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Sealed first aid kit needed for europe?


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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-09-04 4:45 PM Not if individually wrapped . Surley.[/QUOTE]No, of course not Michele, but i,m sure you get my drift. But i,m certain you will agree that if people wishing to contribute are put off for fear of a rebuke ( perceived or otherwise ) then forums such as these would curl up and die from sheer boredom. As for being surley, I can assure you that I am the complete opposite, and before you take umbrage, I refer you back to your comments on seeing other peoples faces. Looking forward to future messages from both you and Manxmaid. Howard. ..................................... Satnav is for dummies but still needs cutting.
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[QUOTE]Manxmaid - 2006-08-07 1:39 PM Hi Michele, thank you for your response and emailed 'Applogies'. Thank you also for the other constructive responses. Perhaps the nature of the question lead you to believe we were newbies, but it was not my question, I was just trying to help a fellow motorhomer. We are reasonably experienced motorhomers and have travelled the length and breadth of europe at least once a year for the last 11 years. We keep ourselves up to date with the regulations and carry all the items needed to comply. We also carry reflective jackets in our private cars even though to our knowledge they are not mandatory. Thank you again for your comments.[/QUOTE] Dear Howard, If you look above you will see that I did appologise to the lady . No offence was actually intended. I just did not put my brain in gear . So before you take umbridge there is no need to point out to me re putting people off. As I said not intended. Also Howard has is occured to you that some people may not be as PC as them with the queen's english . Badly Badly dislexic is not funny for me so for people to take the P*** is off putting to say the least. But hey life go's on, I can't please all the people all the time .......Can you? *-) *-) *-) *-) ;-)
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No I'am used to it .Don't worry have had it all my life and still I acannot manage to get the ......,,,,,,,,,in the right place but usually use the dictionary because the word's are so jumbled like my brain . Full stop's comma's not very much given time to in my life.....Take's me all my time to write it ....That's why they are alway's short :-)
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Not good enough Michele. I still feel like a louse for upsetting you. Not until you mentioned it earlier did I realise you suffered from this disabilty and once again I apologise. I,ll be the first to admit that giving a gentle prod is something I sometimes use to gauge the reaction and get a insight that shows where other people are really coming from. Tonight I got it totally wrong. Another facter is that amongst the many other forums I use, sport is one them, and this usually means the gloves off approach. This is not a excuse, but a reminder to myself to adjust to each forum accordingly before making the same mistake again. Goodnight and look after yourself. Howard.
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Howard, Don't worry about it really . I don't like to tell people .But obviously with all the intelegent epople on here they would of guessed anyway . i try not to ramble but that's how it is in your brain all jumbeld. Anyway's my secret's out now so everyone can know You have not upset me ..i wasn't being rude to the lady just as I said didn't put my brain in gear that's how iits affect's you. I did appologise .and I found her comment's quite offensive .But I just thought not to reply was the best way forward as have no wish to get into a slanging match with anyone.you have missed the apostrophe yes I did and the comments on she has a life to lead so she will get on with it ..bye ...... Apart from that I am not upset . even she couldn't upset me. they say ignorance is bliss well that was darn right ignorant espeical#y after I personally took time to e mail the lady concerned, and appologised on the thread two appologys .. she won't get a third. SOooooooooo I guess when peeolpe see it's me they may not want to talk tha's the way the cookie crumbles one lady said the other night that my english was as bad as my french .....perhap's its time for me to stop writing wait and see be happy ;-)
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Guest starspirit
So folks, all Michele needs now is an apology from V6Jim for hurting her feelings so badly, then sweetness and light shall prevail once more and dear Michele's feelings will be revived to fight another day!
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Yes , That would be nice. *-) And as pointed out before my spelling is not as bad as some others . As a matter of fact it is quite good(rely on Dictionary it is called) what I am not good at is ...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?'''and all the other bit's ...However I do appologise when I get it wrong . As you can see for yourself in my appology to Manxmaid. (>) :'( :'(
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Michele, What a can of worms I upturned there then! Typically of me, I was amused by the increasingly wrong spelling of the word 'apology'. I was nicely tickled by the whole thread and thought I'd mention it! How silly I was....... As a newbie to this forum I was blissfully unaware of your slight Dyslexic problem and would, of course, have said nothing with this prior knowledge. As you say, Michele, your spelling is not at all bad and strictly speaking I should never have posted as I did under any circumstances.... Anyway, lesson learnt, and my heartfelt, sincere apologies to you and to any other forum members I have upset within this thread. Jimmy
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Dumb Blonde or what . Should I fall for this smooth talker ............Oh go on then . Excepted Not really Dislexic should of seem you and howard squirm lol lol lol lol Ha ha ha ha ........wished you could see my face. ;-) ;-) Gottcha........... I am really, only messing nearly had you though dont do it again naughty boys.........
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Make me one Jack , And don't take the milk out of that bloody fridge with no light ok. Glad you stayed out of that one as well . That bloody goat would of driven me mad. When you going on holiday ? I thought tonight ? Anyway let us know then I can talk about Dolly & jack behind their backs. It is rather quiet on here, is it not ? still once you go then carol & mel will be back then we can gossip about you and make that appointment to sort out your fridge & decide who's camper where bringing . Have you got enough space we could alway's bring 3 campers and park at your house, please inform the wife. 8-) 8-)
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Not bad Jimmy. Pretty good in fact especially the heartfelt bit. As a fellow Celt I would normally side with you, but we must both hold our hands up and hope Michele accepts our apologies in the manner in which they are given. At least I have reminded you of the two basic rules following any cockup. 1 Grovel. 2 Put the blame on someone else. Michele. Being the kind, considerate, compassionate, wise and vivacious young lady you so obviously are, will you allow Jimmy and myself time to reflect on our follies and, if you can find it your heart, ultimate salvation in your forgiveness. ( top that Jim )
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apology appology apolooogie oh sod it you all know what I mean . saying sorry . Well I do anyway Know what I mean that is . Your all mad on here I am the only sane one I know I am . Best take somemore pills or stop the pills which one I am not sure :-) (lol) 8-) 8-) 8-) (>) :-S
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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-09-06 11:52 PM Howard, good very good More more Jimmy your turn. (lol) apoooooooooologiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiseeeeeeeeeeee this is fun :->[/QUOTE] Nope. I'm done..... Off to other threads where I don't feel at all guilty! See you there! Jimmy
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