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Aires for the UK


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Au contraire Keith!


I think that every motorhomer in the UK who has ever dreamed about not using sites - and many who have not but might now - owes you a debt of gratitude for grasping this nettle and bringing the website to fruition - something that nobody else has the know how or commitment to do.


On behalf of so many of us a BIG THANK YOU.





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  • 2 weeks later...
GJH - 2013-06-11 5:02 PM


crinklystarfish - 2013-05-29 9:40 AM


On page 1 I posted a link to Graham Hadfield's site. It's a good resource for what you aim to achieve. Check out his various links then (leaving the ethics of intellectual property rights as a separate issue) [CTRL + C] > [CTRL + V] as applicable.


leaving the ethics of intellectual property rights as a separate issue


I'm alerted to this thread and come back after a long time to have a look and I see that ignorant and irresponsible comment.


That's the whole reason why the web site is closing down.


Isn't it clear enough to say

In the absence of any indication to the contrary, the web site design, graphics, text and all other materials and arrangement thereof contained within this web site are held under copyright. No part of this material may be stored, transmitted, re-transmitted or reproduced in any form or medium without the permission of the relevant copyright holder. Permission is hereby given for information to be extracted from this web site (including printing and copying to computers for off-line viewing) for personal use free of charge. Copyright in information displayed on this web site supplied by public sector bodies remains with those bodies. Copyright in all other parts of this web site remains with Graham Hadfield.


Is it any wonder I steer clear of this forum these days?


Graham, if you are still out there, I've only ever supported and given you credit for your work, long after many others had forgot it. When Keith started on this quest he knew little of the work that had gone before him and it was obviously in his, and the greater community's interests, that he had access to well researched information. I didn't mean for him to literally copy and paste your site contents which he at least clearly understood. It was merely a flippant hint that much of what he was aiming to achieve was already out there and that he didn't need to reinvent the wheel. I fully expected him, if he chose to use any of your material as reference, to contact / credit you, which he has clearly attempted to do / has done.


Much as I respect your work it is probably the best decision to move on if you are really so uptight about people making reference to material you have chosen to publish in the public domain. My own online material has been swiped on many occasions - welcome to the age of the internet.


I can see that you were offended but respectfully suggest you have over-reacted on this occasion. I am personally sad that you steer clear, you were one of the posters that I had a good deal of time for and these histrionics seem out of character.

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Tracker - 2013-06-14 9:35 AM


Au contraire Keith!


I think that every motorhomer in the UK who has ever dreamed about not using sites - and many who have not but might now - owes you a debt of gratitude for grasping this nettle and bringing the website to fruition - something that nobody else has the know how or commitment to do.


On behalf of so many of us a BIG THANK YOU.





And it's a BIG thankyou from us too Keith


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  • 2 years later...

Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone has attempted to lobby both cc and ccc for some support , perhaps in the form of a couple of pitches dedicated for motorhome useage in each of their sites, and cross promoted on the likes of mmm . Both organisations run cl type sites which of course are available to motorhomers who are club members, and the usual argument against cls is that they are not in or near towns for shopping. Neverthe less cls get a pretty good useage by touring tuggers so they must be some benefit to local economies.


ccc site at Dingwall, provides emptying and refill points for example without having to book overnight, and I beleive there are similar facilities elsewhere in the network, so in effect , if they designated a couple of pitches as motorhome priority, and specifically advertised them as such, it might be a way of setting some form of precedent, and guageing the likely success of the aire types


As an alternative suggestion, would it be possible to encourage supermarkets to designate a couple of Motorhome only parking spaces, or garden centres for example. They already exist and have parking terms and conditions to deter the travellers, not alway successfully though, but would surely see the benefits of possible extra trade. .surely it would be feasible, to designate motorhomes only with times of use limited, , no camping, no trailers etc.


is it worth considering.





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"OK" are we back on it ---- If so then my take on it is we will not get Aires the easy way so softly softly --- start by expanding the New Dover road at Canterbury park n ride initiative across the country ---- https://www.canterbury.gov.uk/parking-travel-roads/parking/park-and-ride/motorhomes-and-park-ride/ --- most park n ride sites are massive in most locations city's & towns, park up jump on a bus have a look around get back over night then off to the next one, Canterbury has water, Gray water waist grate & toilets at the bus station not A1 but adequate
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tonyg3nwl - 2016-02-08 4:51 PM


Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone has attempted to lobby both cc and ccc for some support , perhaps in the form of a couple of pitches dedicated for motorhome useage in each of their sites, and cross promoted on the likes of mmm . Both organisations run cl type sites which of course are available to motorhomers who are club members, and the usual argument against cls is that they are not in or near towns for shopping. Neverthe less cls get a pretty good useage by touring tuggers so they must be some benefit to local economies.


ccc site at Dingwall, provides emptying and refill points for example without having to book overnight, and I beleive there are similar facilities elsewhere in the network, so in effect , if they designated a couple of pitches as motorhome priority, and specifically advertised them as such, it might be a way of setting some form of precedent, and guageing the likely success of the aire types


As an alternative suggestion, would it be possible to encourage supermarkets to designate a couple of Motorhome only parking spaces, or garden centres for example. They already exist and have parking terms and conditions to deter the travellers, not alway successfully though, but would surely see the benefits of possible extra trade. .surely it would be feasible, to designate motorhomes only with times of use limited, , no camping, no trailers etc.


is it worth considering.




Our local large supermarket has had to restrict parking to 3hrs,as it has 24hrs opening times.and various other local places where parking would be possible, have had to dig trenches to stop unlawful camping


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tonyg3nwl - 2016-02-08 4:51 PM


Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone has attempted to lobby both cc and ccc for some support , perhaps in the form of a couple of pitches dedicated for motorhome useage in each of their sites, and cross promoted on the likes of mmm . Both organisations run cl type sites which of course are available to motorhomers who are club members, and the usual argument against cls is that they are not in or near towns for shopping. Neverthe less cls get a pretty good useage by touring tuggers so they must be some benefit to local economies.




I would not bother to lobby the CC and CCC for support for aires in UK............reason being I tried hard to have a Camper Stop in Ipswich a few years ago, all was going well with my dealings with the Council until the CCC stuck their oar in and put a stop to it by insisting there were ample Caravan Sites in the area.

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We need a national body dedicated to wilding motorhomers.


There have been attempts, such as TMCTO (of which I was part), but it foundered for a number of reasons, and a couple of individuals, for example Andy Strangeway.


One problem is that it takes lot of time and effort and what we found in TMCTO is that, although many people supported the aims, almost no one comes forward to give their time. And this is understandable...a great many of us are of retirement age and starting to slow down and relax.


When the time is right, and people are fed up enough and some charismatic natural leader (someone that people choose to follow) appears, then something will be done, I think.


Motorhoming is growing in popularity in the UK and in Europe. People will either look for mutually beneficial solutions or (and this may be more likely) look for adversarial encounters.


In the current climate, I don't feel very optimistic :'( :-(

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Pollik - 2016-02-09 11:35 AM


One problem is that it takes lot of time and effort and what we found in TMCTO is that, although many people supported the aims, almost no one comes forward to give their time. And this is understandable...a great many of us are of retirement age and starting to slow down and relax.


Surely, they'd be the ones with the most free time to dedicate to such "campaigns"?... and possibly one of the groups who would benefit from them the most?..


If they could somehow harness the "Power of the whinge" that is repeatedly displayed on MH forums, then the UK would be awash with Aires and dedicated MH parking... (lol) (lol)

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Hi, again,


To be even more contraversial, why do the aires camp continue bashing their heads against what appears to be a fairly solid brick wall of ' not here etc


I have been members of cc and ccc and have used both commercial sites and cls of both organisations and never had any significant difficulties. Yes you have to pay membersbip fees, and abide by the accepted rules, and might not find a vacancy at the place you wanted to go, so drive on to the next one.


yes, in France, there are frequently Aires conveniently located in towns and you can support the local economy, but surely that also applies in uk, stay on a cl, do your shopping at supermarkets, or use a bike to get to local shops, farm outlets, or support Britstops, etc, go to organised rallies with cc, or meets with ccc.


Accept the fact that Aires french style are French ways of motorhoming life, and uk bureaucracy, planning laws and Weather are different over hear. Join the existing clubs, and use your motorhome in uk as well.

there are plenty of places to visit and stopover at,




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pepe63 - 2016-02-09 12:54 PM


Surely, they'd be the ones with the most free time to dedicate to such "campaigns"?... and possibly one of the groups who would benefit from them the most?..


If they could somehow harness the "Power of the whinge" that is repeatedly displayed on MH forums, then the UK would be awash with Aires and dedicated MH parking... (lol) (lol)


They may have the time...unless they are touring. And in my case, I have spent nearly twenty years campaigning on an unrelated issue and am ready to stop! Actually, I had to stop for my mental health...I have a real issue with authority. :/

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If that is what you like doing, then that is great. CLs are not usually (in my experience) near shops or tourist attractions within walking distance...so the choices are bus, bike, walk or take the van in (if you can find somewhere to park it)


For others, we just want somewhere to park, all four wheels on the ground and nothing else - no awning, tables or seats. Somewhere to dump waste and take on water. Why the needless bureaucracy of going through signing in? What am I getting for my £15+ pounds, particularly if I take my out for the day to do touristy things?


It is horses for courses. For me, ultimately it means that I won't tour in England, which means England misses out on £100s per month tourist revenue because it is not providing what people want.


A chap called John Thompson explained it very well, once....I will have to see if I can find it.



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Hi there..


I take my hat off to folk who actually "do" something about an issue that they feel strongly about..


..unfortunately, in the case of "aires" (and MH parking in general), more often than not, as "vocal" as some may be, the "doing" never gets past the posting about it on forums or "signing" some, usually poorly worded online "petition", stage... :-S


As a whole we are a relatively small group and at a guess(and it is obviously just a guess), I'd say the majority manage well enough in the UK by using the existing,varied mix of the locations available to us...

( ie: the numerous types and sizes of campsites (commercial or "club"), small pub type sites, CLs/CSs, Britstops, Motorhome Stopovers, the odd "car park" where MH overnighting spaces have been allocated and using P&Rs etc...)


Yes, we'd all like better provision but as a group, we're hardly a prime candidate for receiving council/public funding for the setting up, running managing(and dealing with those who would abuse!) "aires" :-S


John J Thompson made some very good points, bottom of page three on here


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pepe63 - 2016-02-09 4:22 PM


Yes, we'd all like better provision but as a group, we're hardly a prime candidate for receiving council/public funding for the setting up, running managing(and dealing with those who would abuse!) "aires" :-S



That can make it harder, but doesn't stop it being doable (my other campaign stuff was for a (then) small minority group...the campaign leaders got news laws enacted).


However, I think the trick is to turn it into a win-win deal. Providing bare facilities can (when word gets around) result in higher footfall for the town. At the moment, the UK's reputation is of no aires. Think of all those European MHs giving the UK a miss!! I see more Brits abroad than I see non-brits in the UK

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