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Over age 70 - July MHM edition


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In the July edition of Motor Home Monthly Mark Brownrigg tells us in his article 'Size matters - for Motorhomes' page 172 he advises that drivers over 70 who wish to continue to drive vehicles over 4000kg will require to complete a course, take a new test as well as have the D4 medical report and complete the D2" application to retain the C1 (3500 kg + category) on their licence. This is INCORRECT. There is no requirement for drivers to complete any course or test if they already have the C1 category on their licence, which most drivers who took their test prior to 1997 will have.

CAN MHM please ensure this misinformation is rectified in the next edition and by email to subscribers.


NB To check this fully I wrote to DVLA who confirmed my view.


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Agree MHM should check there facts

. But you do need a medical,or at least , the DVLA will want a report from your doctors, and for some conditions this will be required every 3 years when you have to renew licence.(even without the 4500 on licence) The DVLA would appear to be getting stricter on medical conditions, I know as I had to wait for my renewal this year, though I was allowed to drive in the mean time, as they had not refused me a licence



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Thanks for your comments.


To clarify, in the opening paragraph the article in the July issue of MMM (not MHM), it states that: “If you passed your test before 1 January, 1997, then you can drive anything up to 7.5 tonnes...”


It then goes on to say that all drivers must renew their licence at 70 years of age.


This renewed licence will, by default, be restricted to a car licence and will have the C1 entitlement (which allows one to drive vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes) removed.


The article does then state correctly that you will need to do an extra test if you passed your test after 1997 and have since turned 70 but want to drive a vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tonnes.

But if you passed your test BEFORE 1997 and have a C1 category on your licence, then you need to reapply when approaching 70 years of age if you wish to retain this 7.5-tonnes category.

This will involve a medical and there is no certainty that you will be allowed to retain the C1 category after the age of 70.


If you do retain it, you will need to keep reapplying periodically and undergo medicals.

For many people, it would be easier to limit yourself to 3.5-tonnes and save the hassle.


On another note, it's also been suggested that if you do have to lose the C1 at 70, you may retain your B+E, which should mean that you can drive a motorhome with an MAM of 3,500kg and tow a trailer that weighs more than 750kg (up to the gross train weight of the motorhome).


It's a confusing subject with the changes that were implemented in 1997 and it will probably get even more so.



MMM Deputy editor

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Thanks for your response, but if you look under the heading 'current position' in the second column of, the article it does state that even pre 1997 licence holders will lose their C1 category and goes on to say that they have three choices - one of which is a course and a test. At the very least this is most misleading and should be corrected with full clarification in your next edition.


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graham101 - 2013-05-31 3:53 PM


Thanks for your response, but if you look under the heading 'current position' in the second column of, the article it does state that even pre 1997 licence holders will lose their C1 category and goes on to say that they have three choices - one of which is a course and a test. At the very least this is most misleading and should be corrected with full clarification in your next edition.



I agree that the MMM article is confusing on the age-70 issue.


As this has been regularly discussed in motorhome magazines and on motorhome forums over the years, I would have thought every motorcaravanner with a C1 driving-licence entitlement should be aware that, when they reach 70, the C1 entitlement will be lost by default, that a medical needs to be passed to retain the C1 entitlement, and that the renewal/retention process does not include any additional training-course or test.


This summary is probably as good as any



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mendipman - 2013-05-31 3:33 PM


I had C1 but it was taken away for Medical reasons ..If you wish to get back the C1 at 70,then the D4 is used but in my case the Doc. said yes fill out the form but I will not sign it .!

That is probably because it is the DOCTOR who must fill in, and sign, the D4 - and for that service you must pay him. It is not an NHS service. If you fill it in yourself, no doctor would sign it.

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You should receive a D46P form, to apply for renewal of your driving licence at age 70, about 90 days before your 70th birthday. If you don't wish to retain your "grandfather rights" to drive C1, C1E, D1 and D1E, just complete the D46P and return it as explained in the accompanying guidance notes. You will retain category BE (trailer towing), but will lose C1, C1E, D1 and D1E from your driving entitlements. If you don't envisage needing to drive vehicles with an MAM exceeding 3,500kg, this is all you need to do. No medical is required.


If you do envisage wanting to drive vehicles with an MAM exceeding 3,500kg after you reach 70, you can apply to DVLA in advance for the D2 pack, which contains the D2 form you need to apply for renewal retaining your C1, C1E, D and D1E entitlements, as well as the D4 "Medical examination record" form, plus also the INF4D and INF2D information leaflets.


You should be advised when asking for the D2 pack not to use it before you get the D46P, as the D46P will tell you whether/when your photograph (assuming you already have a photocard driving livence) also needs to be renewed. This date may be later that that shown at 4b on your photocard driving licence.


If you pass the medical, your new licence will be for 3 years only, at the end of which you must re-apply with a new D4 and, at that point, probably a new photograph.


Your new driving licence will be a photocard licence so, if you do not already have one of these, you will have to attach a passport type photograph to your application, whether on form D46P, or D2.


If you apply on a D2 earlier that 90 days before expiry of your existing licence, you will not retain the renewal anniversary date as on your existing licence (i.e. three years from the present expiry date), but will re-set this to the third anniversary of the date the new licence is issued.


Different conditions (too many, too complex for here) apply for those who passed their driving test after 1/1/97 and who subsequently took the further C or D category test, or for those who have short term, medically restricted, licences. These entitlements genarally expire before age 70 - some at 45, some at 65.


I think the key is to get the D2 pack early to sort out which rules will apply to you, then await the D46P form for confirmation of your photograph status - and then (because DVLA is currently subject to strikes) hit the ground running! :-)

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Well done Brian and Derek, many thanks -- you are both: 'on the button', as so often! I shall be 70 next April and had tried to 'disinter' those details from the DVLA website -- without success. Now, thanks again, to you, I (and, I suspect many others ) know what to do -- and, yes, this topic has been discussed here several (probably many) times, but until the dreaded '70th' ( or other significant date) begins to loom, one tends not to take too much notice!





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Pastiche - 2013-06-01 7:36 PM


My doctors reception said it would be £70 , when I visited the Doctor he said he will sign it for free, however by then I changed M/H for 3400 klg..


Probably the wisest thing to have done. It is supprising how much "stuff" you carry that you don't need. I just rearranged our van contents this year and we seem to have so much more space in cupboards, just buy using plastic boxes to keep things to-gether And we still have too many clothes. How many tee shirts can you wear at any one time?? It.s easy to wash bits through.


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