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what's the silliest thing anyone has done whilst out MotorHoming


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if your off to bed this early I don't think we need the reason as to why you take yours naughty .............. Me well mine make me happy I just keep asking the Doctor for half a pound of Happy pills...... they seem to work :-S
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Firstly not my dog just thought it looked like me MAD.............. Mel mine deliberatley wait's till I need to go which as you get older is quite often ....Then he brakes ..he thinks it's funny . Theres more than one way to skin a cat women scorned springs to mind....
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once got the blame for taking off the top of a Double Decker London bus Not guilty male collegue..haha.......... Still that's another subject....... Although I do admit to thinkinh that my mirrors are as high as a Bus (wish they were like the Mercedes high up) anyway's driving down a small Padstow` lane after going to see Rick stein Resturant and a very nice man in a VW stopped all the traffic to let me through. Typical looked at the gap new it was mine easy fit a bus through there let alone Bessie Van .Foot down Forgot the Mirrors at the same level as his VW .......Poor Man brand new VW ..still sent him the money and he sent a thank you card he thought I had driven off . I had just moved because we were blocking the whole of Padstow ......Silly women still not as daft as my old man though..............
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About 30 years ago drove up a 'one way street' sign posted "P" but it did not mention it was a multistorey car park. Luck was on my side this time as a charming [very rare] Police Woman stopped me and helped me to reverse out as by now there was a queue of cars behind me. I hate to think what I would have done if I got to the car park only to find it too low for the 'van and a queue of cars refusing to let me reverse out.
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We had stopped in a park for a picnic. I decided that I had seen a better parking place- forgetting that Rosie had already started getting the food ready at the back of the van. She shot sideways- and her bum went through the lower panel of the toilet door. I got told off -because I was more worried about the door.
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