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The Audacity


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The audacity of turning up at 4pm for only one night AND having a foreign built motorhome! Yep, another stroppy Caravan Club warden. The conversation went something like - We're full - But I booked a pitch a month ago - You 'll have to go on the grass then - You gonna pull me off if I get stuck? - We don't pull anyone off - What about that hardstanding over there? - Well I suppose you could go there but it is the last one - I only want one - You had better go and look at it, you might not want it - I am sure it's fine - I won't take your money you might not want it - It's a hardstanding yes I do want it - Oh all right then but it's the last one - It's the last time I stay on a Caravan Club site. You get just a shrug of the shoulders. Of course when you look around the site there are several hardstandings not being used, what are these people on? I'm definitely not renewing my membership.
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I had the same thing with the caravan club, 5.00pm and we drove passed a site and popped in on the off chance (i was a member at the time) all i got was the 3rd degree about how late in the day it was to arrive at a site and i should have booked well in advance? they put me up for one night gave me grass area to park on out of the way and charged me about £30 for the night.

Never again would i use them or their club.

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..sounds like you got off fairly light...as you don't mention being "chastised" for pitching, "..the wrong way around.." or ". the incorrect distance from pitch marker" ? (lol)


Joking aside, in the overall scheme of things,we've not had that much hassle with CC wardens(most have been friendly and helpful) BUT it does only take the odd stroppy one to taint things though,doesn't it.... :-S


Having said that,I've also come across some stroppy bar staff...but I wouldn't let that stop me from going into another pub in their chain... ;-)

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Does anyone believe this stuff. First the CC do not allocate pitches, you turn up, find a pitch and tell the warden, why have this type of convesation, every single time i have used them they have advised me, unasked, where the hardstanding pitches are. Where do you pay £30 for one night, again I never have, stayed last week at Camelford for three nights, it was £13.50 a night. I know their prices vary a lot depending on time of year, this happens all over europe, and some city centre prices are a little more, but £30 a night, where was this? Some seem to really have it in for the clubs and post this stuff which is way beyound my experience of them.
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sambukashot - 2013-05-15 4:23 PM

they put me up for one night gave me grass area to park on out of the way and charged me about £30 for the night.

Never again would i use them or their club.

Whoa! £30 quid for one night! When and where was that?... 8-) ..we've never come anywhere near to paying that sort of figure... :-Sedit: Sorry Rupert' ..crossed your post.
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Rupert & Pepe,

I certainly do not lie aboutstuff I post on, I only ever used the caravan club that once in the whole year ihad the membership with them and it was exactly how I told it, I cannotremember the exact site or dates it was well over a year ago only it was southof London, the cost would have been somewhere between £25 - £30 as I cannotremember the exact details but i do remember the bad attitude I had to endureat the reception area and that meant never again…

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One poor experience of ONE site in one of the clubs, and you'll never use ANY of their sites again! As to logic, M'Lud?


I'm not going to claim wide experience of the clubs, but we have used quite a few of their sites over the years. Some of the wardens can be of the "pocket sergeant major" type, but most are at least reasonable - and there are more who are genuinely pleasant than there are of the crusty types.


It is quite clear on some sites that one or other of the partners is as happy as a pig in poo, while the other is far less content. The happy one can usually be found endlessly playing on a mower, while the less happy one is cleaning the shower block. Can't begin to see why that should be the case, though!


But seriously, if you don't like a site, don't go back to it. If you found an unpleasant owner at a French "Castels" site, would you reject all others in the chain? As to £30 for a night. The rates are clearly stated, and I don't think there is a single site that charges that much, even to non-members. Criticisms should be reasonably fair, factual, and balanced, or they are misleading and damaging, which helps no-one.

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Guest pelmetman

We had the audacity to complain about a pitch at Incleboro fields *-)...........but apparently its perfectly acceptable to have a right of way through your awning 8-)................and its just as well I parked athwart the peg........or the right of way would of been through my cab *-)......


After 20 years we are no longer members either >:-)

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Some people must be very unlucky. I have never had any problems with pitches or staff on CC sites. The sites are all very good and we now do most of our uk camping on them. I was talking to the warden on the Cheddar site last week. They are not allowed to tow off motorhomes because their little tractors have a limited towing capacity (about 2T I think he said). If used on heavier vehicles the CC are concerned that damage might be caused to a motorhome and they would then face compensation claims (none of us would do that of course). If a motorhome is stuck on a grass pitch they call in Green Flag. Incidentally I have never paid £30 for a CC site.
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Guest pelmetman
graham - 2013-05-15 5:10 PM


Some people must be very unlucky. I have never had any problems with pitches or staff on CC sites.


Its only a matter of time ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2013-05-15 5:16 PM


pelmetman - 2013-05-15 5:04 PM


...........but apparently its perfectly acceptable to have a right of way through your awning 8-)


Yeah but Dave,what do you expect? (lol)


Very good Pepe ;-)............imagine the wardens face if I tried that on a CC site (lol) (lol) (lol)

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CC sites are right at the top of my most hated sites list, absolutely hate them and their Sargent Major wardens. The few times I have used them never ever been made to feel welcome they try to make you feel like you are treading on their hallowed ground and if you get down on your hands and knees begging they may let you stay the night providing of course you give them loads of money.


A friend of mine stayed on one a couple of weeks ago he sent me this picture, I think it sums it up.


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sambukashot - 2013-05-15 4:55 PM

Rupert & Pepe,

I certainly do not lie aboutstuff I post on, I only ever used the caravan club that once in the whole year ihad the membership with them and it was exactly how I told it, I cannotremember the exact site or dates it was well over a year ago only it was southof London, the cost would have been somewhere between £25 - £30 as I cannotremember the exact details but i do remember the bad attitude I had to endureat the reception area and that meant never again…

So its already dropped to maybe £25 a night, I repeat why post b******t, stick to facts about stuff like this, after all someone may be daft enough to take notice.
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Brian Kirby - 2013-05-15 5:01 PM

As to £30 for a night. The rates are clearly stated, and I don't think there is a single site that charges that much, even to non-members.


They can be - in peak season, anyway. Chatsworth CC site (which I think is one of their top-priced sites) in peak season charges £10.80 a pitch and £8.60 pp, so £28 for 2 people - add in £10 for a non-member, and that's £38 a night. And of course a larger party is way dearer.


But as you say, charges are clearly advertised.


Personally, we've had the occasional snotty warden on club sites, but far more have been very helpful and friendly. But I do wish that C&CC site managers weren't so keen, when you pull into a half-empty site midweek off season, to follow "You've not booked?" with a sharp intake of breath!!

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lennyhb - 2013-05-15 5:22 PM


CC sites are right at the top of my most hated sites list, absolutely hate them and their Sargent Major wardens. The few times I have used them never ever been made to feel welcome they try to make you feel like you are treading on their hallowed ground and if you get down on your hands and knees begging they may let you stay the night providing of course you give them loads of money.


A friend of mine stayed on one a couple of weeks ago he sent me this picture, I think it sums it up.

Reckon it must be your attitude to them Lenny, in years of using them have never come across this attitude. Like any human wardens no doubt have off days and when people like you turn up pre-programed with your chip on shoulder attitude it is little wonder they are less than impressed. I to have been asked, politely to park central on a pitch at places like Bristol which is tight so this just makes sense for everyone. What is the problem, no doubt you would like to be right on the edge of pitch a foot from your neighbour so it feels more like a french aire.

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Brian Kirby - 2013-05-15 5:01 PM


...It is quite clear on some sites that one or other of the partners is as happy as a pig in poo, while the other is far less content. The happy one can usually be found endlessly playing on a mower, while the less happy one is cleaning the shower block..


(lol) That's sums it up nicely Brian..


..I recall one chap,who after getting off his mower, wandered into the office "to help"..Only to be met with much tutting from his other half,along with, "..Oh,get from under feet!...'ere!,let me do it..you're doin' it all wrong!..."


The poor so'n'so couldn't right no matter what he did..(lol)

(..perhaps that was all part of his plan ;-) )

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Guest pelmetman
We did once think we'd like to be wardens........as I enjoy cutting the grass........and I'm very good in the bog department :D........................but then I'd have to be nice to people all the time 8-)......
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I agree with rupert123, never had any issues with wardens in nearly 20 years a member. Always been very helpful. Only one site I have been on, in South Wales I think, where I was told how to pitch but that was obviously due to lack of space between pitches and the need to keep units separated from a fire risk perspective. Regarding costs, I have found that the CC are a little more expensive that C&CC but significantly cheaper than the commercial sites I have used. Facilities always been excellent. Turned up at many sites, late in the day without booking and had no problems or comments, even been complimented on the colour scheme of my foreign motorhome!


John W

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For Example

For My wife daughter & me:-


Exebridge, Exmoor CC site, this week for members, 3 people plus pitch £25.80, next week, £28.20


Not that far off £30?


I am no longer a member, I can't stand the petty rules and I think it is mighty expensive now.


But that's just my opinion.


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Guest pelmetman

As you say Jeremy nearly 30 quid and its not even high season 8-)............ Yet for 16 euro's you can get a swimming pool.....indoor & out........ restaurant......bar.......large pitches where you can pitch as you like.....boules pitches.....entertainment........and facilities to die for.............Oh and staff where nothing is to much trouble B-)


The CC has a lot to learn, but for a start should remove the word club and replace it with business >:-)

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lennyhb - 2013-05-15 6:09 PM


pelmetman - 2013-05-15 6:00 PM


.......but then I'd have to be nice to people all the time 8-)......


You would never make the grade as a CC warden then - nice is not in their vocabulary :D




.... and he would keep cutting and pasting large political newspaper articles all over the bog walls.




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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2013-05-15 7:53 PM


lennyhb - 2013-05-15 6:09 PM


pelmetman - 2013-05-15 6:00 PM


.......but then I'd have to be nice to people all the time 8-)......


You would never make the grade as a CC warden then - nice is not in their vocabulary :D




.... and he would keep cutting and pasting large political newspaper articles all over the bog walls.





Thank you Malc ;-).................I ain't that stupid.........I'd cut them into squares and bang in a 6" nail :D

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I see the CC held a competition for members to propose a new name for their sites' 'Vegetable Preparation Area' as part of their extensive (and no doubt expensive) re-signing of sites program.


It seems the winner proposed a change to 'Dishwashing Area'.


Can anyone tell me why anyone should care?



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