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water pump noise


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ever since we got our MH there has been a sort of ba bump noise overnight which comes from the wardrobe and have now established that it is the water pump. (switch it off no noise) it has now started to do it during the day, I have checked all the various joints and there is no sign of any leaks, anyone any suggestions ?? or is the pump on its way out van is 8years old but previous owner hardly used the van and had never used the shower, we have had the van 12 months. As we are going away for a long spell a bit concerned that pump may pack in. Dealer says noise is quite common !!! have posted on other forums and got varying replies from must be a leak to quite normal so still confused so any comments are welcome.
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The pump makes the noise because it is trying to pump.

As water does not compress the reason it makes the noise is because water is either getting past the non return valve in the pump, or the pump mechanism or diaphragm or air is getting into the hose on the suction side between the pump diaphragm and the water tank pick up point, or is escaping at some point between the diaphragm and any one of the taps or the hot water system, or a dripping tap.

There are several options depending on how handy you are and how much it annoys you - unless you have a warranty?


1 - live with it!

2 - turn the pump off at night!

3 - buy a new pump and hope that is the pump and not the pipework - but at least you will find out!

4 - find out what and where is causing it - might be easy - might be nigh on impossible!


First I would check the pump hose connections taking care not to overtighten in case they break, and any other joints right back to the bottom of the tank.

You are looking for air getting in rather than water getting out on the suction side.

Next I would remove and carefully strip the pump down looking for any signs of air or water leakage like insecure connections, distorted jubilee clip, overly compressed hose, pinprick hole in the diaphragm, dirty or improperly fitting or seating non return valves.

On the pressure side of the pump you are most likely looking for water getting out somewhere.


There are probably other things to check that I have forgotten to mention but that should be enough to get you started, however if other forums members have been unable to help I wonder why you think that this forum's folk are likely to know any different!!

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thanks Traker I'm not very technical but you have given me some pointers where to look, other forums have just made comments such as "must have a leak" "quite normal" so I am posting to as many forums so I can try and build up a picture of what it might be, at firdt I thought it must be power surges or something but now know its the pump, Yes I can live with it provided I am sure its not causing a future problem, yes I can switch the pump off which stops the noise.

don't fancy taking the pump to bits

thanks for the reply anyway

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How about turning the pump off when you don't need it as a solution? Think about it, you fill your water tank with 100 or so litres of water when you arrive on site. You go out for the day but everything is left switched on ('cos that's what we all do isn't it?). While you are out for the day a hose comes loose and separates, your 100 or so litres of water will now be happily emptied from your tank into your living area, probably into a cupboard but it could be a joint under the shower tray that lets go. You come back to the motorhome to find 100 plus litres of water everywhere, an empty freshwater tank and possibly even a burnt out pump or even a flat leisure battery.


My rule is "if it doesn't nedd to be switched on turn it off!"



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Hi Dave

have now started to switch the pump off when not in use which stops the noise, BUT I am trying to find out why there is the noise in the first place, has always done it but getting worse (only used to be overnight for some reason) As said not very technical at the moment and this MH business is a big learning curve, surely if a joint splits you are going to get 100litres of water into the MH even if the pump is switched off ????

all further comments most welcome

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camocam1 - 2013-06-10 9:07 AM


Hi Dave

have now started to switch the pump off when not in use which stops the noise, BUT I am trying to find out why there is the noise in the first place, has always done it but getting worse (only used to be overnight for some reason) As said not very technical at the moment and this MH business is a big learning curve, surely if a joint splits you are going to get 100litres of water into the MH even if the pump is switched off ????

all further comments most welcome


The noise is caused by the pump switching on very briefly every now and then, it will do this if pressure in the system drops below the cut in point. This can happen for a variety of reasons but the most common one is the non return valve (if fitted) or pump not sealing fully and gradually allowing the pressure to drop. Yes the water may still leak even with the pump switched off but its not likely to drain the entire contents of the water tank as the pump you have will not normally allow water flow through it when not running. A submersible pump in the tank is a different matter and they can siphon the tank contents but if you had a submersible it would not give the occasional burp you are getting. Check carefully for leaking joints in your water pipes but I doubt you'll find any.



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I'm very much in the "switch it off, when you're not using it" camp. ;-)


Although I do sometimes think it'd be a good idea to have an addition pump switch in the loo...it'd save me having to shut to the missus to switch it on! (lol)

(..and Sod's Law means she's usually chatting with a "neighbour" outside...).


As for the pump periodically "shunting" to keep the pressure up, have you checked if boiler drain valve is weeping ever so slightly...?

Our pump used to "shunt" every 20-30secs or so when we first had it and I think that our "auto--dump" drain valve was to blame for that but after a few trips and operating/fiddling with it umpteen times, this "shunt" stopped..


Having said that,when we've refilled the system after a full drain down,even after "bleeding" the system through,it can sometimes still "shunt" very occasionally for the first day or so,I just assume that we haven't got all of the air out(..and as we only switch our pump on when needed, we've never bothered about it).


Sorry Dave,I crossed your post.

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Really got quiet concerned now. Just about to venture out from my house and should I switch the water off at the stop cock and what about electrics should I switch that off as well, but then the fridge/freezer will defrost. The anxiety this posting is causing or will I just forget about it and get on with my life after all the odd pump noise is no great deal (lol)


Edit Its got worse as I am contemplating the day ahead. Will be getting on a Stagecoach bus and what if there is only a side facing seat left, will I get on or will I wait an hour for the next one or just chance the remote possibility of serious injury.

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sshortcircuit - 2013-06-10 10:17 AM

Will be getting on a Stagecoach bus and what if there is only a side facing seat left, will I get on or will I wait an hour for the next one or just chance the remote possibility of serious injury.


As long as the stagecoach has someone riding shotgun and you are not venturing in the badlands of The Highlands and Glencoe without spare horses you should be OK!

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camocam1 - 2013-06-10 9:07 AM


Hi Dave

have now started to switch the pump off when not in use which stops the noise, BUT I am trying to find out why there is the noise in the first place, has always done it but getting worse (only used to be overnight for some reason) As said not very technical at the moment and this MH business is a big learning curve, surely if a joint splits you are going to get 100litres of water into the MH even if the pump is switched off ????

all further comments most welcome

Ours does this, and I just turn the pump off when not in use. It only serves one tap, so not a great problem. We don't have the expertise to investigate!!

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You will find this will happen when the taps drip, you won't even see the drips. By the time you have been in bed for a couple of hours, these drips will have caused a loss of pressure. So, the pump starts. I placed a jug under one tap and over 10 hours at night we had 1/2 a pint in it. The advice given is good, turn off at the panel at night and when leaving the van. :-D


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