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Kitchen Knives on Ferries


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At the weekend my brother in law and his wife visited us, and chat got around to holiday trips, and we compared experiences on cross channel and North Sea ferries. B-i-L had had a very unfortunate experience on a Hull ferry; they were self catering, and had some kitchen gear with them, including kitchen knives, in a box in the boot. He was very nearly arrested!

I was quizzed about weapons at Newhaven a couple of years ago, and replied that I had a bread knife and kitchen knives in a drawer in the " kitchen", this was grudgingly accepted. But common sense prevailed.


On the basis that I'd hate to have a full complement of decent quality kitchen knives confiscated every trip, I thought I'd ask for some information; I emailed P &O.


P & O replied;


"When carried in vehicles, any sharp edged blades are to be locked in the boot of the vehicle and the key handed to a ship's officer for safe keeping for the duration of the crossing.


Once you have made a booking, please send details of what exactly you will be carrying and we will make a note on your booking for the attention of the port."


If we all did this there would be chaos at the ports.


I can understand the situation on an aircraft; but on a ferry?.


Oh; and I've never run amok, in my life, either on a plane or a ship (or anywhere else come to that!)


Has anyone had similar experience?


alan b

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I does sound a bit daft...but I suppose if someone did "run amok" with a boot full of knives, then the first question everyone would ask would be "..why on earth,didn't they check..?".. closely followed by "...who can we lodge a claim against.." ;-)


We have a 'similar' thing with festival campsites...no metal knives,is the order of the day(on safety grounds) and yet you'll probably have a lump hammer and a bag full of 8-10" metal tent pegs... :-S (lol)

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I had a jar of local honey confiscated on my return flight from the IOM once , but before they could put in it their " We will share this between us box "I removed the lid and removed a large finger full to eat saying I might as well see what it tastes like !! too which they were not amused . My daughter worked on security at the IOM airport and said they had a share out with the goods they confiscated.
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Years ago in the days of hovercraft the customs official at Dover made us remove our bread knife from the drawer and put it in the shower compartment saying it was a weapon and should be hidden! WHAT imagination a knife in the shower, she must have watched physco the night before *-)
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We were pulled in at Dover with the motorhome and asked if we had any knives with us, we said no we only eat spaghetti and he said OK then and let us go!


They confiscated our raki from us at Crete airport but let me take the bottle of water, next time I put the raki in the water bottle.

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We were pulled over last year on the way out at Dover and searched. The guy stood in our MH Kitchen and asked if we had any knives! Err. Yes I replied, loads, your standing in my kitchen. He just laughed.


I think if they ever enforced such a bonkers rule there really would be chaos.

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Had much the same experience in Plymouth about 10 years ago. The only time I have ever been asked whether I was carrying any knives I foolishly said yes. I showed the lady who asked me the question my divers knife which I had in my tool bag. She nearly fainted and then ran of with the knife. She came back with a Special Branch sergeant who said that it was a crime to carry an offensive weapon. He was offensive, overbearing and bullying. We had a full and frank discussion about what constituted an offensive weapon and ended up agreeing to disagree. The upshot was that I locked the knife in an outside locker. I omitted to tell the man that we were carrying about six knives of varying shapes and sizes in the kitchen drawer or that access to the locker was possible from inside the van. Never been asked since.
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On our first European trip on our return I found my automatic Air Pistol under the dinette seat. Completely forgot about it being there before we went. Crossed though 6 countries with it there. I wonder what they would have made of that had they found it.
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When we've been asked if we have any guns or knives I just tell 'em we've got no guns but have some cutlery.



That's always satisfied them.


I wonder what the effect on ferry traffic would be If people in caravans and motorhomes couldn't take any of the essentials to prepare a meal.


Croissants which already have butter and jam inside are pretty rare in French village shops.



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When pulled in at Dover customs on the way out we were asked "any knives on board" Yes a drawer full its a motorhome i said.

Ok said the cutoms officer, "any dangerous weapons on board" Yes the wife i said !!!!!!


The female cutoms officer smiled and said They all say that, go on.



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I think we've been questioned twice about knives, on both occasions I've said yes, and we were asked why. I said we cook, they're kitchen knives. No more questions and we were allowed on our way.


For various other reasons we now travel by Chunnel, never been asked there but we do get our steering wheel swabbed for explosives!


happy travelling



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off thread as usual,we were diving off salcombe, morded the rib & and 6 off us walked through the town to a pub had meal and a couple of pints walked back though the town with 6ins knives srapped to our legs nobody said a word
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Petra - 2013-05-07 5:10 PM


We were pulled in at Dover with the motorhome and asked if we had any knives with us, we said no we only eat spaghetti and he said OK then and let us go!




We had a similar experince a few years back at Plymouth ...and it seemed quite ovbious that if you are in a motorhome you have standard kitchen equipment. The same pragmatic view was taken, but I dont think I would take very kindly to anyone telling me I had to lket someone elsce have the keys to the vehicle....surely this would invalidate your insurance, as they could easily take any of the contents out during transit! I guess you could give them up in a sealed envelope of similar! But what a waste of time of they did try to impose this rule 'fairly' ie on every vehicle!!

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When we landed at the Hook of Holland a Dutch Customs and Excise man entered our Motorhome and asked if we had any knives apart from kitchen knives. We said NO and showed him our kitchen knives that he wasn't interested in. He looked in the bathroom and wardrobe and had a good look around, said nice and then said we were free to go.


We think he just wanted to see inside and used the knives as an excuse to enter.

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