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boxer cab security


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Just as an aside (then we really ought to get back on topic) a mate of mine used to have an entertaining way of lighting our club barbecue (50 gallon drum on it's side with one quarter cut away). On these drums the top usually has two holes diametrically opposite, one large, one small, he built it with the large hole to the bottom. To get it going he used to lay two 5KG sacks of charcoal in the bottom un opened. He placed a rolled up piece of newspaper into the large hole then he soaked the charcoal with a litre of lighter fluid. Put a match to the end of the paper and take very large, rapid steps away from it. It usually took around 9-10 seconds before there was an almighty whump and the drum burst into flame. A bit risky but very spectacular. But back to the present and how to keep the toerags out of our beloved motorhomes. If they really, really want it then they'll have it. All we can do is take steps to prevent the opportunist thieves. Visible is good, then hopefully they will go and have a go at someone else 'van that hasn't got visible deterrents. Don't leave anything of value on view, put your blinds up when you leave the 'van un-attended or, if you have one, leave a large dog in the 'van. our Dexter is far more sensitive than any alarm on the market. If someone walks within 6 feet of the 'van he starts barking and jumping about which makes the 'van rock. It would be a brave, if not stupid, person who chose to ignore the commotion and try his luck against 35 Kgs of Boxer/Staffie cross. D.
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Hi Dave Like the piccy of Dexter, a smashing looking chap! I've changed my image to show my 2 doggies, Midge is the little hairy one on the left, he's a cross Westie/Jack Russell as far as we can tell, he came from a local dog rescue shelter. Romy is the cross Greyhound/Staffie on the right, she's 3 now and came from the Jay Gee Sanctury, she'd been abused for the first year of her life and then in kennels for the next 6 months, totally petrified of humans, it took an hour for her to stand next to us when we first saw her. Now, she's a strapping lass and full of life but still a bit wary. Between her and Midge you couldn't get a better motorhome security system - he'd go for the ankles and she'd, well lets just say that she does a typical greyhound thing and like to sniff certain areas of humans which is exactly where I thnk she'd then bite!! Fair brings tears to your eyes just thinking about it!!!
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Hi Mel, a great looking pair (so to speak). Dexy is a little bigger now he's filled out to 35.5 kilos (about 5.5 stones in old money). He wasn't abused but previously owned by a young couple in a 1 bed flat, then she got pregnant and they agreed they couldn't cope with him and a baby so handed him over to NCDL with a donation. As for the "usual place on humans" Dex is like an Exocet missile for that spot, especially if you've got one of his toys! Dex v intruder? My money's on Dex every time! D.
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[QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2006-08-19 1:06 PM I have tried to keep it relevant to the thread topic Brian (lol) . D.[/QUOTE] Can I join the clan please :-D Pip was a Tibetan Terrier, dead soft, would chase rabbits, catch them and lick them. Sorry Brian I'll go stand in the corner. Don
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