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pound really under pressure now!

Guest JudgeMental

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After loosing the AAA rating (which has been expected for the last couple of months or so) and all the negatives over the £, it seems to be holding it's own at the moment. Europe is waiting for the outcome of election's in Italy and they are very concered at the way things are going there. Europe have bigger problem's than what they are letting on I think. Finland, one of the strongest countries in Europe are now starting to feeling the cold and I don't mean the winter one. Tomorrow should give us a better idea what is happening.
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Judge, you wind me up with your loony statements----quote -- I'm on my last van thanks there will not be another, But I would never buy a crap built UK van

I have always bought British, except for one and that was the one that had problems. Guess what, it was an Adria Twin! I did not keep it long. Apart from the problems which were sorted by the dealer, it rattled like mad.

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-25 6:16 PM

But I would never buy a crap built UK van in any case even if they were being given away..


Such patriotism and pride in your country does you proud.


I hate to be pedantic but if they were giving them away you wouldn't need to buy one!!

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Guest JudgeMental
whiskers - 2013-02-25 6:54 PM


Judge, you wind me up with your loony statements----quote -- I'm on my last van thanks there will not be another, But I would never buy a crap built UK van

I have always bought British, except for one and that was the one that had problems. Guess what, it was an Adria Twin! I did not keep it long. Apart from the problems which were sorted by the dealer, it rattled like mad.


Maybe in the heat of the moment badly worded. But this probably my last van due to health. I dont go out of my way not to buy British, But when purchasing "anything" its the price/quality ratio I worry about, not where it is made, just like most of you on here I would think. How is it when it come to campers we are all supposed to get nationalistic...its utter BS


I simply dont see value or quality here compared to European vans, heavy and old fashioned with poor payloads seems to be the order of the day. impossible to find a 4 berth van in 2007 with a usable payload (diabetic limited to 3500kg). And as we holiday almost exclusivity in Europe why would I pay 20-25% more for a RHD German van when like others I prefer LHD By the way Adria twin hardly state of the art and I am not daft or blind unlike some one here. *-)


edit: just seen trackers inflammatory and typically jingoistic post.....This moron who spend all his time on here learning nothing, went out and bought a UK van that was so overweight, and illegal to use on the road with no one in it!lol Pathetic or what!:D

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-25 6:16 PM


Colin Leake - 2013-02-25 4:56 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-24 5:58 PM


I wouldn't call $479 Billion dollars nearly nothing and in spite of valiant attempts to transform the country into a debt ridden nation of takers and government employees we are still the 10 th largest exporting economy in the world.


Why do people have to talk this country down I wonder - that really is depressing!




Tracker You have to make allow for the fact that he is a glass half empty buy German type. Whilst its true much of what goes into a British motorhome is imported the building of them gives employment to British Workers who pay taxes and earn money which they then spend mainly in the UK. For my part we buy British built whenever we can. Our current motorhome is British built AutoTrail, our car is a British built Toyota and the next one is due to be a British built Honda. OK none are British owned companies but at least they are built in the UK.


I almost take delight in the fact that our German champion will have to pay more for his next motorhome if he wants to buy German.


Incidentally the Germans in the main got where they are by being patriotic supporting their own manufacturers and allowing them to grow strong.


When I was young I was the works engineer for a company that made small domestic appliances not only under their own label for many prestige continental companies as well some of whom were German. How the world has changed from then.


I'm on my last van thanks there will not be another, But I would never buy a crap built UK van in any case even if they were being given away...Have not in the last 20 odd years so unlikely to start now. FYI it may of escaped your notice but we are in a European market and without it we are sunk..Tell me what bit of your van is not imported and the car you drive is a japenese imported kit assembled here to get around trade restrictions. What are all the white goods and electronics in your house I wonder...More jingoistic and clueless flag waving .


Your right on one respect, the Germans believe in their people..and are not saddled with a divisive class system. They educate and invest in the future and the long term. whereas here the economy has always been dominated by a short term get rich quick mentality. due to many factors including the banks.


If you haven't bought a British motorhome in the last 20 years just how do you know they are crap?


Yes a good deal of the fittings etc in our AutoTrail are imported and the company is foreign owned but its still built in Britain and provides employment for UK workers. It's certainly not crap. The build quality in all respects is superb and at the very least a match for the teutonic vans you seem so besotted by.


Much of our present Toyota is UK built.


As for the Honda CRV we have on order most of it is not only built in the UK but in large it's designed in the UK where we have internationally recognised expertise.


I'll give you our white goods are all Miele which does mean they are German and one has to admit they are superb quality built to last a life time (well at our age anyway) but I would have preferred timid we had been able to purchase UK made goods.

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-25 7:23 PM


whiskers - 2013-02-25 6:54 PM


Judge, you wind me up with your loony statements----quote -- I'm on my last van thanks there will not be another, But I would never buy a crap built UK van

I have always bought British, except for one and that was the one that had problems. Guess what, it was an Adria Twin! I did not keep it long. Apart from the problems which were sorted by the dealer, it rattled like mad.


Maybe in the heat of the moment badly worded. But this probably my last van due to health. I dont go out of my way not to buy British, But when purchasing "anything" its the price/quality ratio I worry about, not where it is made, just like most of you on here I would think. How is it when it come to campers we are all supposed to get nationalistic...its utter BS


I simply dont see value or quality here compared to European vans, heavy and old fashioned with poor payloads seems to be the order of the day. impossible to find a 4 berth van in 2007 with a usable payload (diabetic limited to 3500kg). And as we holiday almost exclusivity in Europe why would I pay 20-25% more for a RHD German van when like others I prefer LHD By the way Adria twin hardly state of the art and I am not daft or blind unlike some one here. *-)


edit: just seen trackers inflammatory and typically jingoistic post.....This moron who spend all his time on here learning nothing, went out and bought a UK van that was so overweight, and illegal to use on the road with no one in it!lol Pathetic or what!:D


Well that's told you Tracker. Your a moron then! Just out of interest he's got me worried. If your AutoTrail is illegal then our Apache must be as well. What ever are we going to do?

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Guest JudgeMental
what what makes you think I would prefer not to either. Boy! I know tracker is thick but you 2 make a right pair of smug ignorent barstewards
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Colin Leake - 2013-02-25 7:38 PM

Well that's told you Tracker. Your a moron then! Just out of interest he's got me worried. If your AutoTrail is illegal then our Apache must be as well. What ever are we going to do?


The day I have any respect or concern for his point of view will be the day Hell freezes over, especially as he makes I smile as he grasps at any passing straws to try and justify his own views!


I don't share his ego problems of not being prepared to publicise a mistake in order to help others - and as is well documented the issues were easily overcome to leave me with a much improved and very fine, capable, comfortable and legal motorhome that rides well and is a joy to drive and live in! Job done!!


Payload issues have had much airing of late and quite a few folk have taken steps to check and correct any payload issues and that makes me feel quite good that I helped in some small way with that publicity.


I suspect that anyone with the inclination can look back at the history of vans and owners on here and find many vans that are all fantastic when first bought but which turn out to be less so with the benefit of hindsight and are quietly sold on within a few months!


In over 40 years at this caper I've never had a bad UK made van and the layouts always suit our needs at the time so I see no advantage at all in buying a van with a layout that might work for some but not for us which applies to so many layouts - both UK and European made.


I do accept that others may prefer a foreign made van for whatever reason and all I ask for is the same respect of us buyers of UK made vans from others.

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Colin Leake - 2013-02-25 7:32 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-02-25 6:16 PM


Colin Leake - 2013-02-25 4:56 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-24 5:58 PM


I wouldn't call $479 Billion dollars nearly nothing and in spite of valiant attempts to transform the country into a debt ridden nation of takers and government employees we are still the 10 th largest exporting economy in the world.


Why do people have to talk this country down I wonder - that really is depressing!




Tracker You have to make allow for the fact that he is a glass half empty buy German type. Whilst its true much of what goes into a British motorhome is imported the building of them gives employment to British Workers who pay taxes and earn money which they then spend mainly in the UK. For my part we buy British built whenever we can. Our current motorhome is British built AutoTrail, our car is a British built Toyota and the next one is due to be a British built Honda. OK none are British owned companies but at least they are built in the UK.


I almost take delight in the fact that our German champion will have to pay more for his next motorhome if he wants to buy German.


Incidentally the Germans in the main got where they are by being patriotic supporting their own manufacturers and allowing them to grow strong.


When I was young I was the works engineer for a company that made small domestic appliances not only under their own label for many prestige continental companies as well some of whom were German. How the world has changed from then.


I'm on my last van thanks there will not be another, But I would never buy a crap built UK van in any case even if they were being given away...Have not in the last 20 odd years so unlikely to start now. FYI it may of escaped your notice but we are in a European market and without it we are sunk..Tell me what bit of your van is not imported and the car you drive is a japenese imported kit assembled here to get around trade restrictions. What are all the white goods and electronics in your house I wonder...More jingoistic and clueless flag waving .


Your right on one respect, the Germans believe in their people..and are not saddled with a divisive class system. They educate and invest in the future and the long term. whereas here the economy has always been dominated by a short term get rich quick mentality. due to many factors including the banks.


If you haven't bought a British motorhome in the last 20 years just how do you know they are crap?


Yes a good deal of the fittings etc in our AutoTrail are imported and the company is foreign owned but its still built in Britain and provides employment for UK workers. It's certainly not crap. The build quality in all respects is superb and at the very least a match for the teutonic vans you seem so besotted by.


Much of our present Toyota is UK built.


As for the Honda CRV we have on order most of it is not only built in the UK but in large it's designed in the UK where we have internationally recognised expertise.


I'll give you our white goods are all Miele which does mean they are German and one has to admit they are superb quality built to last a life time (well at our age anyway) but I would have preferred timid we had been able to purchase UK made goods.


You are certainly correct about the Honda CRV Colin. My eldest grandson got a 1st in accountancy and was offered a job in Swindon on what Honda call their graduate training program. He is currently working as a buyer for them and although they buy stuff in from all over the place most of the car is made in Swindon, even the engines are built their so kit cars they are not, in fact nothing at all is shipped from Japan. Like others I get tired of Eddies comments about UK vans and his almost total lack of knowledge about them, mind you he seems to believe if you cannot see damp it does not count so why would anyone take much notice. The Germans come to the UK if they really want something built properly, take the Merc GP car, all UK built even the engine is designed and built in the UK, same engine is in the Maclaren with great big Merc badges on, the only bit they supply. The only really bad van I have had was a Hymer but it was a few years ago so cannot really comment much on the new ones except I find German vans, at least the ones I looked at last year, old fashioned in design and layout with very little in new ideas. Overpriced and overated, bit like their cars and vans.

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nowtelse2do - 2013-02-25 9:38 PM


Think we could do with another down grading, the pound has rallied to e1.1618 to the £




Once Italy's political problems hit home, the Euro will sink against pound again, and again. don't buy your Euro's just yet. Ray

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Rayjsj - 2013-02-25 10:05 PM


nowtelse2do - 2013-02-25 9:38 PM


Think we could do with another down grading, the pound has rallied to e1.1618 to the £




Once Italy's political problems hit home, the Euro will sink against pound again, and again. don't buy your Euro's just yet. Ray


Not doing Ray until after budget day ;-)



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What is bothering me, more than anything else is the cost of Fuel.


When the price was peaking a couple of years ago it was something like £1.35 per litre and the Nymex crude oil price was about $120 per barrel.


Now it is £1.45 per litre and rising while the oil price is 'just' $88 a barrel.


Even with the drop in value of the Pound against the Dollar which has been 5% since that time ( and not the 7% that has been reported because it has been up and down like a yoyo in 2 years! ) there seems to be little justification for the increases of late.


The price of fuel affects EVERYTHING in this country. It will be the main reason for inflationary increases in the coming months. It could be the most significant influence in our stifled economy, and the Government will not do anything because we took their advice and purchased more economical vehicles and are more careful with our fuel budgets and they are complaining that revenue from Duty is too low!!!


I am losing sleep over this!



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euroserv - 2013-02-26 12:51 PM




What is bothering me, more than anything else is the cost of Fuel.


When the price was peaking a couple of years ago it was something like £1.35 per litre and the Nymex crude oil price was about $120 per barrel.


Now it is £1.45 per litre and rising while the oil price is 'just' $88 a barrel.


Even with the drop in value of the Pound against the Dollar which has been 5% since that time ( and not the 7% that has been reported because it has been up and down like a yoyo in 2 years! ) there seems to be little justification for the increases of late.


The price of fuel affects EVERYTHING in this country. It will be the main reason for inflationary increases in the coming months. It could be the most significant influence in our stifled economy, and the Government will not do anything because we took their advice and purchased more economical vehicles and are more careful with our fuel budgets and they are complaining that revenue from Duty is too low!!!


I am losing sleep over this!






totally agree with you Nick :-(

thats why we should all join this


and put pressure on >:-)


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Guest JudgeMental
Rayjsj - 2013-02-25 10:05 PM


nowtelse2do - 2013-02-25 9:38 PM


Think we could do with another down grading, the pound has rallied to e1.1618 to the £




Once Italy's political problems hit home, the Euro will sink against pound again, and again. don't buy your Euro's just yet. Ray


with Silvio Berlusconi standing in the wings ready for a come back you may be right!


Pound has recovered from 1.13 to 1.15 today....



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euroserv - 2013-02-26 12:53 PM




Not doing Ray until after budget day ;-)





I would be cautious about doing Ray even afterwards. :D


Thats wise, you don't know where I've been.


Reading the papers (bad idea) it seems it is 'Speculators' pushing up the price of refined crude.

Probably rich Arabs, then they win whatever happens. I agree about EVERYTHING being tied to the diesel price though, more inflation 'in the pipeline'. Ray

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-25 7:39 PM


what what makes you think I would prefer not to either. Boy! I know tracker is thick but you 2 make a right pair of smug ignorent barstewards

You'll have to stop agravating dick like this Eddie, or you will have Mel, B after you. She gave me a right tongue lashing last time I did it. You have been warned. (lol)
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euroserv - 2013-02-26 12:53 PM




Not doing Ray until after budget day ;-)


I would be cautious about doing Ray even afterwards. :D




It depends whether he gets a rise or not. :D :$

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JudgeMental - 2013-02-25 7:39 PM


what what makes you think I would prefer not to either. Boy! I know tracker is thick but you 2 make a right pair of smug ignorent barstewards


But at least I can spell - well mostly - and my vocabulary is sufficient that I don't need to resort to insults to make a point - unlike poor old Mr Nasty, aka Judged Mental!


You just gotta feel sorry for him - haven't you??


I wonder Eddie - did you have your sense of humour removed surgically or did you never have one to start with!!


If you ask Peter politely perhaps he will share his apt new avatar with you - oops I don't mean Peter Politely as he is of course a fictional character on here - I meant politely ask!!



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euroserv - 2013-02-26 12:51 PM




What is bothering me, more than anything else is the cost of Fuel.


..........................because we took their advice and purchased more economical vehicles and are more careful with our fuel budgets and they are complaining that revenue from Duty is too low!!!



yes, I agree. Manufacturers spent a fortune on refining diesel powered cars into things acceptable to former owners of petrol cars.

Power, torque, smoothness, quiet - all available now with 50+ mpg.

So we all buy one and start to enjoy our better fuel economy and residual values, especially as diesel was cheaper than petrol....................

Oh now what's happening - revenues down, let's start nailing the diesel drivers with higher fuel costs and road taxes.

Manufacturers respond with vigour!

Even better mpg but revenues fall so diesel rises again and again....................


I reckon that if we even got our cars and vans to run on air or water this would also be punitively taxed in order to maintain the take.

At the end of the day, our services need to be paid for and it doesnt really matter what label goes on the tax (income, fuel duty, IHT to name but three bones of contention) it's the numbers that have to add up at the Exchequer.


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Guest JudgeMental
apparently car journeys have been cut by a 3rd due to continuing fuel price hikes, seeing as most are unnecessary surely a good thing?
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