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BroadBand use in Littlehampton Sussex

Mrs T

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My sister Ms Emily T is thinking of moving to the Sussex seaside town of Littlehampton and asks what the BB service is like. She knows its a town on the edge of nothing except for fishing and boating, the sea and a river, and doesn't expect a lot.


Anyone have a thought ?


MT for ET

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I usually use the BT ADSL checker which allows you to put in either a phone number if you have one or the postcode checker which isnt as accurate allows you to put in a post code. I just put in the postcode of the town council and the results that came back look like it could be very good.


It all depends though how far the property is from the exchange where the broadband comes from. Anything up to 3 miles should be good. 3-5 miles it starts to slow down considerably and 6 miles and beyond you will either get nothing or very slow broadband.






For Postcode BN17 5EW


Available Products

Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)

Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)

Downstream Range(Mbps)

Availability Date


Featured Products


WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 17 -- 10 to 19.5 Available

ADSL Max Up to 7.5 -- 6.5 to 8 Available

WBC Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available

Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available






For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage. Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.


The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 31-Dec-2013. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Dec-2012; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 31-Dec-2013.


Note: Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.

Thank you for your interest.



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