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Ban the Car park Campers!


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Lincolnshire County Council are planning to inroduce new by laws to probhibit Motorhomes from parking overnight at coastal car parks between Mablethorpe and Skegness. They have already put height barriers on most of the car parks which has just left Huttoft Car Terrace available at the moment. Now they want to ban motorhomes altogether apart from in designated areas and no ovenight parking anywhere. How can we stop these jobsworths from living in the past, they insist that motorhomes are campers and treat us the same as tents and caravans. They need to move with the times. I suggest that everyone should write to Lincoln Country Council and make their views felt. It does not make much difference to us as we live here but once one Council does it everyone follows suit apart from one or two enlightened councils. We have already written to the Council and the local paper but feel that more people need to do so. The link about the story is below.


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They can get away with it as well.


Instead of using lengthy and expensive legal methods, they are employing the trick of having these areas designated as SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest). At Moggs Eye and Six Marshes, they dug ruddy great holes for a pond system and planted trees, shrubs and aquatic plants. This is for the traditional wildlife they say. How transforming an area out of all recognition and then declaring it a wildlife habitat is a natural progression baffles me completely. To me, it is a form of Zoo. But it does give officials control of a large area.


Apparently they want to build a big observation platform at Huttoft for seabirds. 8-) They have probably all been frightened away by the wind turbines offshore. :D


This same matter is being discussed on other forums as well and I think it will run and run.


BTW, this SSSI scam has been used extensively on the Northumbrian Coast as well. Motorhomes are moved on with the threat of legal action for non-compliance. They are even trying to stop overnight sea angling because the anglers drive down to the coast in their cars.


Little Hitlers, the lot of them. *-)

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We are having a couple weeks away at the beginning of June SHMBO thought we were going to do a bit of the UK until I enlightened her that I had already booked a ferry it's just too much hassle trying to find somewhere to stop for the night in the UK.


This councils attitude is typical of what drives us across the channel.

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The wildcampers are spoiling it for the rest us. We live locally and often go to Huttoft. The last time was with my Mum who loved it there. She was in the last few months of her life, dying of cancer, but she was able to sit in the van with all facilities available to her, but enjoy a day at the beach. So it is a very special place for me. I hope they don't put height barriers here as this is the only place where you can park and actually have a view of the sea.


On the other hand, my niece and her husband are Skegness Police officers and they often get called out to overnight beach parties etc.


Some of the overnighters are sea fishermen of course, so they want to be there for high tide.


I will write to my Councillor.

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lennyhb - 2013-04-14 5:31 PM


We are having a couple weeks away at the beginning of June SHMBO thought we were going to do a bit of the UK until I enlightened her that I had already booked a ferry it's just too much hassle trying to find somewhere to stop for the night in the UK.


This councils attitude is typical of what drives us across the channel.


Lenny this should read 'to much trouble finding somewhere free to stay the night in the UK'. Personally have never found a problem in the UK but then do not mind paying to stay the night.

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Guest JudgeMental

back yesterday from a few days on the Gower......if we spend more then 3 days on a commercial site in the UK it really is cheaper for us to pop over to France. The attitudes here are truly bizzare. the site we stayed on had more signs preventing anything you can think of, with the owner buzzing around on a APV. I looked up google review and he is a hated figure!lol What a way to run a leisure business


Must admit we stayed on a german campsite down near the Rhine falls which was the most officious site we have ever stayed on with more signs rules and regulations then pitches:D

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Attitudes like this copied from another forum does not do us any good.


 "LLigwy Beach ok but leave early to avoid £10 charge that the owner applies if he comes round "


If this is the attitude when on private property what would it be towards council property?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
rupert123 - 2013-04-14 6:35 PM


lennyhb - 2013-04-14 5:31 PM


We are having a couple weeks away at the beginning of June SHMBO thought we were going to do a bit of the UK until I enlightened her that I had already booked a ferry it's just too much hassle trying to find somewhere to stop for the night in the UK.


This councils attitude is typical of what drives us across the channel.


Lenny this should read 'to much trouble finding somewhere free to stay the night in the UK'. Personally have never found a problem in the UK but then do not mind paying to stay the night.


No it isn't about finding somewhere to stay the night free in my view at all, it's about giving us equal access to car drivers, and ruddy great 4x4s to park during the day and enjoy the local area as well.


Many disabled motor home users as my wife is, are effectively discriminated against with these height barriers as well, even to the point of shopping in many instances. There is absolutely no justification for it at all,and does anyone think they would prevent gypsies moving in, of course not, a JCB would make short work of a height barrier..


I used to be a keen sea fisherman, and would often use my van facility to part night fish, even this simple pleasure is being denied to others now. In my experience the biggest offenders for discarding rubbish and filthy public toilets are day visitors, I personally would not set foot in the average public toilet, nor share a seat warmed up by someone else's butt in a camp site one either, one of the reasons I've got a van with my own small room, disgusting places.


I've said it once and I'll keep on saying it, we are tax payers and happy to pay for parking where charges exist, but the "persecution" of just our section of the motoring public and being treated like some pariah just drives me nuts, and I join the others that vote with their wheels, via Dover, infuriating. >:-(


And with respect Henry sitting on camp sites all day long in the UK because there are less and less options to do otherwise, you would have been better served with a caravan. ;-) and it would be so refreshing for you to be onside with us for once about this creeping menace of prohibition and height barriers everywhere. ;-)


Little wonder you rarely see a European van over here, my God it would be an impossible nightmare for them putting up with all the petty bureaucracy we have, and getting worse by the day. >:-(


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Cliffy - 2013-04-14 7:32 PM



Attitudes like this copied from another forum does not do us any good.


 "LLigwy Beach ok but leave early to avoid £10 charge that the owner applies if he comes round "


If this is the attitude when on private property what would it be towards council property?


Hi Cliffy; I've just had a look at the above beach, cafe and lake. How anyone could object to parting with a tenner for the privilege of staying there for a night is beyond me.

If people want to sneak away before dawn you can only wonder why they bother to search out anywhere attractive. If the avoidance of payment is paramount then they must be financially challenged. Or doing it so regularly that it adds up to a lot of money.


More and more "aires" in europe are starting to charge, so maybe there's hope for "pay-aires" over here? How you control access I have no idea, and how you separate daytime parking and overnight parking for Motorhomes is a hell of a challenge. We need a nationwide campaign. And not one that expects to achieve universal free-camping.

Now who's going to get it started?


alan b

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JudgeMental - 2013-04-14 6:40 PM


back yesterday from a few days on the Gower......if we spend more then 3 days on a commercial site in the UK it really is cheaper for us to pop over to France.


Really? what sort of site do you stay at?


When we have our yongsters in tow we have stayed at some Parkdean/Haven places with Pool, entertainment, walking areas/fields etc for a very reasonable £13-£18 per night. That said, there is a local CC&C site local to us that charges about £30 per night for a field with a shower block!


Have you looked at something like BritStops? ...... of course, we can't do anything about the weather though :'(

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rupert123 - 2013-04-14 6:35 PM


lennyhb - 2013-04-14 5:31 PM


We are having a couple weeks away at the beginning of June SHMBO thought we were going to do a bit of the UK until I enlightened her that I had already booked a ferry it's just too much hassle trying to find somewhere to stop for the night in the UK.


This councils attitude is typical of what drives us across the channel.


Lenny this should read 'to much trouble finding somewhere free to stay the night in the UK'. Personally have never found a problem in the UK but then do not mind paying to stay the night.


Really don't know why I am bothering to replying to you Henry with your single minded bigoted point of view.


Councils are just driving away visitors with this attitude I have no objection to paying reasonable rates to stay the night it's finding somewhere to stop is the problem. It gets to 4pm you like area you are in look up local cl's & cs's you ring round none of them answer there phone most are a good few miles from the village you are in, where as cross the channel just drive into the Aire of if no Aire car park or village square problem solved. :D

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sean.clarke - 2013-04-14 9:09 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-04-14 6:40 PM


Really? what sort of site do you stay at?


When we have our yongsters in tow we have stayed at some Parkdean/Haven places with Pool, entertainment, walking areas/fields etc for a very reasonable £13-£18 per night. That said, there is a local CC&C site local to us that charges about £30 per night for a field with a shower block!



Hi Sean: it's a pity that there isn't an ACSI Guide for the UK; (there are only 30 in the GB section of 2012 Guide) the ACSI price banding is excellent, I think. The two big clubs need some competition, and any competition needs to be aggressively marketed. I'd be interested to know how many sites there are in the CC and C&CC networks (not counting CL and CS sites) and how many Independents there are in UK.


I think our chances of getting a network of "Aires" in UK are remote, until we offer visitors from Europe a competitive network of independent campsites, competing with CC and C&CC.

Only when we have thousands of tourists travelling our roads in search of places to spend their holiday money will local, regional and national government have any incentive to come up with a nationwide scheme.

(And until then we'll all be paying over the odds; and paying for a "premium product" when we just want value for money.)

So: we'd better expect more barriers.

Just an opinion you understand; sorry to rant, but it's all a bit of a mess; IMHO!


alan b

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Guest JudgeMental
sean.clarke - 2013-04-14 9:09 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-04-14 6:40 PM


back yesterday from a few days on the Gower......if we spend more then 3 days on a commercial site in the UK it really is cheaper for us to pop over to France.


Really? what sort of site do you stay at?


When we have our yongsters in tow we have stayed at some Parkdean/Haven places with Pool, entertainment, walking areas/fields etc for a very reasonable £13-£18 per night. That said, there is a local CC&C site local to us that charges about £30 per night for a field with a shower block!


Have you looked at something like BritStops? ...... of course, we can't do anything about the weather though :'(


It was a sloping field with a toilet/shower block in Port Eynon, £25 a night. we can stay on an Aire or municipal in France from between zero - 12 €. Lovely area the Gower, considering its the wettest area in the country we were lucky Thursday and Friday, but left Saturday as it was raining full pelt. some nice black beef rib eye steaks yesterday, and a lovely leg of welsh lamb today. :-D


May have a look at britstops but its the whole 1950's attitude to camping here that's depressing and I dont go away to be surrounded by barriers and negativity.... and its expensive eating out anywhere decent as well...We live 1.5 hrs from Dover so no big deal. only go to Wales to drop son oft at Uni in Swansea.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
lennyhb - 2013-04-14 9:39 PM


rupert123 - 2013-04-14 6:35 PM


lennyhb - 2013-04-14 5:31 PM


We are having a couple weeks away at the beginning of June SHMBO thought we were going to do a bit of the UK until I enlightened her that I had already booked a ferry it's just too much hassle trying to find somewhere to stop for the night in the UK.


This councils attitude is typical of what drives us across the channel.


Lenny this should read 'to much trouble finding somewhere free to stay the night in the UK'. Personally have never found a problem in the UK but then do not mind paying to stay the night.


Really don't know why I am bothering to replying to you Henry with your single minded bigoted point of view.


Councils are just driving away visitors with this attitude I have no objection to paying reasonable rates to stay the night it's finding somewhere to stop is the problem. It gets to 4pm you like area you are in look up local cl's & cs's you ring round none of them answer there phone most are a good few miles from the village you are in, where as cross the channel just drive into the Aire of if no Aire car park or village square problem solved. :D


Absolutely bang on, but I'm afraid Henry will never concede the point. Using your van in the UK is akin to self flagellation. ;-) but whatever turns you on eh. ;-) and my absolute idea of hell is the average campsite in the UK, given that up for good now.

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Oh stop moaning. Just because we’ve got motorhomes doesn’t confer special status.

Stop comparing UK with France. It’s different. Stop sulking. Either live with the conditions here or go to France, but stop blethering on about it.


We are in our motorhome on a very acceptable site in UK atm. Ok it’s not France, but we are here for a reason. And it’s fine. No complaints.


And as for The Campaign….. I set out, else thread, some time ago, what you might do. But you have to DO it, and get on with it instead of spending time on here moaning. Spend the energy on The Campaign. PM me if you want the details I posted previously.


I’m with rupert123 [Henry? I’m a bit confused] on this matter. Pay up or shut up.


And BTW it is not THE Gower, but GOWER. There is no definite article in the Welsh - it’s simply “Gwyr”.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Gwendolyn - 2013-04-14 11:56 PM


Oh stop moaning. Just because we’ve got motorhomes doesn’t confer special status.

Stop comparing UK with France. It’s different. Stop sulking. Either live with the conditions here or go to France, but stop blethering on about it.


We are in our motorhome on a very acceptable site in UK atm. Ok it’s not France, but we are here for a reason. And it’s fine. No complaints.


And as for The Campaign….. I set out, else thread, some time ago, what you might do. But you have to DO it, and get on with it instead of spending time on here moaning. Spend the energy on The Campaign. PM me if you want the details I posted previously.


I’m with rupert123 [Henry? I’m a bit confused] on this matter. Pay up or shut up.


And BTW it is not THE Gower, but GOWER. There is no definite article in the Welsh - it’s simply “Gwyr”.




Why is it "moaning" to decry the petty mindedness of more and more councils, and the issues of height barriers. and we do not want "special status" as you put it, simply the same status as other private motorists. :-S

Many disabled motor home users as my wife is, are effectively discriminated against with these height barriers as well, even to the point of shopping in many instances, but presumably that's moaning as well. >:-(


And I'm bound to say "moaning" as you put it about what many of us see as petty mindedness, you illustrate perfectly with your Welsh lesson for us all.


But I should dash of an email to the Welsh tourist board as well and put them right, diabolical that they use the term "Visit the Gower Peninsula" I mean give me strength. :-S

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1footinthegrave - 2013-04-15 7:02 AM


Gwendolyn - 2013-04-14 11:56 PM


Oh stop moaning. Just because we’ve got motorhomes doesn’t confer special status.

Stop comparing UK with France. It’s different. Stop sulking. Either live with the conditions here or go to France, but stop blethering on about it.


We are in our motorhome on a very acceptable site in UK atm. Ok it’s not France, but we are here for a reason. And it’s fine. No complaints.


And as for The Campaign….. I set out, else thread, some time ago, what you might do. But you have to DO it, and get on with it instead of spending time on here moaning. Spend the energy on The Campaign. PM me if you want the details I posted previously.


I’m with rupert123 [Henry? I’m a bit confused] on this matter. Pay up or shut up.


And BTW it is not THE Gower, but GOWER. There is no definite article in the Welsh - it’s simply “Gwyr”.




Why is it "moaning" to decry the petty mindedness of more and more councils.... >:-(



Mornin' 1foot'...May I suggest that maybe, just maybe,it's the repetitiveness of it all... :-S

Constantly going round and around over the same old ground(with the same "old" people ;-) ),is not going to achieve anything is it...(...and that goes for ANY subject ;-) )


If some folk had put as much effort into constructive campaigning(..sending letters,emails, arranging meetings, presenting figures etc), as they spend on posting(banging on about it!) on MH forums, then we'd be probably be aware with Aires and stop-overs by now! (lol)


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Guest 1footinthegrave
pepe63 - 2013-04-15 8:46 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-04-15 7:02 AM


Gwendolyn - 2013-04-14 11:56 PM


Oh stop moaning. Just because we’ve got motorhomes doesn’t confer special status.

Stop comparing UK with France. It’s different. Stop sulking. Either live with the conditions here or go to France, but stop blethering on about it.


We are in our motorhome on a very acceptable site in UK atm. Ok it’s not France, but we are here for a reason. And it’s fine. No complaints.


And as for The Campaign….. I set out, else thread, some time ago, what you might do. But you have to DO it, and get on with it instead of spending time on here moaning. Spend the energy on The Campaign. PM me if you want the details I posted previously.


I’m with rupert123 [Henry? I’m a bit confused] on this matter. Pay up or shut up.


And BTW it is not THE Gower, but GOWER. There is no definite article in the Welsh - it’s simply “Gwyr”.




Why is it "moaning" to decry the petty mindedness of more and more councils.... >:-(



Mornin' 1foot'...May I suggest that maybe, just maybe,it's the repetitiveness of it all... :-S

Constantly going round and around over the same old ground(with the same "old" people ;-) ),is not going to achieve anything is it...(...and that goes for ANY subject ;-) )


If some folk had put as much effort into constructive campaigning(..sending letters,emails, arranging meetings, presenting figures etc), as they spend on posting(banging on about it!) on MH forums, then we'd be probably be aware with Aires and stop-overs by now! (lol)


I agree, and surprise surprise I do exactly that, but as the OP pointed out it seems it all falls on deaf ears. Our local community council meetings of which I regularly attend have now agreed to allow parking of residents Motor homes for an annual fee, whereas their original intention was to ban them altogether, despite residents with cars always having that facility.So "banging on" has for now at least had a positive outcome, although it has taken around 4 years ;-)


On the wider point the same old issues do crop up, but is that such a bad thing, and who knows someone with some clout might just see them on one occasion, and act with a more positive mindset ;-)

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Gwendolyn - 2013-04-14 11:56 PM


And as for The Campaign….. I set out, else thread, some time ago, what you might do. But you have to DO it, and get on with it instead of spending time on here moaning. Spend the energy on The Campaign. PM me if you want the details I posted previously.




Hi Gwen: so where's this Campaign? I've had a van for only 3 years now, but I've seen no sign of a coordinated Campaign. No magazine is fronting it as far as I can see, and who else will get behind it?

Not MMM and not the clubs, not in their interests. So who's got clout?

Interested to know

alan b

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1footinthegrave - 2013-04-14 10:04 PM


lennyhb - 2013-04-14 9:39 PM


rupert123 - 2013-04-14 6:35 PM


lennyhb - 2013-04-14 5:31 PM


We are having a couple weeks away at the beginning of June SHMBO thought we were going to do a bit of the UK until I enlightened her that I had already booked a ferry it's just too much hassle trying to find somewhere to stop for the night in the UK.


This councils attitude is typical of what drives us across the channel.


Lenny this should read 'to much trouble finding somewhere free to stay the night in the UK'. Personally have never found a problem in the UK but then do not mind paying to stay the night.


Really don't know why I am bothering to replying to you Henry with your single minded bigoted point of view.


Councils are just driving away visitors with this attitude I have no objection to paying reasonable rates to stay the night it's finding somewhere to stop is the problem. It gets to 4pm you like area you are in look up local cl's & cs's you ring round none of them answer there phone most are a good few miles from the village you are in, where as cross the channel just drive into the Aire of if no Aire car park or village square problem solved. :D


Absolutely bang on, but I'm afraid Henry will never concede the point. Using your van in the UK is akin to self flagellation. ;-) but whatever turns you on eh. ;-) and my absolute idea of hell is the average campsite in the UK, given that up for good now.


Your right their I will not. I spend more time in France than most i guess, already eight weeks this year, but it does not mean i do not tour in the uk. I have never, ever, had problem in the uk with overnight places to stay. I admit it takes a little bit of common sense to sort it out but so what. Many countries in europe do not have free places to stay, but i guess you never visit them either, pity to miss out on Switzerland, Austria and a whole host of old easter block countries because you will not pay for a site. Your bit about car park or village square tells all about this attitude to paying. I agree it is easier to just turn up and stay on an aire or the village square but some countries it is more difficult to do this, not just the UK. I guess if you are happy to restrict you visits to countries that let you park up for the night anywhere then fine, if you are to lazy or incapable of thinking ahead when you have to this is fine to. Personally if we wish to go somewhere we just go, we are on holiday and not being able to park for free never bothers us, in fact rarely do it. If your idea of a holiday is drive around all day park in the village square at night, making sure of course you are clear for a quick getaway in case of trouble, then fine by me. The thing that really makes me laugh is the idea of parking on some overcrowded aire in France, two feet from your neighbour is somehow good is a joke surely, still as long as it if free and you can just turn up you will no doubt be happy.

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You really don't get it Henry you just keep harping on about money - THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.


It's all about finding somewhere to overnight in the area you have just arrived in. We often book a ferry and don't even decide what country we are going to let alone the area it's all about freedom of roaming with a Motorhome. If I wanted to stay on sites which I've had to book weeks ahead I might as well as saved my hard earned cash and kept the caravan.

I've already booked 2 ferry returns this year where we are going I don't know, depends on the weather at the time so we will decide once we are on the other side of the channel. On our very first long trip in the Motorhome we were heading for northern Germany weather forecast was bad so we turned south and ended up in Slovenia.

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Guest JudgeMental
Aires wont happen, to much objection from little Englander's...Out of season most campsites if they bother opening are near empty. The one we were on at weekend (open all year) a prime example..with owner winging about the weather and no customers. It dont take a TV consultant to breathe some life into these businesses. They could easily set aside an area of field for overnight halts for motorhomes for say £10 a night. Then the 1 restaurant, 2 chippys, shop and 1 pub in village would benefit as well. (all near empty and devoid of atmosphere) Instead they concentrate on regulations, put up signs at motorhome dump with tap, saying container water filling only! while staring forlornly at the empty fields....I ask you!lol
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Guest 1footinthegrave

No Henry will never get it, it's a nice day today, I feel like just heading off, what's the very first thing I have to do, study a book then start ringing round to see if I can get a pitch later today, I get no answer now what, most CC club sites do not answer their phones except for certain limited times. I have in the past done it time and again, it's hassle to me pure and simple, over the water I KNOW I can find somewhere be it a site where I'll still be welcomed if I arrive after 5 pm, or an Aire to overnight in, when we're on route that's all we need, somewhere for a kip. ;-)

Just accept some of us do things differently without your constant knee jerk reaction and making out we are one step up from Gypsies for once please. ;-)


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Rowan Lee - 2013-04-15 12:48 PM


This thread didnt start as a wildcamping and aires and campsites thread. It is, or was, specifically about the car parks on the Lincolnshire coast. Can we get back to the point, please?


It's often the way wandering off topic, but this is what a spokesman said apparantly....


"It should have a positive effect on the local area, there will be less demand on local amenities like bins and toilets at the car parks and local campsites should benefit from increased trade too." :-S


My guess is they assume that car users don't use toilets or bins..........they may just have a point given the state of our local car only park in the summer months. >:-)

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