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Charge for cars on trailers


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I disagree that it's the CC being kind to motorhomers, it's called how to keep the business rolling in, they're getting so expensive now that they've got to do something to encourage people to keep using them! It's just a shame that some of the wardens are making life very 'difficult' now for those of us with dogs - on our last holiday we used a very well known expensive CC club site, bearing in mind that the site didn't have a dog walks, which we were quite well aware of, to then be 'asked' to take the dogs off the site to do their ablutions immediately upon leaving the 'van, and with a bit of a menacing tinge in the request, make the 3 days we were there rather uncomfortable. Yes, we do walk them off the site but between getting out of the 'van and getting to the edge of the site you have to negotiate shrubs and trees and we all know what male dogs are like for having to have a pee immediately (a bit like men really but hopefully not by the trees as well!). We always clear up and always pitch near to the entrances/exits for this purpose, keeping away from play areas etc but when a dog want's to pee there's not a lot you can do about it ... It also made it very uncomfortable for us to sit outside the 'van with the dogs with us in case they did a little 'puddle' before we were quick enough to trot them outside. If they don't want dogs, just say so, but I suspect if they did they'd certainly lose a large chunk of members in the process. Now if only they would ban kids ... especially the ones who like to play football near other people's vans.
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Hi Mel B I know it's straying from the topic but as you have raised it I was once at the Crystral Palace site in London and always took the dogs around the park for their 'needs'. Crystal Palace park closes at night so, last thing, I walked them around the site and, of course, they had a pee on the grass. The warden, who must have had eyes like a toilet block rat, saw this through the darkness and proceeded to give me a telling off. I said it was just a pee and that if it were anything else I would clean up after them. His reply was something like people with tents have to sleep there and my reply was something like don't people in tents ever have dogs then? Have never been back to Crystal Palace since. Regards, david
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