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Clubs, great value


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My fortnights holiday in France 2011 in a Motorhome - 13 nights staying on Aires every night – total cost €42-47 (6 nights gratuit) – average paid €3.26 per night.


And, trust me, we didn't suffer.


A Friday and Saturday stay at a Derbyshire CCC site recently quoted at £54.


Could that be one of the factors why we're off to France for our holidays again this year?


Clubs or no Clubs - La Grand Bretagne eat your heart out!

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I am a member of both clubs and the reason is access to the CL and CS sites . These suit us fine and by staying a minimum of 10 nights , we get our £80 odd back and every night after is saving us money, when compared to a commercial site prices of £20-£30 a night . We may not have Aires in the UK but these are like Britstops and similar , are the best next thing. There are some very nice ones around




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Gwendolyn - 2013-05-25 1:53 PM


As a poster up-thread asserts “there is no right or wrong - just different!” but he then goes on to denigrate the choices made by what he calls “ex tuggers”:


“The best bit about sites is watching the ex tuggers set up camp - you can always tell - it takes them hours to set up with continual adjustments to rear legs, awning, windbreaks - and the appearance of yet more accessories from within their very own Tardis - and then best of all they walk to the tap time and again to replenish their tank with two one gallon cans - one in each hand, presumably for balance - or better still - a watering can! WOW how much fun is that!”


To which someone replies:


“Pleased I saw the light what a plonker I must have looked”


What is all that if not making derisory comments??? “Belittling” people as another poster has it?????


I do get slightly fed up of the Aire / Wildcamping fans continually patronising site users – as if somehow we are not considered “proper” motorhomers.


Well I like using sites. And I like being a member of both clubs - have been a member for 28 years of 1 and 20 years of the other. We still use club sites, mainly with our caravan – for yes, we are still Tuggers too.


Sometimes, I feel that Jean and Robert can be a little patronising. Up-thread they used the word “rightly” – in whose judgment? Who is the arbiter of tasteful choices when it comes to “proper” motorhoming?


FWIW, I enjoy “making camp”. I like getting out all the bits and bobs and making a pitch a home for the duration of a stay.


And there are HUGE assumptions and generalisations made about sites: they are all over crowed, noisy, full of kids on bikes and scooters and where peace is disturbed by loud TVs.

Yes… of course they are. Of course I spend trips away in places like that. DUH!


I need no lessons in the virtues of Wildcamping. It’s what I did in my younger days. Back packing with a 2 man tent, pitching up on a mountain for the night. Or going with the Girl Guides to a field, digging latrines, sleeping on the floor in bell tents, lighting fires to cook food, having a fire shelter with a huge bin of water constantly on the boil for hot water for washing / cooking, making gadgets to act as “furniture”.


I’ve camped [in the widest sense of the word] one way or another since I was a toddler. That's for well over 60 years.


Right now we are on a site in the Luberon. Huge pitches on terraces. Lovely views. [And no I haven’t a photo because I’m hopeless at fiddling about with stuff like that.] Not full at all. Hardly any other units about. But the bar is open and there is free WiFi here.


And guess what Tracker>>>>> we have a tap on our pitch and I am using a watering can to fill the tank. It’s just “pottering about”… camping. And right now I want to potter about as O/H has met with an accident. Battered and bruised and sore, he is resting up and I am glad of some chores to pass the day and something to do to take my mind off worrying about him 24/7. So laugh if you wish….


In August I will be using a C&CC site for a week. Our daughter and I are off to see 4 plays at Stratford-upon-Avon and we want somewhere to stay away from the hordes that will populate Stratford in the Summer. Sometimes when I am theatre going there I stay in hotels like the Falcon or the Shakespeare; sometimes in a Premier Inn or Travelodge. This time I choose to stay in our caravan in the Cotswolds. It may well prove to be busy, with loads of kids on bikes and scooters during August. But the theatre is more important that scoring points in the one-upmanship of the camping codes.


Camping / caravanning / motorhoming is a means to an end for me, and not an end in itself.


And yes, I am still open to Aires if we run across ones as nice as the one at St Cirq Lapopie which I mentioned else-thread.


So, please do not categorise all people who enjoy sites as being bigoted and as having closed minds. And, please stop all the wild generalisations about campsites and tuggers.




Still a Tugger Too.


Gwen, no intention to be patronising. You like campsites and that's fine. It's just that we know that staying on Aires in France is the only way to motorhome!!!!!











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robertandjean - 2013-05-26 9:51 PM


Gwendolyn - 2013-05-25 1:53 PM




Still a Tugger Too.


Gwen, no intention to be patronising. You like campsites and that's fine. It's just that we know that staying on Aires in France is the only way to motorhome!!!!!



Surely being a tugger does make using Aires just that little bit more difficult!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I think we often miss one simple fact when comparing France, and indeed Europe as a whole to the UK when it comes to Motor homes, that is the sheer number of them, any trip over the water illustrates the comparative rarity of touring caravans, maybe that is why there is a completely different approach to the use of motor homes and the services provided for them. ;-) And that is why once again we'll be voting with our tyres this coming Thursday for our six weeks tour, the first of two we'll take this year ;-)
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Tracker - 2013-05-26 10:13 PM................Surely being a tugger does make using Aires just that little bit more difficult!

As to reading, Rich! :-) Gwen has a motorhome AND a caravan. Aires is for the motorhome (though she prefers mainly sites) and sites is exclusively for the caravan.


Two things occur to me from this string.


Some folk use the motorhome as an end in itself, others as a means to an end.


Some folks are what Don Madge once described as isolationists, and others prefer to have company around.


Both cases are opposites, and neither can really understand the other.


It seems from some of the posts that those of one persuasion see the opposite persuasion as an implied criticism. Then of course there are those sensitive souls who just have to carry on and say so! :-)


So, some folk like sites, others do not. Some folk like aires, others do not. Some folk like to be away from other people, other folk like to have people around them. That is just us, people.


Just because we all happen to own a thing called a motorhome, why should it be presumed that we will all fit into a standardised motorhomer profile? Would we have such a variety of differing layouts, makes, and models, if we were that similar one to another?


So, I've got a suggestion. I'll leave you lot to do your peculiar things in peace, if you'll just leave me to do mine! What was that pre-PC days saying? All the world is queer, except for thee and me - and even thee's a little queer! :-D

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Brian Kirby - 2013-05-27 12:10 AM


...Both cases are opposites, and neither can really understand the other.


It seems from some of the posts that those of one persuasion see the opposite persuasion as an implied criticism....


I think most can easily understand the other.


The divisiveness in this instance arises not through some ill-judged inference, but through the concerted efforts of one individual to antagonise.


Something he does bluntly, without wit, and recreationally.


It must be an empty existence.

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Brian Kirby - 2013-05-27 12:10 AM


Tracker - 2013-05-26 10:13 PM................Surely being a tugger does make using Aires just that little bit more difficult!

As to reading, Rich! :-) Gwen has a motorhome AND a caravan. Aires is for the motorhome (though she prefers mainly sites) and sites is exclusively for the caravan.

Two things occur to me from this string.

Some folk use the motorhome as an end in itself, others as a means to an end.

Some folks are what Don Madge once described as isolationists, and others prefer to have company around.

Both cases are opposites, and neither can really understand the other.

It seems from some of the posts that those of one persuasion see the opposite persuasion as an implied criticism. Then of course there are those sensitive souls who just have to carry on and say so! :-)

What was that pre-PC days saying?

All the world is queer, except for thee and me - and even thee's a little queer - and I ain't so sure about me anymore! :-D


Agreed Brian, on all counts - I am aware of Gwen's mode of transport - which is why I mentioned that it must be difficult at times, and maybe none to popular where space is tight, getting the outfit onto an Aire? Personally, I have no issue with caravans on Aires as long as they park sensibly, are not left there for long periods as on a site, and don't monopolise the area, which I have no doubt Gwen would not do.


As I have said many times we are all different and there is no right or wrong way, and just as tuggers sometimes like to poke fun at us motorhomers for having to pack up and cart the behemoth around with us every day so too do some of us like to have a giggle at the expense of tuggers - no malice intended on either side - well mostly!!


We prefer to use Aires or 'off site' camping to organised sites as we find them more convenient and so easy to just arrive and leave at will but I have never knocked sites and site lovers, other than in jest, for their preferred holiday mode as I can see the attractions of all the facilities etc.


As you say there are those who look for any excuse to be offended and this seems to be the way of the world these days with tolerance of others a diminishing resource in favour of those who want to impose a one size fits all - as long as it is their size of course!

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crinklystarfish - 2013-05-27 9:52 AM


I think most can easily understand the other.


The divisiveness in this instance arises not through some ill-judged inference, but through the concerted efforts of one individual to antagonise.


Something he does bluntly, without wit, and recreationally.


It must be an empty existence.


I think in the case of this thread, you may be correct Crinkly'.. ;-)


However,it's not exactly "one sided" is it? ;-)

What with some of our more,shall we we say "self righteous" contributors,hardly letting a chance slip by to have a dig at those who use sites(..and then pretending they're "joking" when they're pulled up for it),then I suppose it's hardly surprising that "H" occasionally "gets his retaliation in first"... (lol)


I still consider myself relatively new to this site..but it was pretty clear from the off,that there is an "aire"(see what I did there?) of "superiority" given out by some of those who DON'T use sites.

(..although paradoxically, whilst ridiculing sites and "clubs" (and their users),they'll quite happily make use of their CL/CS/THS networks......Hmmmmm?! )



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pepe63 - 2013-05-27 10:30 AM


crinklystarfish - 2013-05-27 9:52 AM




However,it's not exactly "one sided" is it? ;-)

What with some of our more,shall we we say "self righteous" contributors,hardly letting a chance slip by to have a dig at those who use sites(..and then pretending they're "joking" when they're pulled up for it),then I suppose it's hardly surprising that "H" occasionally "gets his retaliation in first"... (lol)



It is certainly not 'one side' Pepe and you are correct I love getting my retaliation in. As I said their are a small handfull of 'wild campers' on here who seem to think their way of doing things is somehow adventurous and the only way to run a van. I fail to see how any form of M/H travel is in any way adventurous, it is just a means of taking a holiday. I just hate their 'holier than thou' attitude and any post about campsites is usual proceeded by ' of course i never use them and have no use for hookup/toilets etc etc. Even the term 'wild camping' seems to be trying to glamorise the practice, what a joke. I use aires about 20% of the time and only if they come up to a decent standard, why would anyone accept less. 'Wildcamping' is in MY OPINION a very anti-social activity, I have made my views and reasons on this clear in the past and have seen no arguments that cause me to change them. I can change my view s indeed I have done with aires. I never used aires at one time but the info provided by people like Robert and Jean persuaded me to look again. I am certainly not against saving money but not at any cost and on some aires I really cannot see any other reason for staying. I have never seen 'eye to eye' with Eddie except in the reasons he gives for staying on sites. Even here we disagree as the sites he seems to like I would never go near, the pictures he posts of sites in Spain, well you must be joking Eddie. What becomes obvious from threads like this is even those who like the same forms of places to stay like differant things. I, this should be we, but as my wife would not come within a 100 miles of a forum cannot speak for her, like the mountains, always my first love. Others seem to prefer beaches and tower blocks, now this is fine but I stand by my right to state my preferance and anyone who does not like that tough. I will continue to 'put my case' and again if you do not like it tough. I will argue my point but try not to get abusive about it, you should try this Eddie. Some find this repetitive but no more so than the views of others. We all have differant ways of doing things but the way we do things we must think is the best way, otherwise why would we do it. If you do not like a thread then just ignore it but this is a public forum and providing the thread does not contravene any of the requirements set up by the owners than what is the problem. Anyway a long post for me and must get off and pack the van, off to Armitage Trailors to get new towbar and scooter rack fitted then a couple of days in the peak district walking, after to Cornwall via the excellant CC site at Dulverton, have not been here since they rebuilt the toilet block and showers another constant improvment the CC seem to make on their first class sites. (lol)

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Tracker - 2013-05-27 10:10 AM



Agreed Brian, on all counts - I am aware of Gwen's mode of transport - which is why I mentioned that it must be difficult at times, and maybe none to popular where space is tight, getting the outfit onto an Aire?





Why difficult for her to get on an aire ?



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malc d - 2013-05-27 11:47 AM


Tracker - 2013-05-27 10:10 AM



Agreed Brian, on all counts - I am aware of Gwen's mode of transport - which is why I mentioned that it must be difficult at times, and maybe none to popular where space is tight, getting the outfit onto an Aire?





Why difficult for her to get on an aire ?




Because it' s illegal, perhaps?

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pkc - 2013-05-27 11:58 AM


malc d - 2013-05-27 11:47 AM


Tracker - 2013-05-27 10:10 AM



Agreed Brian, on all counts - I am aware of Gwen's mode of transport - which is why I mentioned that it must be difficult at times, and maybe none to popular where space is tight, getting the outfit onto an Aire?





Why difficult for her to get on an aire ?




Because it' illegal? Perhaps? *-)





I find it difficult to keep up.


I thought Gwendolyn was talking about parking her motorhome on an aire ?


( Maybe I should go and have a lie down ).



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malc d - 2013-05-27 12:02 PM


Because it's illegal? Perhaps? *-)



I didn't like to say that and risk stirring up 'offence' by being pedantic - live and let live - and as long as these so called 'illegal' activities do no harm and upset or impede nobody why worry - life's short enough without worrying about minutiae!

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Guest JudgeMental
rupert123 - 2013-05-27 12:00 PM


JudgeMental - 2013-05-27 11:55 AM


WOW! a toilet block!

Get it straight Eddie, new toilet block. To be fair even the old one was better than most but as I said, constant upgrades



OMG! really! (humour him) I am now getting worried regards your mental health... not by much mind you! You just continually make a laughing stock of yourself.....absolutely clueless :-D

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We have used aires extensively over the years and occasionally you do see caravans on them, despite it being technically illegal. Few people seem to mind but I have once seen the police turn a caravan off an aire. It was in Spain - at Caceres - and it all seemed a bit unfair. There were three or four foreign motorhomes (us and a few Germans if I remember rightly) all taking advantage of the free facilities (including free electric hook-up) and the only Spanish van on the aire was told to leave! He had to go down the road and pay for similar facilties in the local campsite. Funny old world!
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Tracker - 2013-05-27 12:29 PM


malc d - 2013-05-27 12:02 PM


Because it's illegal? Perhaps? *-)



I didn't like to say that and risk stirring up 'offence' by being pedantic - live and let live - and as long as these so called 'illegal' activities do no harm and upset or impede nobody why worry - life's short enough without worrying about minutiae!



Don't like to be pedantic but you have attributed that comment to me in error.




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malc d - 2013-05-27 1:53 PM


Tracker - 2013-05-27 12:29 PM


malc d - 2013-05-27 12:02 PM


Because it's illegal? Perhaps? *-)



I didn't like to say that and risk stirring up 'offence' by being pedantic - live and let live - and as long as these so called 'illegal' activities do no harm and upset or impede nobody why worry - life's short enough without worrying about minutiae!



Don't like to be pedantic but you have attributed that comment to me in error.





Sorry about that Malc - the credit should of course have gone to PKC for his observation!!


Dodgy editing finger and disconnected brain cell is my excuse!

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Didn't mean to seem pedantic, I may be wrong ( it has been known ) but I don' t think Gwendoline ever said she used the caravan on Aires, just stating a reason why she wouldn't.

Just being modest by putting my name in lower case, please feel free to type it as you wish.

I think I need to go and lie down. *-)

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