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Autotrail Handbook

Don Madge

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This was posted on the Motorhome List it might be usefull to some autotrail owners. "have just found this: http://tinyurl.com/koxlc a handbook for Autotrail but it seems to have a wealth of information that may be useful to others. I have seen comments form some people about poor handbooks received with their motorhomes ......... well this Autotrail one seems very comprehensive to me and I am impressed." Don
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Don, I had a 2001 Autotrail Cheyenne 635 and the handbook was nothing more than a series of general information inserts. Almost but not quite useless. The wiring diagram differed substantially from the reality, I could go on! I also had a Autotrail Ravenna and it was no better, it was number five off the line so perhaps things got better. My current Rapido 924F is a quantum leap ahead and generally a standard to judge others by. There really is no excuse for poor handbooks and the magazines don't seem to mention them. On the subject of the Ravenna; when MMM tested it John Hunt said that it came with the usually good Autosleeper handbook. While I have every respect for the late editor and founder of MMM he obviously had never read the handbook, it did appear good! I always remember John Hunt for saying he could not see any point in diesel engines in motorhome unless you were 'Going over there' he did relent in later years when he bought a Ford based van. Bill Ord
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