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Touring France


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We are thinking about going to the dordoigne middle of June and touring round for about a month, we have not booked any campsites does anyone have an idea that we would be ok to just arrive at the campsites without advance booking. We are thinking of using the ACSI campsites. :-)
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We are touring France now, presently in Brittany, the campsites are very quiet. I certainly would not book ahead. You may find you want to go somewhere different to where you thought for a number of reasons the local weatner being just one. This year the weather is not reliable anywhere in France.
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Check the ASCI site dates as a lot are not available at the discount rate from mid June until mid September lots of nice Aires throughout the Dordogne best hedge your bets and keep an eye on the weather . We have just returned from a 3 week jonty in the Loir area and had a lot of different weather conditions mainly rain , a lot of the wider reaches of the Loir are at flood level with a lot of river side Aires and campsites closed because they are under deep water . 
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Just to confirm that there is no need to book ahead. We never have - even in August - and there is always space if you are not restricted to a particular plan and if you use the excellent aires system as well as the campsites (municipal ones are very good value). Mind you, we tend not to go to the really popular and crowded tourist areas, so I suppose it all depends on where you want to be. Have a good trip.
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The first time we went to France in a MH I spent weeks and weeks planning where we would go and what we would see.

And it was all a waste of my time and effort!

Due to delays getting to Eurotunnel we arrived in France about 6 hours later than expected and had to stay much closer to Calais than I had anticipated – the list I'd carefully prepared went in the bin.

After that we just meandered around France stopping anywhere that caught our eye and because we didn't have any plans we saw far more of the 'real' France than my carefully pre-planned route had promised.

We didn't travel as far, saw and explored towns and villages we had never heard of before and it cost a lot less than we had budgeted for.

Go with the flow and I guarantee you'll find somewhere to stay every night without any problem – I've never seen MH owners in France without a place to park for the night.

Aires and Municipal camp-sites seem to be in or near virtually every town and village the length and breadth of France and, because France is so MH friendly, you will have no trouble finding a place to stay.

Booking ahead only restricts where you can go and what you can see – and if you have to 'chase' the sunny weather you've got a better chance without having to fulfil your committed bookings.

We are in France later in June for a month and we intend to meander towards La Rochelle - but whether we get there or not is in the lap of the Gods!

Have great holiday.

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Hi we are in France now, at present on a site called Le Grottes de Roffy, its near Sarlat, just sitting here in full sun temp. about 24.0C it is an ACSI site though not in the discount scheme. Didn't book no problem. It is in the Touring Cheques scheme, we use a mixture of these, acsi discount sites and aires. Have been in France since mid May and not booked any sites. We tend to use the heads and tails method of planning. Heads turn right, tails turn left it works for us!

Just enjoy.

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We are near Saumur in Loire at the moment (Le Chantepie campsite) amazing views, didn't book just turned up lots of space and for 16euro a night with acsi till 7th July. This is our fourth week in France, We have stayed in the north coast over to Brittany, most campsites were dead apart from near Honfleur. Hope that helps.




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Ian Strachan - We tend to use the heads and tails method of planning. Heads turn right, tails turn left it works for us!

That's a brilliant way of deciding your next move - we'll have to try it later this month in France.

But isn't there one problem - if you go right too many times don't you finish up going up your own.........?


(^) (^) (^) (^)

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Can everyone PLEASE stop telling us they're already in France!! :-(

We don't sail until Sunday week, and then it's to Spain first (so please, no helpful comments about the Bay of Biscay in June either!).

The Spain bit is to meet up with relatives - we don't get back into France to start "meandering" until near the end of the month. then we can take a week and a half to work our way up to Dieppe.

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Tony Jones - 2013-06-06 4:47 PM


Can everyone PLEASE stop telling us they're already in France!! :-(

We don't sail until Sunday week, and then it's to Spain first (so please, no helpful comments about the Bay of Biscay in June either!).

The Spain bit is to meet up with relatives - we don't get back into France to start "meandering" until near the end of the month. then we can take a week and a half to work our way up to Dieppe.


Sorry Tony,

I'm off for three weeks on Tuesday .. L'Armada at Rouen, then Dordogne, then amble down to Carmargue for a spot of sailing, then? who knows!

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Only the tourist hot spots tend to be full, and that's during the kids hols. We have never booked, the sites that get full are usually the family oriented fun park that we avoid anyway.

Very nice aire, with electricity in St Cyprian.

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Tony Jones - 2013-06-06 4:47 PM


Can everyone PLEASE stop telling us they're already in France!! :-(

We don't sail until Sunday week, and then it's to Spain first (so please, no helpful comments about the Bay of Biscay in June either!).

The Spain bit is to meet up with relatives - we don't get back into France to start "meandering" until near the end of the month. then we can take a week and a half to work our way up to Dieppe.


Hi Tony

We are NOT in France. We are in Spain. The reason being , the French weather was pretty awful, wet and windy. Now in Calpe, weather great here. Camps are pretty full, with Germans, Dutch and Belgians. All said left France because of weather. So I hope you people coming over, have better weather. We will not be back in France untill last week of June,then we will have to get the Ferry home


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