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CI licence renewal. Changes to Vision Standards for Group 1 and 2 LICENCES


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I believe that many of you who are receiving "Grandfathers rights" should be made aware of the above links and the changes that have occured when applying to retain your C1 license if, YOU SAY YOU DO NOT NEED GLASSES TO DRIVE!


My husbands eyesight is 6/9 without glasses but 6/6 with glasses. He has always been told that he does not require glasses to drive so we ticked the box saying that he did not require glasses to drive. The form has been returned which he has been told to change and also sign a form to say he will wear glasses to drive from now on. (That is not a problem.)


The problem has occured as the D4 medical form downloaded from the DVLA website on page 1 Section 1.1 says eyesight should be a minimum of 6.9 (good eye) and 6.12 (bad eye) but this has changed to 6/6 good eye and 6/75 bad eye (on the letter they sent us but on their website it is 6.12?)since May 2012.


This will only affect people who state they do not need glasses to drive.

We now have to send the ammended form back. They received our application on the 11th March and we received it back today the 23rd March. Hopefully all will be ok now and we will update you when the licence arrives which is due to expire 30th April.


Another point to make is that you could be breaking the law if your eyesight does not reach the required standard for driving so if you think you can drive without glasses then double check as they have tightened up on the eyesight rules.


(If you need explanation of the acuity readings on your eyesight prescription you can find it here)



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chris - 2013-03-23 5:06 PM






I believe that many of you who are receiving "Grandfathers rights" should be made aware of the above links and the changes that have occured when applying to retain your C1 license if, YOU SAY YOU DO NOT NEED GLASSES TO DRIVE!


My husbands eyesight is 6/9 without glasses but 6/6 with glasses. He has always been told that he does not require glasses to drive so we ticked the box saying that he did not require glasses to drive. The form has been returned which he has been told to change and also sign a form to say he will wear glasses to drive from now on. (That is not a problem.)


The problem has occured as the D4 medical form downloaded from the DVLA website on page 1 Section 1.1 says eyesight should be a minimum of 6.9 (good eye) and 6.12 (bad eye) but this has changed to 6/6 good eye and 6/75 bad eye (on the letter they sent us but on their website it is 6.12?)since May 2012.


This will only affect people who state they do not need glasses to drive.

We now have to send the ammended form back. They received our application on the 11th March and we received it back today the 23rd March. Hopefully all will be ok now and we will update you when the licence arrives which is due to expire 30th April.


Another point to make is that you could be breaking the law if your eyesight does not reach the required standard for driving so if you think you can drive without glasses then double check as they have tightened up on the eyesight rules.


(If you need explanation of the acuity readings on your eyesight prescription you can find it here)




I had exactly same situation last December when I finally got my licence renewed after 6 months of messing about with DVLA wanting stress tests, specialists reports etc etc. My doctor filled all the medical form in and said my eyes were fine without glasses for driving-only for DVLA to come back and say they were not. I had to do the same as Chris and sign a form to say I would wear my glasses when driving and send it back to them. They told me I also had to declare this to my insurance company and if I did get caught driving without my glasses on I would be uninsured and unlicensed.

Good news for opticians this because it means most people will have to have a pair of prescription sunglasses as well as clear glasses for driving now.


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Hi Mike,

We too are having to get extra glasses as not used to wearing them . Will get a pair and leave them in the car and make sure when going in van we have them with us which is usually the case.

Why do you need to notify insurance? I have never seen a question about vision or have I missed it?


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chris - 2013-03-24 3:08 PM


Hi Mike,

We too are having to get extra glasses as not used to wearing them . Will get a pair and leave them in the car and make sure when going in van we have them with us which is usually the case.

Why do you need to notify insurance? I have never seen a question about vision or have I missed it?



Hi Chris

Not sure-just the guy from DVLA said to tell them when I renewed. I think it is to do with what you notify DVLA of as in illness etc and them making a stipulation. I did inform Safeguard and they said ok and didn't seem slightest bit bothered to be fair but at least I complied.

It made no difference to the cost and it doesn't say anything about it on the policy etc.

Could be just an over zealous DVLA bod after me giving him grief over the time it took to get my license renewed :-D

I now use varifocals so I can drive and see long distance and the dashboard at same time-Specsavers do buy one get one free so got 2nd pair as sunglasses.


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Can only concur about wearing of glasses. Sent form off 1st February with box ticked No to wearing of glasses for driving. Licence returned 10th February with letter stating that 01 is added to all entitlements to drive meaning that glasses must be worn when driving and could be prosecuted and may be prosecuted for failure to do so. Form not returned.


Just like "clunk klick" now it's "glasses on".


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further to vision standards I an type 1 diabetic and take 5 injections a day, for more than 6 months I have had 3 doctors appointments and a diabetic consultant give me a check over, but still I wait for there decision whether I can drive my van which is 3850kg I was not asked by the sales staff whether my licence was ok only realized in MMM about 4 months after I had taken delivery of the van, a van that meets all my requirements and took me more than 3 years to find. So if you have any health issues allow 6-8 months to get it sorted, I'm still waiting and to think the government bodies think they deserve a pay rise. *-)
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Hi Martyn and welcome to the forum. Just out of info, what van have you got? If they decline your C1 licence then it may be possible with some vans to have them downplated to 3.5cwt? We were able to do that with our old Chausson Allegro.


If hubby fails his C1 then we have agreed that I will drive all the time then but as he is useless at navigating I hope that doesnt happen.


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Martyn22 - 2013-03-25 3:58 PM


further to vision standards I an type 1 diabetic and take 5 injections a day, for more than 6 months I have had 3 doctors appointments and a diabetic consultant give me a check over, but still I wait for there decision whether I can drive my van which is 3850kg I was not asked by the sales staff whether my licence was ok only realized in MMM about 4 months after I had taken delivery of the van, a van that meets all my requirements and took me more than 3 years to find. So if you have any health issues allow 6-8 months to get it sorted, I'm still waiting and to think the government bodies think they deserve a pay rise. *-)



Hi Martyn

Welcome to the forum. This is not the first time there have been posts re this and related subjects with DVLA.

I suggest you have a look at this thread and see the trouble I and a few others have had and also the time factor involved in renewing a licence




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