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Rate of Annual Depreciation


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deckboy - 2013-02-17 3:39 PM


New question coming soon - see if I can steer it on a straight course (lol)


Don't bet on it.


Instead, try to see each topic as a conversation which, as in life, tends to broaden as it progresses, returning to the original theme from time to time.


Twas ever thus and I don't see it changing any time soon - and wouldn't it be boring if it did!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Our IH purchased new ( not by me I hasten to add ) was £37.000 in 2003, now in 2013 I may get a PX of 17/18 K, a dealer cash price of 12/13 k, or maybe private 15k, so if your any good at maths those are the figures for a ten year old PVC with 48k on the clock, albeit of excellent spec to begin with half leather etc, and fully loaded. ;-)


Note, we have no rear doors, a big bonus for us, and nice and cosy.


A new IH is an eye watering price, but still excellent for those that can afford one :D


So £2000 to £2500 a year down the pan, plus running costs.


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Tracker - 2013-02-17 3:49 PM


deckboy - 2013-02-17 3:39 PM

Twas ever thus and I don't see it changing any time soon - and wouldn't it be boring if it did!!


I'll risk rising to the bait Tracker, but I think the constant hijacking and lack of respect is boring boring boring

With respect

alan b

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snowie - 2013-02-17 4:56 PM


Twas ever thus and I don't see it changing any time soon - and wouldn't it be boring if it did!!


I'll risk rising to the bait Tracker, but I think the constant hijacking and lack of respect is boring boring boring

With respect

alan b


Wasn't meant as bait Alan -and you do have a very valid point about the lack of respect for others when unprovoked rudeness is posted (and no, I don't mean you)!!

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-16 11:33 AM


you really are an idiot H and about as stupid as they come.....


NO signs of damp in Euramobil


damp detected at PX handover by dealer


Dealer called Euramobil to check that 6 year water ingress warranty still in place


it was


deal went ahead at previously arranged price


drove away for a lovely Easter break taking in Brugge for a few days, after saving 8K on UK price over a poorer specified RHD van.




Now those are the facts, how many times have I read on here of people putting their feet through rotten floors on your favorite UK make.....Next time I need advice about buying a camper I will ask you first and then do exactly the opposite.


Whether their was any visual sign of the damp makes no differance at all, still there and would have got worse if not detected. Why are you so objectionable Eddie, if you want to convince others it will need more than this. The vans with damp floor, I assume you mean Swift, happen some time ago still you seem to like living in the past, and they like your Euro van dealt with the problem.

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-16 2:47 PM


you talking to me dim wit or the judge. All I did was challenge what H said about my camper which was factually untrue

Eddie sorry to annoy you but how was it factually untrue, all I said was it had damp, which it had., if you do not wish me or anyone else to quote you then do not put it on a public forum.

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I remember Eddie selling his Euromobil, and the 'Damp' issue, I couldn't help but chuckle, after all his 'German impeccable quality HOGWASH' . I used to work for a German computer company Comparex (part of BASF) believe me, their production methods are just as 'Flawed' as everyone else's,

The ONLY differance, I found was in their management of a known problem, they stopped production until it was FIXED. no, 'carry on and hope no-one notices, (think of the costs !)' their ethos was, Our reputation is worth more than a few days lost production. Which I (as an Engineer) admired.

No, British vans (in my experience) are just as well put together as anyone else's, German Invincibility, is a myth encouraged by the Germans.

The Little Englander (living in Wales) Ray

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Minicamper - 2013-02-20 8:12 AM


None of the above seem to take into account the thousands saved in holiday costs, or days out. Just saying, the more you use it, the more you save! ;-)


I think it's easy to combine the vehicle costs and "excursion" costs and come to a very satisfactory result; to a conclusion that our hobby is good value for money even. In the present savings market I could probably argue (given a bit of thinking time) that it would be irresponsible NOT to spend unproductive money on trips in the van.


The OP was asking about vehicle depreciation, and on that level I would have trouble spending the kids' inheritance on a "motorhome".

If you keep trading up then maybe the deals are there, dealers have to keep turning the vans (and punters?) over; but if you are wanting to sell up and try something else, I think it's at that point that reality will kick in!


alan b




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Guest 1footinthegrave
Minicamper - 2013-02-20 8:12 AM


None of the above seem to take into account the thousands saved in holiday costs, or days out. Just saying, the more you use it, the more you save! ;-)


True up to a point, but I've figured even with my fairly modest van a yearly figure including depreciation and fixed costs amounts to around £4000 pa, then add in the costs of actually using it for your travels adds considerably more of course.. Why do we do it, well because we simply do not like the hassle of other types of holidays. ;-)

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Minicamper - 2013-02-20 8:12 AM


None of the above seem to take into account the thousands saved in holiday costs, or days out. Just saying, the more you use it, the more you save! ;-)


Sorry - but I just don't ever see the words 'motorhome' and 'save' being used together!!


It's true that the more you use it the less the standing costs become as a mileage related cost - but it ain't ever gonna be cheap and the best way to save is to not buy one!


But if you want real horrific costs - buy a boat and keep it in a marina!!

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