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Muswell - 2013-04-20 11:08 PM


Mel B - 2013-04-19 9:28 PM


We've got a few bits and pieces including some reversing beepers for our new car ... I think hubby will have a duck fit when I get my drill out to fit them!


Does your car weigh more than 2000kg? If not I believe they are illegal.


Road Vehicle Construction and Use Regulations 1986 rule 99.


PS Or perhaps you just mean parking sensors?


Yes, I mean parking sensors to give them their 'correct' name, hubby calls them reversing beepers! :D When we had a 7.2m motorhome he could park it no problem (no camera or sensors), but put him in a 'normal' car and he's hopeless ... he can't even park our Smart car without leaving a 'mile' gap!!! :$ (lol)

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We had a chat to a few traders and they were very happy with the rate of sales they'd had, we also spoke to one of the dealers who to had had a good show, many of the vans which had been sold were taken off at the end of each day and replaced with others which were then sold so the amount of sold signs on vans were only that day's sales for a lot of them.


A good show all round it would seem. :-D

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We too enjoyed the show and at last meeting and spending some time chatting to the lovely one and only MelB and 'hubby' Chris - what a super pair they are - so much ingenuity - and they can both talk for England.


I may be wrong but the overall turnout seemed lower than at past shows and there did not seem to be that 'buzz' of activity that used to exist - but that was only our feeling - we could be wrong?


The themes coming from the dealers we spoke to, many of whom we have known for years, are that new van sales are weak with the recession hitting financed sales much more than cash sales from retirees and more people being concerned about DPF problems, which many dealers also now concede is becoming a real problem for some, but not all, owners.


The feeling was that the demand for well designed and built PVCs is strong with supply still behind demand but that coachbuilt sales are much weaker than at past shows and sales overall not wonderful with many dealers putting on a brave face and talking the market up.


We appreciate the benefits and can live with pitfalls so we might even be tempted into a panel van ourselves shortly with the A/S Warwick Duo being by far our favourite - watch this space!


All in all a good and well organised show with dry ground and dry weather which most people seemed to enjoy so well done to all for their efforts.

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Tracker - 2013-04-22 7:18 AM


We appreciate the benefits and can live with pitfalls so we might even be tempted into a panel van ourselves shortly with the A/S Warwick Duo being by far our favourite - watch this space!




The Warwick has been our favourite too for a long time now but take a look at the Marquis version, the Sussex which is available in 3 layouts and higher spec than the Warwick.



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paulmold - 2013-04-22 7:30 AM


The Warwick has been our favourite too for a long time now but take a look at the Marquis version, the Sussex which is available in 3 layouts and higher spec than the Warwick.



Thanks Paul, but I see nothing extra on the Sussex that we would want to pay the extra money for - and at over fifty grand for a panel van - ouch!!


There is no way I'm having anything with a DPF on it so we are only looking at pre 2012 Euro 4 used vans where somebody else has taken the initial depreciation hit!


Is it me - or does anyone else think that fitting a hab air con unit on a panel van which is designed for non ehu nomadic touring rather than site sitting is a bit OTT?

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Guest JudgeMental

Tracker in a panel van whatever next!lol You can get a 636 metre german van with twin single beds for early 30k's. 50k really taking the pee IMO. I can get a luxury la strada for less then that....



You need to get over this DPF thing..it's city cars that are affected , short journeys where not enough heat or miles covered for system to work correctly. Campers sit there most of the time doing nothing and then tend to be used on long runs....I don't see a problem to be honest.


When I px'd CB for panel van in 2011 dealer was happy to move roof a/c to the new van...we decided not to bother and took the extra 1000 euro instead. Managed well enough with an office desk top fan to be honest...have realised that you normally acclimatise after a few days anyway. It was 43 deg in Tuscany last summer and we managed fine

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I think fitting habitation a/c to any van does not make sense unless you plan to spend all your time in the van. We lived in Libya for a couple of years without a/c from choice. It was very hot in summer but we got used to it...except for one period when the wind was coming straight off the Sahara and it was like opening the oven door. By contrast colleagues who had a/c never got used to the heat and moaned about it all the time.
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JudgeMental - 2013-04-22 8:46 AM


Tracker in a panel van whatever next!lol You can get a 636 metre german van with twin single beds for early 30k's. 50k really taking the pee IMO. I can get a luxury la strada for less then that....



You need to get over this DPF thing..it's city cars that are affected , short journeys where not enough heat or miles covered for system to work correctly. Campers sit there most of the time doing nothing and then tend to be used on long runs....I don't see a problem to be honest.




Tracker in a panel van?

The benefits of always having an open mind eh?

I still think that CBs represent much better vfm and are much better suited to site sitting and living comfort - but PVCs travel better and anticipated use changes to the point where it can become a viable alternative.


Sorry - but we do not like fixed beds in any van as they are generally too narrow for comfort and take up so much living space and we still consider Autosleepers to be at least as well made as any German van - and better than many - with much better levels of ambiance and comfort inside - not least of which is proper cooking facilities with kitchen work surface and a usable shower/loo compartment.


I have no personal experience of DPFs - but the motor trade people I speak to have and I have yet to speak to anyone in the motor/leisure industry who thinks they are a good idea on any vehicle - and even less so on a low annual mileage un-thrashed motorhome. Some folks have been lucky and have had no issues - and some have not!


The plain truth is that they do give problems on any vehicle - talk to any honest dealer - and I for one will not have one until the makers get the issues sorted and stop using their customers as a test bed at the customer's own expense. End of as far as I am concerned!

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Guest JudgeMental
"open mind" You? At the forefront of the anti van brigade from day one, hypocrite more like.... and still banging on about overpriced, heavy, poorly spec'd UK vans because you "think" they are better, but really only remind you of a caravan and have an oven. :D
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it's city cars that are affected , short journeys where not enough heat or miles covered for system to work correctly. Campers sit there most of the time doing nothing and then tend to be used on long runs....I don't see a problem to be honest.


This is very true

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Guest JudgeMental
ips - 2013-04-22 11:22 AM


it's city cars that are affected , short journeys where not enough heat or miles covered for system to work correctly. Campers sit there most of the time doing nothing and then tend to be used on long runs....I don't see a problem to be honest.


This is very true


Of course it is!lol ..He is up to the same old same old, desperately looking for excuses not to spend money :D

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Couldnt possibly comment :-D

Having said the above I had ongoing DPF error light on my ford kuga for the last year of ownership and I do mainly motorway miles and very few short journeys but still had problems so it is fair to say that you can have a rogue dpf fault on any car but you are absolutely correct with your statement. I am very glad I dont have one on the tranny just in case.

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Guest JudgeMental
open streach of road, then you need to change down a gear or 2 and keep you speed CONSTANT for 20 minutes apparently...
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JudgeMental - 2013-04-22 11:04 AM


"open mind" You? At the forefront of the anti van brigade from day one, hypocrite more like.... and still banging on about overpriced, heavy, poorly spec'd UK vans because you "think" they are better, but really only remind you of a caravan and have an oven. :D


Once again you have to get unpleasant when someone has the temerity to disagree with Eddie the Ego - why - but as long as you use a smiley it makes it OK does it?


Not once did I criticise you personally or indulge in name calling or distort what you said or try to put words into your mouth.


Yes I do think at £50k a pvc is expensive - but it all depends on spec and when you spec German vans to the same level you probably get similar prices? I don't know, I don't care, and I didn't ask because the layouts of French and German pvcs do not suit our style of camping.


Caravan? When did I mention caravan? I did mention the facilities that we prefer that are only available in UK made vans in reply to your kind, if biased, suggestion that we look at German vans.


I've never been anti panel van as those who read what I write will know. All I have ever said is that at that moment in time a panel did not suit us, and that in my view coachbuilts represent far better vfm in that you get a lot more space for your money and that view has not changed. I have never ruled out a pvc if perceived circumstances supported that choice.


Now perhaps you will be able to return to the civility that has so far prevailed on this thread?

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JudgeMental - 2013-04-22 11:39 AM


open streach of road, then you need to change down a gear or 2 and keep you speed CONSTANT for 20 minutes apparently...


yep i did that in the kuga, revved its arse off in 4th at times but still the stupid light came on every few weeks. Code reader thingy cleared the fault code though :-D

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at that moment in time a panel did not suit us, and that in my view coachbuilts represent far better vfm in that you get a lot more space for your money and that view has not changed. I have never ruled out a pvc if perceived circumstances supported that choice.


i agree with that sentiment i feel excatly the same. As for those VW thingies with a pop up canvas roof for 50k there avin a laugh

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