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Elddis Cupboard Handles


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Having hired motorhomes in the past (very expensive :( We went the whole hog and bought ourselves a lovely Elddis 145, been out in it in the very wonderful weather we have had so far this year and just 1 of my issues are the cupboard handles, very sharp edges especially the handle on the large cupboard as you climb into bed at night.

What I am looking for are 10 'D' handles with 290mm fixing centres, preferably the flatter version of the 'D' (looks like an arc). Anyone out there who knows where to purchase?

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Unless you have a decent,old stylie, hardware/DIY shop nearby,I'd say your best bet would probably be to "have a Google"..






...or have a look on ebay?


There's always Ikea?



You may even have some luck at some of the larger B&Q type places?

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Thanks to all those who responded, I have been to B&Q* etc but no luck, will look at Screwfix, and other suggestions.

*B&Q had a nice set of D handles smooth arc at 320mm centres, but at £20 a pair, so thought I'd keep looking during my lunch breaks

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