibraltar is renowned as been terrible and we had two failed attempts at landing , both me and the missus along with everybody else were bricking it , kids were screaming as we came in to land and then twice suddenly had to put the gas on and fly out again , since then when flying I always wear a nappy just in case .

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Peter James - 2013-02-10 10:23 AM


Wooie - 2013-02-10 8:41 AM


Thanks for that !.........................LOL


Our local Morrisons has just gone up to 140.9p for Diesel.


That`s really cheered me up on a Damp, Wet and downright Miserable Sunday morning

here in the UK.


Just checked a few minutes ago and its gone up here too (photo)






Thank heavens you filled up the other day at the lower price.


Would you like me to organise a " Charity Fundraising Event " to provide some Emergency Funds

which i will send out to you ( minus administration costs ) of course ?


Only joking........Looks Fantastic.......Enjoy.

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Guest Peter James
BGD - 2013-02-10 9:50 AM


The bit I mean is.......as you drive along the portside road heading to the Gibraltar entrance gate, you instead pass that gate on your right and go straight on for another 500 metres or so, to just beyond the next big roundabout (towards the big radio mast), and then the area that wildcamping motorhomers use is on the right side...there are quite a lot of flat concrete bases there which are great to park on, left over from when it had Nissen huts on it.



Yes, Thats it.

I am at McDonalds on the Spanish side now. Took this photo a few minutes ago. The plastic barriers that were there at night have been dragged back. But, despite the streets being full of parked vehicles, there is nothing parked on any of that huge area except 2 lorries near the entrance to Gibraltar.


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Guest Peter James
antony1969 - 2013-02-10 10:46 AM

, voted by the locals to stay British and according to the UN through self determination laws will stay British until the vote swings massively the other way .


Well of course the locals vote to stay British because they are being subsidised by the British taxpayer. Just like the Falkland Islanders subsuidised about a million pounds a year each by the British Taxpayer.. If you are going to have a vote why not include the rest of Britain who are paying for it through the largest military spending in Europe?


You might as well ask the Jewish Settlers in the occupied territories whether they want to stay Israelis.

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Peter James - 2013-02-10 2:23 PM


BGD - 2013-02-10 9:50 AM


The bit I mean is.......as you drive along the portside road heading to the Gibraltar entrance gate, you instead pass that gate on your right and go straight on for another 500 metres or so, to just beyond the next big roundabout (towards the big radio mast), and then the area that wildcamping motorhomers use is on the right side...there are quite a lot of flat concrete bases there which are great to park on, left over from when it had Nissen huts on it.



Yes, Thats it.

I am at McDonalds on the Spanish side now. Took this photo a few minutes ago. The plastic barriers that were there at night have been dragged back. But, despite the streets being full of parked vehicles, there is nothing parked on any of that huge area except 2 lorries near the entrance to Gibraltar.





Thanks Peter.


Fingers crossed that it was just a one-off clearance of the area, to make way for the demonstration; and now that the barriers have been withdrawn, motorhomes can park there once again as usual.


Incidentally, not everyone may know that there is actually freshwater available on that area, from a pipe hidden around about the middle of the largest piece of land.......the long-termers all know about it, as do a lot of the regular visitors.

There's also a poo-dump too. It is (or was) at the rear of the area, near to the fence that separates it from the runway, via a grey plastic pipe that sticks up, and that's been hooked up to the sewer that runs under that area.

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Peter James - 2013-02-10 1:30 PM


antony1969 - 2013-02-10 10:46 AM

, voted by the locals to stay British and according to the UN through self determination laws will stay British until the vote swings massively the other way .


Well of course the locals vote to stay British because they are being subsidised by the British taxpayer. Just like the Falkland Islanders subsuidised about a million pounds a year each by the British Taxpayer.. If you are going to have a vote why not include the rest of Britain who are paying for it through the largest military spending in Europe?


You might as well ask the Jewish Settlers in the occupied territories whether they want to stay Israelis.




Subsidised , is that a bit like the English are with the Scots ?

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spospe - 2013-02-10 7:28 PM


It's historical, but when we visited in 2003 diesel worked out at £0-11 per litre when bought from the Safeway (now Morrison’s) if you spent £200 in store.


Sorry for being slightly off-topic, but I felt quite wistful.


200 quid wow you must have a very large family..That's a bit excessive!!

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mondo - 2013-02-11 11:52 AM


spospe - 2013-02-10 7:28 PM


It's historical, but when we visited in 2003 diesel worked out at £0-11 per litre when bought from the Safeway (now Morrison’s) if you spent £200 in store.


Sorry for being slightly off-topic, but I felt quite wistful.


200 quid wow you must have a very large family..That's a bit excessive!!


No, but tobacco and drink soon add-up!

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Guest pelmetman
Yep Gibraltars looking more & more British by the day :D..................could of swore I was in Bradford apart from the fact it was sunny (lol) (lol)


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Any more news now on whether vans are allowed back on to the " unofficial" parking area just beyond the Rock entrance now?


There's nothing in the Spanish motorhome forums/news that I can find that says anything about vans being cleared from there in the past few weeks, or about some new ban on the long-standing practice of parking there..........

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Guest Peter James

(at Furenguola now)

I took the attached photo as I left La Linea last Sunday, showing where they are apparently charging people to go on at the other end of that long series of car parks/waste ground.

Maybe they nip along to the other end and put the barriers across to encourage people to park on their car park - mbut thats just my speculation.

Sticking to the facts all I can say is there were no motorhomes on there when I drove past Thursday Night, Friday Morning, or Sunday mid day. The barriers were closed Thursday & Friday, but open on Sunday.



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Regular visitor to this area, normally they only charge at the beach end by the windsock when its market day ( Wednesday ) or on fiesta days......otherwise turn in and go right to park up by the other end ,next to the HGV customs fence !

Lots of issues with local fag smugglers over the Airport/Border fence so maybe the Guardia or Policia Local have got a bit keen....they used our van as cover last year parking behind it to spy on the smugglers they spoke but did not bother us.....never caught em though & interesting to watch the goings on.

Stay away from the Border fence !

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Guest Peter James

Never looked at tobacco prices but I should have guessed the tax would be lower on those too.

No wonder the Spanish are annoyed by it.

I spoke to a guy in the demonstration about Spanish fishing boats allegedly in Gibraltar waters.

He claimed that the British Government wasn't suporting Gibraltar.

I said they are looking after you better than us because Gibraltar tax rates are far lower than England.

But he didn't seem to want to talk about the tax rates. *-)

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