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Recommended routes to Italy/Croatia

Jo Hymer

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Planning on touring for a month in September (first major trip in the Hymercar), but with a week or so in the Tuscany, Umbria area of Italy and then onto Croatia for another block of time. Fairly relaxed about the routes there and back ie whether via France, Germany, Switzerland etc, BUT I am keen to avoid steep climbs, mountain passes and hairpin bends, so would be interested to hear what routes you all use when negotiating the alps in particular. Cheers Jo
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Jo, Our prefered route through the Alps is Calais/Dunkirk then Luxembourg (cheap fags/fuel), Strasbourg, Basle, St Gothard Tunnel, Milan. You will need a vignette for the Swiss motorways, SF40 (£17.30) buy it at the border using plastic/SF/Euros. This is an all year round route and there are no steep climbs, mountain passes or hairpin bends. Don
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We did it Don's way last Christmas in the snow!  It was fine, though slippery in places, but would be great in September.  On the way to Basel we stopped off in Champagne to stock up on the obvious! 

As Don says, if you do the Gothard tunnel, there are no steep climbs etc.  It's pretty much motorway (A2/E25 if I remember rightly) all the way.  Although the Swiss Vignette is available in Basel at the border, I have been told that it can be quite a wait if it is busy.  Not sure if this is true or not, but they are easily purchased on line at https://www.swisstravelsystem.com

On our return from Tuscany/Umbria we decided to drive via Liguria and the Cote d'Azure, stopping at the usual places along the coast, then heading north near Marseille, straight into Cotes du Rhone, Hermitage, Burgundy etc to stock up on more of the obvious!!!

If you are internet savvy, one trick when wondering what a drive will be like is to download google earth and zoom in on the route.  By doing an earth tilt you can actually do the drive 3 dimensionally and it is marvellous!!

Hope you have a great trip!

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Enrico, Google Earth is not an online service but an application that you must download and install. It is free but you must have Broadband and need a reasonably modern computer (say not more than four years old).Go to: http://earth.google.com when the website appears, click the Get Google Earth link. The installation file is a little over 10Mb in size, which should take a couple of minutes to download via broadband.
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just show's you boy's with toy's know everything ......Someone my son husband must of just done it I just thought it was alway's there haha.. aside all that it is good especially when you tilt it ..........but as I say clarity it's not fantastic on everything.......Just had a parrot installed have not a clue will have to get the boy's I don't know feeling old all this technology it run's away with me....My husband does try to explain . I tell him I don't want to know how to build a watch just tell the time.....still some women like it , NOT FOr ME to complicated I call them boy's toys Gadgets gadgets :-|
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