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Clubs, great value


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This has been a good post. What it has said to me is " there is none so fickle as folk" and none so more pigheaded.


Stayed on a CCC site last week and as my MH has all the fascilities I did not need the clubs, so absolutely no difference to an aires.


It is evertbody to their own but I get totally exasperated with blinkered opinions

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And just to clarify the other fixations.


There is no need to trespass, there are sufficient places to which the public has lawful access.


Never yet chained doors, most places we end up there are simply no other people at all, ever.


But if you like meeting people there are plenty of 'off-site' places where you can buddy up with other motorhome users.


Virtually everyone else on this forum respects the rights of others to legally use their time and motorhome as they choose. Rupert consistently inflicts his closed-minded view which is offensive and tiresome.


And, Henry, please do take the time to sort out some of those pictures. Genuinely dying to see how fantastic some site vistas are...

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Hi All,

Being members of C.C /ACSI and Alan Rogers Camping Cheque scheme we stay on a mix of sites including Independent sites/ Aires, not having 'Wildcamped' yet.

However, I think it is fair to point out that when we have been on Acsi or Camping Cheque and paid the lower rates, then most of the time the facilities mentioned are NOT always available ie, Restaurant Closed--Pool Closed--restricted hours for shops etc.

Just think the prices paid in comparison should be fairly put.




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Barryd999 - 2013-05-22 10:20 AM

I dont remember seeing many fantastic photos of these wonderful campsites. So where are they?


Mainly in MMM and other mags who are so fixated with sites that they (or used to - I have not looked of late!) even pay people to send in 'reports' and pretty pictures.


The best bit about sites is watching the ex tuggers set up camp - you can always tell - it takes them hours to set up with continual adjustments to rear legs, awning, windbreaks - and the appearance of yet more accessories from within their very own Tardis - and then best of all they walk to the tap time and again to replenish their tank with two one gallon cans - one in each hand, presumably for balance - or better still - a watering can! WOW how much fun is that!


We too have a routine for stopping - handbrake on, engine off, kettle on, chairs out, sit and people watch - job done!

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Rupert: It would be easy for me to go through my pictures and find views that are better than those shown on this thread, indeed it would be very easy

Go on Rupert share some photos, we would love to see them, Really!

Rupert: As for sitting on a beach four days drinking beer, did that in my teens in Spain

You have jumped to conclusions, i stayed 4 days and had 2 beers only the once on a nice evening!

Rupert: park up without permission on someone else's land

I was parked up on public land, in fact the local police stop by from time to time to make sure everything is ok, i chatted with them and they said it was fine to park up for a few nights and to have a nice time!

Rupert: chaining the doors up tight, setting all the alarms, not really my idea of a relaxing holiday

I don't have any chains across the doors, never sleep with the alarm on, and i have a great nights sleep! what kind of places do you stay on Rupert to warrant such high security measures?

Rupert: personally i can find other ways to save a few bob

There we go, the money thing again!

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crinklystarfish - 2013-05-22 10:45 AM





And, Henry, please do take the time to sort out some of those pictures. Genuinely dying to see how fantastic some site vistas are...



I don't think anyone has ever said they choose camp sites for the views - have they ?


As someone who uses sites, aires, and occasionally wild camping places, I choose them for convenience, depending on where I am headed.





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Tracker - 2013-05-22 10:57 AM


The best bit about sites is watching the ex tuggers set up camp - you can always tell - it takes them hours to set up with continual adjustments to rear legs, awning, windbreaks - and the appearance of yet more accessories from within their very own Tardis - and then best of all they walk to the tap time and again to replenish their tank with two one gallon cans - one in each hand, presumably for balance - or better still - a watering can! WOW how much fun is that!


We too have a routine for stopping - handbrake on, engine off, kettle on, chairs out, sit and people watch - job done!


Pleased I saw the light what a plonker I must have looked :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I think we must remember Henry obviously has a got a few bob to waste, buys and brand new M/home then notices it has a ruddy great sliding door, never stops moaning about it, and dumps it a few weeks later. :D
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sambukashot - 2013-05-22 11:00 AMQUOTE]Rupert: chaining the doors up tight, setting all the alarms, not really my idea of a relaxing holiday
I don't have any chains across the doors, never sleep with the alarm on, and i have a great nights sleep! what kind of places do you stay on Rupert to warrant such high security measures?

Well he only stays on CC & C&CC sites so not only high site fees you have shell out for all the extra security as well, not for me then. (lol)
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Guest 1footinthegrave

I must confess I was more than a little unimpressed when we last used a CCC club site en-route for Dover, when the warden admonished us for not parking right on the marker, despite them all being covered from overgrown stinging nettles and weeds and invisible, and the site near to empty. :-S


I made no comment, and just moved my van over three feet whilst he directed me. :-S

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Guest JudgeMental

I think this thread has back fired on H somewhat....but maybe enough is enough as It's geting a bit distasteful. We all know he's our resident misery, but it would be very boring if we all shared the same views..or outlook


.( joke.....get it! double entendre :D ..I'm just soooooo good!) :-D

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Tracker - 2013-05-22 10:57 AM


The best bit about sites is watching the ex tuggers set up camp - you can always tell - it takes them hours to set up with continual adjustments to rear legs, awning, windbreaks - and the appearance of yet more accessories from within their very own Tardis - and then best of all they walk to the tap time and again to replenish their tank with two one gallon cans - one in each hand, presumably for balance - or better still - a watering can! WOW how much fun is that!


We too have a routine for stopping - handbrake on, engine off, kettle on, chairs out, sit and people watch - job done!


Must admit, had forgotten about the 'entertainment' value of sites. Last year I took out the chairs and keep forgetting to put them back in, but having a PVC we have a similar routine - handbrake on, engine off, swivel front seats, kettle on, open SLD, sit and people watch - job done!

Now I'm off to get the seats out the barn and put them in the van, thanks for reminding me.

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malc d - 2013-05-22 11:18 AM


crinklystarfish - 2013-05-22 10:45 AM


And, Henry, please do take the time to sort out some of those pictures. Genuinely dying to see how fantastic some site vistas are...


I don't think anyone has ever said they choose camp sites for the views - have they ?




The point was malc that Henry professes to be able to produce some stunners.


And vistas are a massive factor for us, convenience isn't.


It has gone far enough though.


I think the nub of the problem, as has been alluded to before on several occasions, is that Henry is really a caravanner. Nothing wrong with that of course, but his views would probably be more aligned to caravan based forums.

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rupert123 - 2013-05-22 10:30 AM


It would be easy for me to go through my pictures and find views that are better than those shown on this thread, indeed it would be very easy. However a waste of time as it would convince no-one as your pictures have failed to convince me. My wife and i do not choose a place to stay, whether it is aire or site on the view alone, why would you do that. The view is a bonus but only part of the reason. The thought of staying in a carpark, however good the view, holds no appeal at all. I like solitude, at times, as much as any but I also like people and meeting others, not much chance of this parked up all on your own in a lonely carpark. As for sitting on a beach four days drinking beer, did that in my teens in Spain, over that now, you are welcome to it. As has been pointed out each to their own, it is simply not our way to park up without permission on someone else's land or on a carpark, even if it does have a good view. Having to make sure you point the right way for a quick getaway, chaining the doors up tight, setting all the alarms, not really my idea of a relaxing holiday. Still if you enjoy it that is fine by me but personally i can find other ways to save a few bob.


I may be sticking my head above the parapet but I do kind of agree with a lot of what Rupert says. We also do not fancy the wildcamping scenario. Some of the aires look fantastic but some do not. The cost per night on a CC or C&CC or private site is of no issue to us so we would never be swayed to an area or site etc on the basis of cost. The one thing we like about club sites and CL-CS is that you can leave your van all day safely without worrying about it, we just jump on a bus and go into a town for the day.

So really its a case of we all like different things for whatever reason and there is no right or wrong way to enjoy your MH (as long as its legal of course)

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ips - 2013-05-22 12:06 PM


rupert123 - 2013-05-22 10:30 AM


It would be easy for me to go through my pictures and find views that are better than those shown on this thread, indeed it would be very easy. However a waste of time as it would convince no-one as your pictures have failed to convince me. My wife and i do not choose a place to stay, whether it is aire or site on the view alone, why would you do that. The view is a bonus but only part of the reason. The thought of staying in a carpark, however good the view, holds no appeal at all. I like solitude, at times, as much as any but I also like people and meeting others, not much chance of this parked up all on your own in a lonely carpark. As for sitting on a beach four days drinking beer, did that in my teens in Spain, over that now, you are welcome to it. As has been pointed out each to their own, it is simply not our way to park up without permission on someone else's land or on a carpark, even if it does have a good view. Having to make sure you point the right way for a quick getaway, chaining the doors up tight, setting all the alarms, not really my idea of a relaxing holiday. Still if you enjoy it that is fine by me but personally i can find other ways to save a few bob.


I may be sticking my head above the parapet but I do kind of agree with a lot of what Rupert says. We also do not fancy the wildcamping scenario. Some of the aires look fantastic but some do not. The cost per night on a CC or C&CC or private site is of no issue to us so we would never be swayed to an area or site etc on the basis of cost. The one thing we like about club sites and CL-CS is that you can leave your van all day safely without worrying about it, we just jump on a bus and go into a town for the day.

So really its a case of we all like different things for whatever reason and there is no right or wrong way to enjoy your MH (as long as its legal of course)


No right minded person would disagree.


The point is that Henry consistently tries to marginalise those who choose not to use sites and tries to attribute shame to them by using derogatory terms like 'parking on others land', 'trying to save a few bob', etc etc.


That's what people object to. It's not about what people choose, it's about people trying to belittle other's choices.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-05-22 12:35 PM


Aw,,, shucks...what is it (I know its a dog smartie pants :-D)


He appears to think it's his son or daughter. :-S which begs the question what does his missus look like

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two things. I for one have never chained doors up in the van and we dont even have an alarm and when its 30 degrees we sleep with the windows open! 8-) Amazing we havent been gassed or robbed isnt it!


Of course as soon as you pull onto a campsite there is no chance of you being robbed I suppose! I do wonder if its fear of wilding or using Aires that is putting some off!


And another thing. All this people watching stuff everyone is talking about is another bloody good reason I like to be somewhere quiet. There is nothing worse than stepping out of your van on a morning knowing there are beady eyes watching you from every direction. I thought this was a tugger practice but it seems we like to do it as well. Another good reason to avoid the crowds. At least on a CL you have a maximum of five nosey bastewards with hopefully an opportunity if your on an end to keep out of site.

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Tracker - 2013-05-22 10:59 AM


I do think you are all being a bit unkind to poor old Henry - you know how sensitive he is - let him be folks - after all as we all know - there is no right or wrong - just different!

Not at all Rich, in fact i love this type of thread, especially as the wild 'ha ha' campers get so worked up about it all. In fact am thinking of starting another one called 'how to save money in a motorhome', what do you reckon?

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