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Letters for Out & About Magazine

Guest Laura

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Guest Laura
Out & About magazine is currently looking for letters on hot topics for the October issue. Do you have an opinion on motorcaravanning matters that you'd like to share with other readers? Email your letter to me at lauragottelier@warnersgroup.co.uk and you could win a set of travel guides from Travel Publishing. :-D I'll look forward to receiving your controversial opinions! ;-) Laura
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[QUOTE]Laura - 2006-08-04 12:08 PM Out & About magazine is currently looking for letters on hot topics for the October issue. Do you have an opinion on motorcaravanning matters that you'd like to share with other readers? Email your letter to me at lauragottelier@warnersgroup.co.uk and you could win a set of travel guides from Travel Publishing. :-D I'll look forward to receiving your controversial opinions! ;-) Laura[/QUOTE] Come on Brian your our star letter writer. :-D Fame beckons you 8-) Don
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If it's me Brian you're referring to, you are very kind.

However, if I were to write to a mag it would be MMM - hooray! (althought I have just written to the CC Mag for a bit of light relief!).  I read that, so could read any witty replies. 

Can't really see much point in spreading the motorhome stuff around everywhere.  Who else is interested?  If I did though, I might write to the Times, or even Woman's Weekly for that matter!  Larger circulations?

However, I dont, so I shan't.

Miserable old git, ain't I.

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Guest starspirit
No Geoff I have not read it and neither will I unless I find a freebie somewhere. I keep getting blurb with my MMM each month extoling the vitues of O&A and from what it tells me of the topics covered there simply is not one such topic for which I would buy the magazine. Have you read it? Would you buy it? Have you bought it Has anyone? Would anyone? Answers please on a postcard to Laura!
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Guest Laura
[QUOTE]starspirit - 2006-08-05 8:04 PM I have not read it and neither will I unless I find a freebie somewhere. Have you read it? Would you buy it? Have you bought it Has anyone? Would anyone? Answers please on a postcard to Laura![/QUOTE] No postcards thanks - but if you would like a freebie send me your address and I'll put a copy in the post. Once you've read it then you might see why thousands of other motorcaravanners and caravanners buy it every month - and if you don't agree then at least you'll be in a more informed position to criticise eh?
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Guest starspirit
Thanks for the very kind thought Laura, but I really am not that bothered. Can I just say that at no point did I critiscise O&A - I just said that, based on the main topics that you advertise as being it's principle content, it does not appeal to me. I don't doubt that some people will like it and good luck to them, and to you, but it still does alter the fact that it does not appeal to me. That is not critiscism Laura, that is a personal view - but I can do critiscism very well, but then again I would need to read the magazine first! So no critiscism then, and who knows this discussion may even get other people interested for you!
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Starspirit your being unecessarily controversial. You should take up Lauras kind offer of a freeby and eat humble pie if you enjoy it. If you don't enjoy then you can criticsize from a position of knowledge and not guesswork and we will all respect your opinion. (ablemiser tig )
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Guest starspirit
Geoff if you want a freebie just ask Laura, meanwhile I suggest you read what I said more carefully after which perhaps you might care to tell me just who or what I am alleged to have critiscised. I don't agree with everything you say either but I accept your right to say it and I expect you to accept similar rights for me. I repeat - the topics covered by O&A are of no interest to me personally. I have never eaten humble pie but I am man enough to apologise when, and it does often happen, I am proven wrong. As is so often the way on here different people read the same item in differing ways and some read in things which simply are not there. There is nothing wrong with a bit of controvosy - ask any politician!
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[QUOTE]starspirit - 2006-08-05 8:04 PM Have you read it? Would you buy it? Have you bought it Has anyone? Would anyone?[/QUOTE] Tried the special introductory offer but didn't renew and am highly unlikely to do so. The content was of little interest to me. OTOH, I just renewed my subscription (for 2 years) to MMM.
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