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I was beginning to get a bit bored with the MM forum, all that stuff about technicalities, then to my amusement/entertainment along comes a full blooded slanging match. I refer, of course, to Dover parking. The posts illustrate a clear polarisation between two groups which is probably reflects a general attitude to life and political views. The also highlight what, in my opinion is one of the most basic flaws in our society, namely that "everything is forbidden unless it is specifically allowed (by some jobsworth or another). The posts also throw up one or two misconceptions, one of which is that people who own properties have the right to prevent others "spoiling" their view. Similar to the view of those who insist that that they have the exclusive right to park on the bit of the public highway outside their property.
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If you're bored of the techy stuff and want slanging matches,I'd recommend heading into Chatterbox.(lol)


(..although they do all tend to be a bit "samey", as they have a habit of being about the EU and Muslim immigrants *-) )


..Having said that, it's not unknown for the Chatterbox fences to fail occasionally, resulting in childish bickering to breakout into other sections..

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Guest JudgeMental

Good post Mike, it certainly is more difficult to tour here and while most of us dislike the situation, we are realistic and work with our present realities while others seem intent of giving themselves a stroke. There are workarounds with CL's, pub stopovers and the like...personally cant be bothered so mainly head abroad. And yes envious of more enlightened regimes like in Sweden which have enshrined the right to roam....


But This is England, we have abandoned God and family, people have a sense of entitlement, the world owes you a living, expecting the state to look after both the young and old, and all the layabouts breeding like rabbits rather than work for a living. Meanwhile UK PLC while claiming to be all for education but doing everything possible behind the scenes to destroy it....ask the kids leaving Uni with eye watering debts


We go to Italy every year, yes it is more expensive but love it so easily justifiable. wonderful family oriented people (Like the Spanish) with alove of life and good food!! We also visit other countries that dont provide Aire style stops, but I still visit and work with the restrictions...thats life. Was looking through another forum earlier and loads of posts moaning about fuel prices and canceling trips...I mean get a life! sell the van and travel under the tender mercies of the likes of Michael O'Leary


Oh!...And the weather dont help! :-D

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JudgeMental - 2013-05-14 3:49 PM


And yes envious of more enlightened regimes like in Sweden which have enshrined the right to roam....


Sorry Judge, hate to spoil a rant.

A quick check of wikipedia will confirm that the right to roam has limitations; very sensible ones, and I'm afraid that a 3.5Tonne camper isn't permitted to roam in quite the manner you may have implied. Even Sweden Norway and Finland have laws to protect the environment. Thank goodness. This country would soon be a mess if we could do as we wish,


alan b

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Guest JudgeMental

"This country would soon be a mess if we could do as we wish"


Heavens..... Just think, that would be Anarchy!:D




Tacitus 117 AD


Because they didn't know better, they called it 'civilization,' when it was part of their slavery


the more corrupt the state the more numerous the laws.




Have been 3 times and never a problem..very relaxed but it is sparsely populated..You can camp right in center of stockholm in public car parks by sea..Can you imagine doing that in London


"I’ve heard that you can camp wild anywhere in Sweden. Is this true?


Up to a point, yes. The freedom to camp wild is one of the great joys of an outdoor holiday in Sweden. You should not pitch your tent on farmland or near a house, and stays in any one location are limited to a night or two.


Groups of friends pitching two or three tents do not need to obtain permission from the landowner, but as always, you must respect the privacy of anyone living nearby and take care not to damage the natural environment.


Generally, a good rule of thumb is to ensure that you pitch your tent out of site of people’s houses and do not stay more than two nights in the same spot. Don’t forget to take all your litter away with you (including food scraps –orange peel, for example, can take many years to degrade naturally!). If no other option exists, make sure you bury your toilet waste properly. Choose a spot at least 50m from houses, camping spots, water sources, etc. Dig a hole 15cm deep for your waste and then fill in soil on top. Do not bury non-degradable items such as children’s nappies or female sanitary products."





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Vitriol starts and gradually builds when someone is foolishly unable to reply to points made without unprovoked insults, name calling or a put down of some sort, aimed at the poster with whom he/she disagrees - especially when 'their' own way is seen by them as the only way.


This results in the offended party having a go back and here we go again, and again, ad nauseum.


If everyone left their personal dislikes of others, past history, bad feelings, and other ego trips out of the equation and replied only about the subject in hand and not about the poster life would a lot quieter on here and threads would be a lot easier to follow.


Then there are those who choose to read every posting looking to see how they can possibly become offended just so that they can justify having a go at the individual rather than respond to the topic.


I guess it's called human nature - protected by the safety net of anonymity.



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Well I am finding the vitriol on some threads more than tedious. The Dover one is a good example. I also dislike the developing habit of repetition and also not acknowledging people who have tried to offer suggestions. This also applies to this particular thread but to others too. What happened to good manners? I too found it interesting at first but eventually I have become completely bored with this thread and would like to stop the email notifications for this thread only. Is this possible?
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Patricia - 2013-05-14 8:52 PM


Well I am finding the vitriol on some threads more than tedious. The Dover one is a good example. I also dislike the developing habit of repetition and also not acknowledging people who have tried to offer suggestions. This also applies to this particular thread but to others too. What happened to good manners? I too found it interesting at first but eventually I have become completely bored with this thread and would like to stop the email notifications for this thread only. Is this possible?

I'm sorry Patricia, I'm not sure I've understood the original post?

I'm rather surprised that this thread has caused so much displeasure, it's rather mild isn't it.

Ping-pong doesn't impress me; but this is perfectly reasonable argument as far as I'm concerned. Have I missed something?

all the best

alan b

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Guest JudgeMental
snowie - 2013-05-14 9:04 PM


Patricia - 2013-05-14 8:52 PM


Well I am finding the vitriol on some threads more than tedious. The Dover one is a good example. I also dislike the developing habit of repetition and also not acknowledging people who have tried to offer suggestions. This also applies to this particular thread but to others too. What happened to good manners? I too found it interesting at first but eventually I have become completely bored with this thread and would like to stop the email notifications for this thread only. Is this possible?

I'm sorry Patricia, I'm not sure I've understood the original post?

I'm rather surprised that this thread has caused so much displeasure, it's rather mild isn't it.

Ping-pong doesn't impress me; but this is perfectly reasonable argument as far as I'm concerned. Have I missed something?

all the best

alan b


No your not......just that these sort of threads bring out the holier-than-thou brigade...


The " other " motorhome forums are heavily policed, with "moderation" more akin to a liquid cosh.. it simply kills any semblance of fun and meaningful exchanges. This forum certainly more free and open and while I doubt its by design it is certainly better for it. Goes a bit of kilter from time to time, but that is the price of freedom and better for it IMO. My one reservation is chatterbox, which is a disgrace with the most abhorrent group of reactionary individuals you can imagine.....It should be destroyed

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Patricia - 2013-05-14 8:52 PM


Well I am finding the vitriol on some threads more than tedious. The Dover one is a good example. I also dislike the developing habit of repetition and also not acknowledging people who have tried to offer suggestions. This also applies to this particular thread but to others too. What happened to good manners? I too found it interesting at first but eventually I have become completely bored with this thread and would like to stop the email notifications for this thread only. Is this possible?





Patricia, i think to stop the notifications, when it comes through there should be a link on the email what you click and they stop

i think the link says "to stop notifications on this thread click here"

i might be wrong but this is what happens on my diving forums and i haven't posted on here for a while so i've forgotten what the notifications say

i will comfim when get a reply on this thread :-D

and just my obbs i quite like these threads sometimes they can be hilarious from a neutral observer point of view just try not to get embroiled in them :-D


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I thought Vitriol was a new engine oil!

I got some when I mentioned my vans first MOT took only 20 minutes,the fact that 3 technicians were doing it seem to have gone unnoticed.

This country as descended into a form of anarchy. I base this on the increase in popularity of herbal and fruit teas in shops. The Anarchists mantra is 'Proper Tea is theft' or is it 'Property is theft?'

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Patricia - 2013-05-14 8:52 PM


Well I am finding the vitriol on some threads more than tedious. The Dover one is a good example. I also dislike the developing habit of repetition and also not acknowledging people who have tried to offer suggestions. This also applies to this particular thread but to others too. What happened to good manners? I too found it interesting at first but eventually I have become completely bored with this thread and would like to stop the email notifications for this thread only. Is this possible?


Go in to "forums control panel" scroll down, then click on unsubscribe on the particular thread.

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mikejkay - 2013-05-15 11:10 AM


Patricia, is it my post that you dislike or the Dover Parking thread?


My apologies - I have just re-read my post above and realise it was worded very badly and no, this thread is fine. Incidentally, I am not of the do gooder brigade, or whatever the expression used, but I found some of the language on the "Dover" thread crude. I disliked more the repetition which was boring and didn't seem to lead anywhere. Some "disputes" are entertaining and some "put-downs" very funny and witty. I think some men on here are very entertaining; I just dislike it when that sort of language is used aggressively and applied personally.


Thank you to those who pointed out how to stop alerts to certain threads. I had no idea you could do that - I thought it stopped them all. I haven't bothered this time but it could be useful for future use.

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You might consider setting the e-mail notifications default to "No" in your Profile and then use the "Toggle e-mail notification" feature in the Actions box at the foot of each thread to select only those threads you've posted to that you really want to get update notifications about.


(I wonder how many forum members have their e-mail notifications default set to "Yes" in their Profile. I suppose it's OK if you don't post to threads much but, if you are a prolific poster, it must surely result in a flood of e-mail update notifications.)

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Derek that is certainly something to consider. I do admit to having the default set to no but I am rarely inundated with emails except for extremely long threads and many of these are worth following to the bitter end! I sometimes go quite a long time before finding a thread which really interests me and even then probably will not contribute but thank you for the suggestion.
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Guest peter
Tracker - 2013-05-14 5:41 PM


Vitriol starts and gradually builds when someone is foolishly unable to reply to points made without unprovoked insults, name calling or a put down of some sort, aimed at the poster with whom he/she disagrees - especially when 'their' own way is seen by them as the only way.


This results in the offended party having a go back and here we go again, and again, ad nauseum.


If everyone left their personal dislikes of others, past history, bad feelings, and other ego trips out of the equation and replied only about the subject in hand and not about the poster life would a lot quieter on here and threads would be a lot easier to follow.


Then there are those who choose to read every posting looking to see how they can possibly become offended just so that they can justify having a go at the individual rather than respond to the topic.


I guess it's called human nature - protected by the safety net of anonymity.


I totally agree. It's disgracefull. I'm glad you have never seen fit to behave in this manner. *-)
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Guest JudgeMental
peter - 2013-05-19 10:20 PM


Tracker - 2013-05-14 5:41 PM


Vitriol starts and gradually builds when someone is foolishly unable to reply to points made without unprovoked insults, name calling or a put down of some sort, aimed at the poster with whom he/she disagrees - especially when 'their' own way is seen by them as the only way.


This results in the offended party having a go back and here we go again, and again, ad nauseum.


If everyone left their personal dislikes of others, past history, bad feelings, and other ego trips out of the equation and replied only about the subject in hand and not about the poster life would a lot quieter on here and threads would be a lot easier to follow.


Then there are those who choose to read every posting looking to see how they can possibly become offended just so that they can justify having a go at the individual rather than respond to the topic.


I guess it's called human nature - protected by the safety net of anonymity.


I totally agree. It's disgraceful. I'm glad you have never seen fit to behave in this manner. *-)


Indeed Peter......what an astonishing post. Must have bought a mirror at a car boot sale...I'm lost for words for once! :D

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Guest peter
So is Richard, judging by his sudden withdrawal. Still, I suppossse he always was a premature ejaculator. (lol) *-)
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It the day ever dawns when either of you post something constructive to reply to I will - until that time you just carry on in your own egotistically deranged little fantasy worlds where everyone else is always wrong and only you are ever right!!


See - exclamation marks in place of smileys - that makes it a joke!!





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Guest JudgeMental
peter - 2013-05-21 8:31 PM


So is Richard, judging by his sudden withdrawal. Still, I suppossse he always was a premature ejaculator. (lol) *-)


sounds like he's gone all introverted and self examining like.. a panel van can do that to a damaged soul :D

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Guest peter
I can't believe it...............he's only gone and bought an Autosleepr Warwick. (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)
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