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Hi All, We have been burgalled. The thieves took a pick axe and a machette from our garden shed at the bottom of the garden and used these to break into our bike shed near the house while we were asleep in the early hours of 20.07.06. Stolen were our three small motorcycles:- Honda C90 cub Step through. H150 ERO RED and WHITE (HERO!) Fitted with a Skyteam Engine and manual clutch. Easy Rider M50 HF51 RZO (Jincheng) fitted with a Honda 90 engine. This has an extended rear swinging arm (+80mm) fitted. Also had a white top box containing wife’s crash helmet and a spare inner tube and some maps of France. Red tank & black frame Skyteam ST90 Pro Monkey RK04EUH with “124cc” engine & 4 speed box. Only 1200 miles old. Silver This had a Ex Army ruck sack fitted to the side containing a 3/8 drive socket set, open ended ring spanners, pump puncture outfit, screwdrivers etc. Plus a security chain and padlock. Total mileage about 3000 KM. Gear lever, foot rests brake pedal all modified to suit my feet. If anybody is offered these please let me and / or the Police know. Thanks Pi..ed off Clive (Currently investing in improved security and alarms.)
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Clive, Very sorry to hear about your loss, you were obviously targeted for the bikes. Those bikes were a very attractive item. I nearly plucked up courage to ask for a spin at Lincoln. But it's over 40 years since I had my leg over. 8-) I hope the crepe machine is stored in a safe place. :-D See you at Malvern Don
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[QUOTE]Clive - 2006-07-23 1:31 PM Cheers Don, I am glad I did not catch them at it as they had a machette out of the garden shed to crow bar open the door. I would take a long time to get over being hit with my own machette! C. [/QUOTE] Clive, Your no "oil painting" now, being wacked by a machette is not going to improve your looks. :-D What about insurance (?) I don't suppose it will cover the cost of replacements (?) I know the bikes were modified for your and Janets needs. Don
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Grrrrrr Thanks team, Well, insurance will only provide part of the value so it will cost. What rats me off is that this afternoon Janet was out in her Agila and could hear a small motorbike a little way away. She drove to the sound and found a small lad on HER bike. She asked where he got it from, he said "Its not mine" and road off into the woods. She rushed home and phoned 999. They said "Sorry, we have nobody available to attend". We went back - all was quiet. What ever happened to the Sergent sending Ventris or even Belamy out PDQ. I guess that nowadays crime has to work to a timetable to suit the Police! Grrrrrrrrrrrr C.
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Clive What can I say, so sorry, it's so bl**dy infuriating and no-one seems to care in the 'authories'. We're plagued by the little sods here, my father in law used to get his work moped nicked that often eventually he stopped replacing it! We have the little 'darlings' driving around on the field near us which is a ruddy nuisance. I once saw a lad pushing a step through moped and he just didn't look right, I rang the coppers and told them, they hadn't had a report of one being stolen and did nothing. 20 minutes later though they arrived but only after they'd then had a report that one had been nicked!!! Too late of course! To be honest Clive, you don't want them to find your bikes in any case, the state they'll be in will more upsetting for you to see than them just being nicked (which is bad enough I know), and the insurance won't pay up much if they do recover them either. Don't accept the first offer they make to you, they always offer the smallest amount they can get away with. We have 3 Honda NF75 mopeds (1980s era), one with less than 500 miles on the clock, they are not modern but are nice to ride. The main reason we have them rather than newer mopes is that they are insured as classic bikes (cheap insurance) and have an agree value so if anything like this does happen at least we should get most of their value back (after paying the excess of course). When you have got the money off the insurance company contact a few dealers, as you're going to be buying at least 2 bikes (assuming you're replacing them) you should be able to get a good deal on them, there are quite a few dealers on eBay and the internet, not just on the high street. Good luck. XX Mel B
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Grrrr Son in Law has just done a walk through the local woods and found the spare inner tube that was in Janets top box. I went back with him for an hour but nothing else found apart from some youngsters who saw us with handheld radio,s and did a runner Grrrrr We need bikes in time for Malvern and the insurance companies won,t pay out by then". I will just have to dig deep. Grrrrrrrrrr
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Shutting gates, bolting horses and all that, may I suggest fitting wireless alarms to your sheds? We have had a house alarm for many years, dating back to when I used to work away from home a lot. But a close call a couple of years ago lead to us fitting alarms to barns. At around 3am I went to toilet which in my house involves going down stairs trou couple of rooms and back up second set of stairs (the joys of a 250 year old house). On way throu lounge, sudenly a bat flew around room. I opened windows and doors to let bat out, when cat decides to come in, panamoniom ensuwed. I was chasing cat around house, who was chasing bat. All the lights where on and doors and windows open. Eventualy bat escaped and all settled down. Next morning found out ALL the nabours had there barns broken into, I can only asume thieves saw me and thought " We'll leave the nutter alone who runs around his house waving hands in middle of night" Fitted alarm that week, easy job, on/off switch on a key fob which is on barn keys.
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Hi All Sorry to hear of your theft Clive and hope your experience with plod and the insurance companies is better than mine some 4 odd years ago. I had a nearly new 170cc Piaggio scooter and a C90 stolen from a locked garage which was behind bolted 6ft gates, at around 8pm one evening. We were both in the house but heard nothing. I discovered that they were missing around 9pm and phoned the police to report it. Plod (hot on the trail) eventually came round some 24+ hours later, took statements and examined the surrounding gardens etc., and announced that they could find nothing of significance and said that it was probably kids from a local estate that had taken them for a 'joyride' and that was the last I heard from the police. The insurance company (who shall be nameless) did everything in their power to avoid paying out. They even had the cheek to say that the security of where the bikes were kept was inadequate, and that they should have been locked to a floor anchor individually. I had to fight for over 9 months to get any money out of them. Best of luck Clive, you will need it.
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Sorry to hear of your loss Clive, sign of the times I'm sorry to say, scum among us where ever you go in the UK these days. I'm surprised an electrical genious like you did not have an electrical system rigged up to give them the shock of their lives. Not to harm them of course. When they are caught they should be given a suspended sentence, suspended by the "wotsits" for a year or two. As they had your machette it might have been just as well that they got away before you got there. Can't ride new bikes with bits of you missing.
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Sorry to hear about your breakin.Why not install a driveway alarm in the out houses or sheds.These can be bought from SAS products,a transmittor & receiver costs about £45.A transmittor in each outhouse & 1 receiver indoors would let you know there's a breakin,best to phone the police first rather than tackle the intruder.I use one myself,it'll wake the dead when it sounds indoors,even the heaviest sleepers.The batteries in both components last about 5 weeks.You can also place them in the caravan or motorhome,they'll only activate if broken into but dont penetrate through the walls of the vehicle so unaffected by passersby.
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Hi again all, Greg,s OK. He can't help being a software person - its in his blood. (A bit like petrol and the Stig) Security - we have lived here for 40 years and this is the first time we have had any problems associated with security. We were daft as we advertised the Honda 90 for sale at the gate and two groups of youngsters showed an interest. We were plonkers!. That;s how the local scroats knew. An insurance man said to me that wooden sheds are not considered secure acomodation, it has to be a solid brick / concrete / steel building to be secure. But you can be sure that the level of security is already increased in preparation for their replacements and that many access points will be tied into the "Clive Alarm" which should put the fear of God into anyone who forgets to turn it off before opening any doors!!! As much as i would like to connect my shocker circuit (http://www.motts.dsl.pipex.com/Spark%20generator.htm) to various doors the man traps act would leave me legally vulnerable. But we will have the ba....ds one day! Thanks Clive
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Guest gootler
Who are you calling a software person? :)

I do have a Peugeot Speedfight2 scooter for sale but no monkey bikes so you can't pin that one one on me!
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clive so sorry to hear about your news Sorry about the Police as well But as my husband say's The public get's what the public want's Meaning they want them patroling on foot . fantastic everyone want's to see them walking Look out the window see a copper that makes people feel safe. The reality is they can't get where they need to be fast enough when the crime is happening . So when they say they have no one this is not alway's meaning NO ONE it usually means no one with in miles of you and only one panda car or area car....anyway enough of that really sorry to hear about things ... glad no one was hurt .........they want stringing up
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