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rupert123 - 2013-06-04 11:12 PMI would point out that campsites are usually a local business and not owned by the council, even municiples are gradually being privatised. Someone who stay,s on the local campsite spends more with a local business than you ever will buying the odd loaf of bread.


True, but there I am also paying for things that I neither want nor need. You want to park here overnight, then you also have to pay for the swimming pool, children's play area, laundrette, EHU, shop.....


As a friend said to me, the other day: "Is cremating bacon near a campsite and watching all the fully-equipped motorhomes trundling part to the £35/night site. Why?? They have a cooker fridge shower pink loo etc so why are they paying to use a site when they already have all they need. It makes no sense to me..."


It is like being forced to pay for a ready meal for 4 when you only want a pork chop.


If campsites want the wilder to use them, then they need to provide what the wilder wants...somewhere to park without checking in, water, waste and refuse, at a commensurately reduced fee. Generally, I won't pay more than £5 when I use a CL or aires or Stelleplatzen.


Really, my comment was aimed at councils trying to make money out of camper stops...I see it as part of their job description to provide the infrastructure for local businesses. Every pound extracted from people parking is a pound denied from our vanishing high streets.

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The apathy thing is normal, that is why any new campaign needs to get lucky with the right core team.


I have spent the last 15 years campaigning on other issues close to my heart and I admit to having just about run out of energy...I am starting to close off some of my areas of interest, now. I also have a condition that, on any given day, I may not have the energy to get stuck into anything. I also struggle with council mindset (I have had too many battles with them,, even worked for one for two years) and the blindly rule following jobsworth. And after twenty years leaving my position as assistant bank manager, I don't have the patience for legal documentation, any more.


I do have skills though...running a discussion board is something I have done many times, internet research is also something I think I am good at, and looking for solutions rather than problems.


The camper stops campaign, or something like it, is something I have been pursuing for some time, but I know I couldn't lead it, so have been waiting for the right people to come along. ;-)


I am curious about the emails though...why are not people posting here, instead, where a transparent discussion can be held? (Not really expecting an answer to this).

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Hi Pollik

I am curious about the emails though...why are not people posting here, instead, where a transparent discussion can be held? (Not really expecting an answer to this).

The emails are more like suggestions and ideas for future features coming from www.camperstops.org rather than this thread, which is cool as people are taking a serious interest direct from the website!

Already working hard at the website today to bring editable documents for registered users to share, edit, print and distribute all sorts of letters/forms for the cause.

I have already set up a discussions forum for members to pass on ideas and discuss them, so hopefully by tomorrow it should be all completed and ready to get out there to the big wide world

Ok back to work


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Pollik - 2013-06-08 12:05 PM

I am curious about the emails though...why are not people posting here, instead, where a transparent discussion can be held? (Not really expecting an answer to this).


Because a few people on here, like the clubs, have their own agendas and are far more interested in their own egos than ever they are about helping anyone else!


Or maybe they are just shy - let's give 'em the benefit of the doubt shall we!


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Pollik - 2013-06-08 12:28 PMDo you want us to start using the new forum now, then?And is outandaboutlive OK with the crosslinking? (Last thing we want is to upset them)

I will post here when everything is ready to go, hopefully today/tomorrrow

As for the crosslinking, why not? 

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sambukashot - 2013-06-08 1:33 PM

As for the crosslinking, why not? 


I can think a few forums where links would be deleted, and repeated offences have resulted in a ban.


I am just being cautious, that's all. B-)

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Tracker - 2013-06-08 12:19 PM


Pollik - 2013-06-08 12:05 PM

I am curious about the emails though...why are not people posting here, instead, where a transparent discussion can be held? (Not really expecting an answer to this).


Because a few people on here, like the clubs, have their own agendas and are far more interested in their own egos than ever they are about helping anyone else!


Or maybe they are just shy - let's give 'em the benefit of the doubt shall we!

No! No personal agenda at all from me, who has been engaged in pms with Keith. Quite happy to engage in discussion here and I have already posted some suggestions way up-thread, as a result of which, Keith pm’d me asking for info. I have promised that I will send him some templates that might be “useful”…. when I get home from current trip – early July.


I am in Spain atm and do not have, to hand, those “useful” [maybe] documents. So, no ego trip…. I will not put on the Forum info I cannot recall, in total, from memory. That would not be “transparent” but perhaps mis-remembered and, as a result, incorrect.






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Hi Gwen,

One of the updates i am working on today is thanks to your suggestion!

You will be able to upload and download relevent documents from anywhere, including the ability to edit them without any software, in fact you can have a try of the set up now...

Goto: http://www.camperstops.org/index.php/i-can-help-with-ideas-for-a-camper-stop/users-documents

As long as your logged in you can have a play around, you cannot do any harm, do some edits and save, you can also upload a test document if you like! Let me know what you think


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sambukashot - 2013-06-08 1:09 PM
I can think a few forums where links would be deleted, and repeated offences have resulted in a ban.I am just being cautious, that's all. B-)

Yes see your point but i don't subscribe to these other forums, so i do not really care!

Just an opinion but that seems an odd attitude to take when you intend to make contact with all relevant forums/websites to presumably gain their support? *-)
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Just an opinion but that seems an odd attitude to take when you intend to make contact with all relevant forums/websites to presumably gain their support?

Yes my post came across that way but a forum is a collective of people that make the forum work, for me i don't see forums 'per say' as on-going supporters of what we are trying to achieve (since we have decided to have our own discussion forums on the website) i prefer to have individuals or websites 'as such' who will take an active interest in supporting and promoting towards the building of Camper Stops in the UK.

I will send out emails to lots of different websites, some with forums like this one but i do not see the point of having discussions on lots of different forums as it will become too fragmented in a very short period of time, need to keep all interested parties singing from the same hymn sheet!

Hope that answers your question

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crinklystarfish - 2013-05-29 9:40 AM


On page 1 I posted a link to Graham Hadfield's site. It's a good resource for what you aim to achieve. Check out his various links then (leaving the ethics of intellectual property rights as a separate issue) [CTRL + C] > [CTRL + V] as applicable.


leaving the ethics of intellectual property rights as a separate issue


I'm alerted to this thread and come back after a long time to have a look and I see that ignorant and irresponsible comment.


That's the whole reason why the web site is closing down.


Isn't it clear enough to say

In the absence of any indication to the contrary, the web site design, graphics, text and all other materials and arrangement thereof contained within this web site are held under copyright. No part of this material may be stored, transmitted, re-transmitted or reproduced in any form or medium without the permission of the relevant copyright holder. Permission is hereby given for information to be extracted from this web site (including printing and copying to computers for off-line viewing) for personal use free of charge. Copyright in information displayed on this web site supplied by public sector bodies remains with those bodies. Copyright in all other parts of this web site remains with Graham Hadfield.


Is it any wonder I steer clear of this forum these days?

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