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Chausson Flash04


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Being new to this I am trying to find out a couple items that need some attention on my just over 3 year old Flash 04. The bathroom door top runner needs replacing - any idea on where I can get one? and the small garage hatch hinges have bent (very tight) and the door has moved making is difficult to close: the hinges are glued on the van side and riveted on the door. Any suggestions on removal so that I can fix of replace?




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Just wondering why you need to replace the bathroom door top runner as its hard to imagine it wearing out. Does the door come out of the runner or nearly out preventing it opening and closing smoothly? If this is the case you may need to do what i did and lower the runner about 5 mm down from the roof using plastic spacer washers and infill the resultant gap with self adhesive foam when this is done a spray with silicon furniture polish will smooth the operation. As regards the hinges i have noticed mine are getting a bit stiff so a spray with silicon might loosen them up but if they are bent perhaps some accurate tapping against a former might square them up in situ. I imagine they are supplied as part of the frame but if replacements can be sourced the rivets should drill out.



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jferrie - 2013-06-02 4:31 PM


Being new to this I am trying to find out a couple items that need some attention on my just over 3 year old Flash 04. The bathroom door top runner needs replacing - any idea on where I can get one? and the small garage hatch hinges have bent (very tight) and the door has moved making is difficult to close: the hinges are glued on the van side and riveted on the door. Any suggestions on removal so that I can fix of replace?





Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, John.


I guess it's stating the obvious, but a Chausson-specific spare part (which the bathroom-door top runner may be) SHOULD be obtainable via a Chausson dealership. UK dealers are shown here:



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Thanks all, the runner has sheared so maybe 'pilot' error. I will contact dealer to seek replacement. I think I will try and tweak door hinges to 'bend' back and use silicon lubricate as suggested otherwise may need to take to dealer for a fix.


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Hi John..

Just curious...is it the track or a top guide that has "sheared"?...

The reason I ask is that,if it is the actual track,then I managed to repair(and strengthen) our bottom track(which I noticed had a couple of splits in not long after we bought it).


I just took it off,"superglued" the cracks and then reinforced the "voids" on the underside by filling with some Isopon body filler I had left over in the shed...

(This is of cause assuming that you have the same type of hollow,"M" shaped track).


I also seem to recall adding some additional "packing" to the top/leading edge guide,as it seemed a bit short(..I'll have to pop out and have a look at what I did there, though...).


Having said all that,it would be nice to think that you could just contact "your dealer" and everything could get sorted sharpish...unfortunately,going that route more often than not,just leads to lengthy waits, unreturned phone calls and incorrect parts being sent etc *-)

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