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German (Hymer) manual, 2nd-hand van=No hot water!

Jo Hymer

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I bought a 1993 Hymer Magic Car a couple of months ago, which had been imported from Germany. Whilst a combination of common sense and rusty O level German helped me sort some of the most elementary aspects of the Hymer, I'm still not able to get hot water. (I should perhaps add this is my first experience of motorhome ownership). There's a truma blown-air heater under one of the benches and a thermostat control by the table which I hoped worked both the fan heater and the water, but so far, no joy with the water. Any suggestions gratefully received. Many thanks Jo
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Thanks John. This is half the problem, in that the blown air heater is a Truma, but I can't find any evidence of any device for heating the water. The Hymercar Magic Manual claims there's hot and cold water (not much point in having a shower fitted otherwise?!), but I simply can't figure out how, so I wondered if in some models the blown air heater doubles as a water heater? But if so how? Cheers Jo
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Truma have manufactured combination (Combi) blown-air heater/water boiler appliances under the brand-name "Trumatic C" for quite a few years. There are early- and late-model versions - respectively C3400/C6000 models or C3402/C4002/C6002 models. The design/construction of early Combis differs radically from that of later ones and, in terms of usage, it's particularly important to note that C3400/C6000 appliances must always be filled with water before being used, while C3402/C4002/C6002 appliances can be run 'dry'. I don't know exactly when the revised Combi design was introduced, but I'm pretty sure it was well after 1993. A Combi heater is a significantly large piece of kit and it's hard to imagine one fitting under a bench unless it had been sunk into a double floor. As I've never heard of a Hymer Magic Car I can't really visualise what you've got in your motorhome. Nevertheless, it should be simple enough to decide whether your blown-air heater is also designed to heat water. Water-hoses connecting to it means it's intended for water heating - no water-hoses means no water heating capability. Obviously, to enable a Combi to heat water it needs to be filled with water and this process may take some time to complete. (Tracing the route of the hoses back from the hot taps should also lead you back to any water-heater present in the vehicle.) Normal Truma equipment-fits for a motorhome would be a) a convector 'fire' (possibly with blown-air add-on) + a separate water-boiler or b) a Combi. It would be possible to have a pure blown-air heater + a separate water-boiler, but this would be rare. All Truma appliances carry a data-label that identifies the model (though the label may need a mirror and magnifying-glass to read) so you should be able to decide what you've got. While it's reasonable to assume that the presence of a shower and a handbook 'hot water' reference suggests that your motorhome originally had a water-heating capability, there's no way of knowing what its previous owners have inflicted on it during its 13 year life-span. I think you are going to need to do as JohnP suggests and identify the Truma equipment you've got. (Although only current model appliances are shown, you might find visiting the Truma website helpful for this.) Once that's done it may be possible to advise why you can't obtain hot water.
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As has been suggested by others, try to find the Truma label which should be stuck somewhere on the outside of the heater.  The label on ours is only stick on paper (I was somehow expecting plastic) and is on the side, so yours may have fallen off, but with luck should still be around the heater somewhere. 

When (if!) you find it, have a look for the seriel number Farb. Nmr of similar and make a note of it, then try ringing Truma UK (number for tech enquiries on their website) to see if thay can confirm what you have. 

What you really need from them is a copy of the relevant owners manual for your unit, but especially for the controls. 

As Derek says, proceed with care as regards firing it up empty!

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Hi Do a search on google inserting Hymer Magic Car. This should bring up a site titled "Hymer Car Magic Hochdach bei dhd24" click on translate this page. This should bring up details of the vehicle together with a specification. Let us know if this is the type. The specification mentions Heater type
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[QUOTE]Jo Hymer - 2006-07-27 10:38 AM Thanks for advice guys. Looks like you might be right, and there simply is no hot water heater. So...any suggestions for a cheap and effective solution (other than boiling the kettle!)? Cheers Jo[/QUOTE] Jo, You could post your question on the Hymer site at myhymer@yahoogroups.com Somebody might have an identical model. Don
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