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Update on accident at Dealership!

purple princess

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As you may recall our lovely Bailey had "an accident" whilst in for a service and some warranty works at the local service centre. This was some time ago (back in November!). Finally on the 21st January they emailed to say the works were complete but they were getting back on to Bailey on our behalf about some more warranty work. This was a little more complex as we had a service record missing but was passed by Bailey. Said warranty work is now complete however the service centre have hit us with a bill for over £400 for the original service and works we have not authorised that flagged up on the service. We have spoken with the Caravan Club legal dept who have told us we are entitled to loss of use of our caravan and should have an independent report too. Whats your thoughts folks????
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Oh dear, nothing is every simple is it! Okay, you should have to pay for the service work as that's what it was in for in the first place, as for the unauthorised work - unless you signed something with a disclaimer to the effect that they could carry out X amount of work to a value of Y without authorisation from you, then you should tell them to go forth and multiply, they have NO permission to charge you for something you have not said they could do.


However, as the caravan was damaged and you haven't been able to use it, I would very much suggest you have a case to claim some sort of compensation, as the Caravan Club has already alluded to. Now if the dealerthis were to agree that the compensation was the amount that they were trying to get you to fork out so that there's nothing to pay, that would seem a 'sensible' solution, or at the very leas, take off the labour part of the cost so you only have to pay for the (minimal?) materials/parts used for the service (not the other work as they DIDN'T get it authorised regardless!).


It might also be worth dropping into any conversation, casually, that you've been taking advice about it on motorhome/caravan forums too, as they may not be willing for their (possibly) good name to be mentioned about except to praise them for being fair to you ... oh, don't be fobbed off by the promise of a reduced charge for future work etc as I wouldn't recommend that you go anywhere near them in the future!!!!


Just edited this to put a link to your previous thread about the damage in case anyone needs reminding!



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Well, assuming the service was properly carried out a bill for that is due, though you may wonder whether your are their "valued customer" under the circumstances! Charging for items they were not authorised to undertake outside the warranty work is inexcusable: in fact, IMO, fraudulent, as you presumably now have no way of knowing whether they were really necessary.


I would therefore be strongly inclined to first do two things. 1 See if there is another Bailey dealer within striking distance and, if there is, visit them to see what they feel like, ask if you can see their workshop, and whether they would be prepared to service your van in future and take on any remaining warranty work. I would say nothing about your recent experience with the other dealer. 2 Go through the bill and deduct the cost of all unauthorised work, to arrive at a total you consider is properly due.


I would then contact the MD of your dealership and ask to meet him/her. I would take the bill to that meeting, and make very clear your dissatisfaction that you received such an inflated bill, especially following the damage they had caused to your van. I would offer to pay what you consider reasonably due, but not one penny more. I would add that their carelessness robbed you of the use of your van while it was being repaired, for which you consider some consideration is due, and that you would have hoped, under the circumstances, that at the very least they would have apologised profusely and offered some gesture of goodwill, rather than presenting an inflated bill. If he appears completely un-moved, I would thank him for his time, and say you would be seeking further advice. I would then pursue the line suggested by the CC regarding a counter claim for loss of use. This may not be so straightforward if they are the only Bailey dealership within a reasonable distance, because you will either have to go back there in future, or accept unwelcome long journeys. After all this, if the relationship has been soured by a court case, you may feel you have no trust in them at all, but have nowhere else to go. Not a happy position to be in. Only you can judge which course to take.


On the other hand, it just might be that someone raised a bill and sent it out without proper knowledge of the circumstances. If that is the case, you may find you have a very embarrassed MD withdrawing the bill and apologising profusely! You never know. But, before leaping on the legal cart I would definitely try polite reason in person, because it is just possible it is a cock-up, and not a conspiracy! :-)

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Thanks folks. I certainly will NEVER be going back again. We are lucky to live in part of the country that is scattered with many caravan dealerships and service centres, we chose this one as we thought it was the best. They know what they have charged me, I am dealing with the service manager. I do think they don't have many accidents and therefore have no protocol in place as to how to deal with them. I think there has been a complete breakdown in communication between the the front line staff and the service centre staff. I cannot believe they have the audacity to tell us that they've told us how much things are going to cost when they so very much haven't and the fact they told us they kept our caravan on their premises with a hole in the front for 8 weeks as a favour to us and we could have taken it away with a temporary repair!!! They are really aren't being very nice!
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Sounds like it's time to send the boys round.


Absolutely unbelievable to suggest they have done you a favour looking after it when it was their neglect that caused the damage. Could be worth the cost of a solicitors letter their attitude may change if they think you are going to take legal action.

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purple princess - 2013-02-12 8:32 AM..........I am dealing with the service manager. .............

You need to talk to the organ-grinder, not the monkey! MD, not his hireling! Then either pursue with CC legal service, or Consumer Direct, if he won't change his tune. You will have to write, but I suggest you take advice beforehand if they stick to their guns.

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I had a similar experience some years back when a 'service centre' had my race transporter in for some 'agreed' work.  They found something that needed doing and quoted.  I agreed.  When I went to collect the vehicle they tried to bill me for over £1000 more than quoted or agreed.  In the end, after a little negotiation I paid £200 simply because the work they did was beneficial to me.  Had it not been I would have paid nothing.  In essence if a workshop does 'unapproved' work or goes beyond your agreed limit then it's their loss.
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Guest JudgeMental

I seem to remember from old thread that I thought it daft letting the firm who's negligence caused the damage being left to repair it ..sounds like I was right*-)


If mine I would have had my insurance company remove to a recommended repairer, where an engineers report on chassis would be forthcoming....have you had an engineers report as caravans very weak structures.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well folks. We've been and collected our caravan which has a replacement panel that is shade different in colour. We have argued this has devalued our caravan. (another dealer agreed with us but said he wasn't in a position to put it on paper!), We have taken legal advice, have contacted our insurance who weren't interested as they said that as the caravan had been repaired, if there was a problem with the repair that was for us to sort out! (note to self - change company at renewal!). We have spoken to the MD who refused to meet with me and I quote said "I don't know what you are worried about, its not like someone is ill, its only a caravan!" All in all we have had a horrendous experience. They have reduced the bill for the works unauthorised but have still charged us for the initial service. To top of this horrendous experience the staff at the shop were pure nasty when we picked it up. READS of Blackburn have an excellent reputation but if something goes wrong they have NO IDEA - I have never ever been treated as shockingly anywhere in my life!!!!!! Already two of our friends who were regular customers have categorically said they will never take their vans there again.
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Guest JudgeMental

well...A.salutary lesson to everyone......dont listen to bad advice and go though your insurer, you pay enough for it, in a case like this make use of their legal protection as well.You dont even know if its road worthy! *-)


you may have legal protection on your household insurance but problem may be that as you accepted the repair, again you may be flummoxed but worth a try

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I've contacted three lots of legal protection, we could have taken them to court but then this goes on and on, and we'd need the help of another dealership. Having spoken to other dealers and Bailey we are sure that the caravan is roadworthy and have warranties for the works carried out(not that we'd go back if there's a problem!!). No other dealer would have treated us as we have been (ALL said there should be nothing to pay including Bailey!). At the end of the day if we knew when it happened what we know now the caravan would have been removed straight away but there's a lesson!! And I don't think you can say the same for all dealerships, we've just been unlucky.
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You don't give your location so I'm assuming because you have used Reads of Blackburn that you are in Lancashire. One company that can do a perfect match for you is Base Autobodies of Kenyon Court, Kenyon Road, Lomeshaye Ind Est, Nelson. BB10 5TF Phone no 01282 699644. They are very experienced with caravan and motorhome bodywork and have a large spray booth. They undertake work from many companies and individuals.
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This has been a terrible experience for yet i am sure but sounds like you need to accept it put down to experience and try to enjoy your caravan. Obviously none of us have seen the panel so difficult to comment but it will prob fade in time and not be as obvious. At least its a front panel so its symmetrical not as bad as if it was a side panel.

Anyway truly awfull service from the dealer and they were the ones that damaged it. Unbelievable.

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rolandrat - 2013-02-23 9:53 AM


Looking on Reads website they are an NCC Approved Workshop, perhaps you could take your problem up with them.

Has previous post its worth contacting the NCC.

As for legal protection, Beware you still could still land up with a bill. I have an on-going case of over 34 months using my insurance legal protection; the solicitor is charging £220 per hour, Thank fully the people I am in dispute with finally agreed fault 1 day before the case went back to court. But are not happy with the legal fees that they will have to pay, and then there is my claim for compensation which will run into further thousands of pounds. So be aware has I have found out legal protection is not all it makes out to be, there are limitations


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Given the fact that the company caused the damage, have tried to bill you for non authorised works, have carried out a repair that you are not happy with, that the management is not playing ball and the rest of the apalling issues I would simply pay the original service bill and tell the intransigent MD that if he want's any more you'll see him in court....and definately contact NCC and report not only the issues with the caravan but also word for word the comments made by the MD.  In a nutshell do what you can to make life uncomfortable for him....letters to MMM and other club/caravan magazines would be a good place to start...the local press might be interested as well...don't get mad...get even    :-)
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Problem with the "bad publicity" approach, Princess, is getting a magazine (or website) to publish your story, with the dealer's name, as they're all so frightened of being sued themselves.

Of course, as long as you stick to stating facts for which you've got documentary evidence, there's really no legal problem - but try telling that to the legal dept of a magazine!


(In fact, I'm slightly surprised that the thread is still here, now you've named the firm, but I'm glad it is! Maybe no-one's watching as it's weekend!)

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Well folks, many thanks for all your support, its been and will continue to be very helpful. I'm very pleased my naming and shaming post just happened to be a Friday afternoon and the powers that be haven't removed it promptly so you all know where this happened. It has been a horrendous experience (that I'm sure will be told by ourselves and our friends at many rallies in the future!) but now looking forward to lots of happy camping. Roll on summer.....
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