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nothing to report I am afraid. Having heard nothing by lunchtime I rang - the person I sent the email to is on holiday, and so are the people to whom I sent copies. I was given the name of the Customer Services person, I tried to get through to her!! 'Whats your name? what is it you want? she is away from her desk, leave me your details, vehicle details and telephone number and she will return your call - did she - how did you guess? NO. tomorrow I will send her a fax and a copy of my email - and we will take it from there! It's ok being the biggest motorhome whatever to quote their website ' The Brownhills Group are Europe 's largest motorhome retailers'- but if you haven't got the staff to answer the phones it's a poor do. Four weeks ago when I was trying to book it in for the service and habitation check, I tried so many times to speak to a person in the service/after sales dept - and when I finally did - she couldn't help me and promised to call me back and never did! Quick to take your money - but the aftersales is well below what it should be. Off the soap box now! We will see what reaction I get from my fax tomorrow!
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I suspect the Customer Care person you've been referred to is the lovely Caroline, she IS lovely, but just remember that they are 'at fault' in your eyes and really make sure she knows that. Their communications are attrocious, always have been, and I suspect always will be, make sure they know you are serious and back up any thing that is agreed with a confirmation email to Caroline - get the address from her, her direct one, not the 'company' one (I can supply it if you get stuck). Ensure that you keep precise records - dates, time, what's been said and by whom, it's the only way you can be sure that if push comes to shove and you have to involve others, that you can get your facts straight. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to this but better to be safe than sorry. Good luck.
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Would it be a real stupid thing to all sign a what ever ? Just to let them know how many disgruntled customers they have (sorry I Know not all are ) On the other hand I suppose they read this site and must know ..As I said before are they that big that they think they cannot be taken down ...Perhap's that would give them a chance to appologise and put things right .Keeping happy customers ........Iam sure that it is not their intention to P*** people off but some where along the lines they seem to get it wrong ..Perhap's the management should dedicate a follow up customer care team to make sure they are getting it right ..They could set up their computors to flag who has had what done . & follow up when the customers state that they are satisfied it could be unflagged>>>?
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I am in shock - my hands are shaking! I rang Brownhills at 2pm asking to speak to Caroline (customer services) re my fax sent at 9am - oh she hasn't received it - so sent it again - 15mins later, still haven't got it - so they checked their fax machine - then a massive influx of faxes!! 30 mins later telephone call - yes Mrs Hodgson no problem we will do the work, excuse me I said but I can't afford for you to do it - there will be no charge says she! I am gobsmacked!! Excuse me I said, but I am not being cheeky - but will you put that in writing - of course she said, I will do it now and you will get in in the post. Well - what can I say. watch this space carol
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Well, that's good news.  Like thay say, it pays to ask! 

Now all you need is that letter (which, oh cynic that I am, I hope will refer to your van and not someone else's) and an appointment. 

Unless you've already done it, and on the strength of what they've said, I think I'd leave doing the floor to them.  If it does turn out to be worse than anticipated, in the light of their agreement to undertake the job at no cost to you, it's better if they discover any hidden nasties than if you do!

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Brian, I have you to thank for some of my letter to Brownhills, I used some of your text from one of your posts to put my point over - and it must have worked. I too am a bit cynical - but time will tell - lets get the letter and take it from there - must have made a few ripples - 'cause I don't do waves (except to other motorhomes and prison wagons :-S ) I always like to get my point over without resorting to threats or rudness - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. So thanks to everyone who helped me get my head round it all and the possibilities of redress. I haven't done the floor, anyone want a delaminating kit? :-D will send the syringe back Michele - you have all been so helpfull. A big thanks to all and I will still keep you posted to how it all ends up carol
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You are most welcome, no need for special thanks.  I'm just glad to have been able to help.

I do agree about rudeness, just quiet persistence and if that doesn't work I think the next steps have to be more in sorrow than in anger.

I'm afraid I was taught never to put anything in a letter I wouldn't want read out in court!  Can make one a bit restrained at times, but it also makes you think twice before you send it!

Do keep us in the picture.

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carol, What a nice peice of news . No doub't your letter done well...... I still can't help wondering a little scratch in my brain tell's me they read this site..... Anyway good new's as I said hopefully that will be the end now Ps will it be done intime for your holiday's (^)
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nope! sent several emails since monday - no reply! no letter to date as promised from Caroline Ball. Mel you said you had her email - would you obilige please, mind you I will be on the phone at 4pm and send a fax if still nothing by then! getting disillusioned!
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thanks for that Mel. The letter was waiting for me when I got home from work today, it states 'Brownhills will carry out the work to rectify the spongy kitchen floor and the rear wall board at no cost to yourself' halfway there! Carol
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Dealers reading this site ... I sincerely hope they DO! They could learn a lot! Now Brownhills, if you are reading this ... have you got my matching drawer fronts in yet!!!?!?!?!?!?! It's only been 11 months! At this rate they'll have faded and will match before I get the new ones ... Go on, I know you're out there, respond, I dare you?!?!?
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[QUOTE]carolh - 2006-08-09 9:41 PM thanks for that Mel. The letter was waiting for me when I got home from work today, it states 'Brownhills will carry out the work to rectify the spongy kitchen floor and the rear wall board at no cost to yourself' halfway there! Carol[/QUOTE]


Time to celebrate!  That's better than halfway there, that's pretty well home and dry!

Take some photos of the van interior, to record its condition at the time it is taken for repair.  Get them to commit to a timescale for the repairs before you part with it.

Good luck

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Carol If they can't fix your van in time for the holiday make sure they agree to give you a loan van in the interim AND that they take out breakdown insurance for it whilst you are away as I doubt if your own European breakdown cover will want to know if you don't own the van (it didn't for us). If you do get a loan vehicle you'll need a note from them to say that you are being loaned the van and ideally a copy of the registration document as well just in case questions are asked, you don't want to be accused of being in a stolen van! Also, make sure they deliver the loan van a few days before you are due to go, you'll need to give it a good check to make sure everything works - we ended up having to take it back to them on the way to the ferry to get them to fix a couple of bits and that was after I'd already sorted out the ones I could! Brownhills have indirectly admitted that the problems with your van were known to them otherwise they wouldn't fix it for nowt. You should not be inconvenienced or out of pocket because of the remedial work that needs to be done. If you do get a loan van and they try to tell you that you'll have to pay for the insurance etc yourself kick up a fuss, they are causing you the difficulties, it's up to them to resolve them, not you. When the repairs to your van are done make sure that you are able to check it properly yourself before accepting it, when they did the remedial work on our van it wasn't right and some had to be re-done and for the other that we could live with we got 'compensation' instead in the form of a year's warranty.
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  • 2 weeks later...
update I was contacted by Brownhills last Friday, and because of the shortness of time between our rapidly upcoming journey of discovery to France (we have always towed a caravan). The mh is booked in on the 18th September, to have the damp and de-laminated floor rectified. So onward and upward, see you at Dover Mel on Saturday morning - all bright eyed and bushy tailed B-) lets hope the weather dries up a bit by then. Carol
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Hi Carol Good to hear you've finally got a date sorted, ours is going in for it's habitation check on the Monday 11 September when we get back - Brownhills are picking it up for us and they'll bring it back as well. Our warranty expires on the evening of 13 September so it needs to be done before then just in case they find any nasties lurking somewhere, hence the rush, they'll just have to accept it, muck and all - but we'll have to remember to take the booze out first otherwise they might think we've left it for them and have party! Are they going to collect your van for you as well? See you next Saturday. Mel B
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  • 4 weeks later...
another update! It's going in on the 18th for the jobs to be done. But more trauma - the Thursday before we went to France (24th Aug) we put the bikes on the rack and headed to Sainsburys to fill up, on the way back home the bike rack fell off + bikes! So the damp in the rear is much worse than I or they anticipated. It could have been a lot worse - instead of happening a few hundred yards from home travelling at 20mph, it could have been on the motorway at 60mph!! Our motorhome is now called 'Duckie' due to all the duct tape stuck on it to cover any place where water might get in, and the holes where the bike rack was :-( :-( We won't get to York for the weekend as 'Duckie' will still be in pieces, but we may get up there for the day. hey ho - onward and upward! Carol
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