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Excited & Nervous


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Tomorrow is the day we pick up our new (to us) motorhome, an Adria S687 SP.


First time motorhomers; we caravanned in the '70/80's, but that was in the dark ages, single glazing, no heater or electric hook up and an elsan 'bucket', pretty basic. Mind you we still enjoyed some good times and met many friendly people, loved caravanning in France, the food and warmth.


Trying to get to know the modern ways and will start experiencing them tomorrow night.


Any first time/night tips?


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When you pick it, during the "handover" ,get them to show you absolutely EVERYTHING working(so it'll need water in it and a gas bottle connected etc).


To many handovers just involve some bloke vaguely pointing at some or other switches/gauge whilst he mutters into his chest as to what they may or may not do!?... *-)


Ask loads of questions(..loads of times if need be),take notes and generally be a bit of a pain,until you're satisfied (..there will of cause be questions that WILL only arise once you've started to use it).


If the dealer isn't local to you,I'd be staying the first couple of nights close by,so that if something doesn't seem to work or you are unclear of something, you can just pop back in....




Edit Oh! and Sorry..Welcome! ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental
Welcome!:-D Adria a good solid choice.....So have you been in a cryogenic chamber for the last 20 years? :D
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It has been suggested that we record the handover, ideally by video but by voice if nothing else.

The dealer has booked us into a campsite near their premises so that we can visit them the next day if we have more questions. Pleased with their service so far, they are picking us up from the station prior to handover.



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Hi and welcome;

make absolutely certain that you understand the hot water boiler drain-down routine; where the tap is and where the water will appear, and approx how much to expect.

Then get out there and enjoy it!


have fun


alan b

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Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of motorhoming!

Tip #1: Don't forget the corkscrew. Everything else is likely to happen regardless, so you might as well make sure you're happy in the van while pondering how to fix whatever it is that's gone wrong!

Steve :-) 

Oh, ok then, on a more serious note, I find a check list on what to do before driving off is useful (wind in aerial, disconnect hook-up cable, switch fridge to 12v, secure crockery, etc.). I put mine on the steering wheel.
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Hillbum - 2013-06-12 1:24 PM


The dealer has booked us into a campsite near their premises so that we can visit them the next day if we have more questions.



Welcome to the mad mad mad world of motorhomes where not all is what it seems!


Exactly the right thing to do!


Never collect a van on a friday or saturday as there are seldom any 'fixers' around at weekends if needed!


Good luck and try and get sited and get the heating, water, loo, hot water, 12 v system, tv, and anything else all working before the dealer closes so you can phone for help if you get stuck rather than suffer a night of missing services!


If you have a full set of manuals and instructions it might help but invariably on a site someone will know how to solve most problems - you just have to find them!

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On the subject on manuals,as daft as it may sound(and not something for the first night away!)but when you've trawled your way through 'em all and you've finally isolated the few key pages that actually apply to your vehicle's appliances (lol) ,then I've found it handy to just photo copy those,so that they are easier to reference in future....


Just out of curiosity,I've just looked at our fridge "manual"..it covers the operating and installation of nine models and in four languages!...and then there's the wiring diagrams..


If BGD's earlier tip doesn't lead anywhere,you'll have plenty if read, if nowt else... (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
kelly58 - 2013-06-12 6:05 PM


BGD - 2013-06-12 2:28 PMFirst night tips?Condom.Enjoy your first night!
Only one  !!


Tif Tov and Aero ;-).......................might need 3 :D

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My tip is go very carefully until get "the feel" of your new pride and joy.


It is wider than your car and longer, and like me you are probably a very good driver, but you will need a bit of time to get used to the way it handles and to be able to judge the width and length.


A Co driver is the best way to reverse, don't trust any camera until you are used to it, the image will fool you into thinking things are further away than they are.


The last thing you want is a scratch or worse on it!


Just ask questions on here, we are all experts, some of us more expert than others :-D


Welcome here, ignore any little disagreements, old men will be, well old men!



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Guest pelmetman
Hillbum - 2013-06-12 7:56 PM


Gross Pelmetman, Aero is a chocolate lab like yours,!


Ooops :$...............although Troy does sleep with us ;-)................our relationship is purely platonic :D

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Pelletman: the plan is for Aero to be with us in the 'van too, can't see us using the garage as a kennel for her as I see some people do.

How did Troy take to motorhoming or is he (she?) an old hand?


Any tips for dogs on a site?

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Guest pelmetman
Motorhome and dogs........a perfect combination ;-)...............Troy's passport is well stamped, and he likes to paddle in the Atlantic and the Med at least once a year B-)


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Hillbum - 2013-06-12 9:28 PM

Any tips for dogs on a site?


Yes!! keep the dreadful things away from the rest of us (!) Muzzled and ALWAYS on a lead -- and I mean a proper one, not one of those nasty extending things that trip me up! Unfortunately dog-free sites are few and far between -- although I use them when I can.


Seriously, though, and the dog-lovers/owners can give you suitable advice Hillbum, surely your animal should have some kind of harness if you are going to transport him in the main part of your 'van, rather than in some kind of 'kennel' at the back? Otherwise, if you are ( hopefully not) involved in an accident, or have to brake sharply, your 'Aero' might well live up to his name!


Despite the above, welcome to the fraternity Chris -- enjoy your new van.







P.S. just don't try and sell your van to me when you want to exchange it for a new/different one --the appalling stink of dog on the upholstery etc., is impossible to remove! >:-)


P.P.S. Dave (Pelmetman) is giving you a terrible/irresponsible example by running his filthy animal on a beach -- from which they should all be banned -- as one who contracted toxacara canis as a child, I know that no dog should run anywhere near where children are likely to play -- respnsible local authorities in this country refuse to allow the things on their beaches anyway.

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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2013-06-13 11:03 AM


P.P.S. Dave (Pelmetman) is giving you a terrible/irresponsible example by running his filthy animal on a beach -- from which they should all be banned -- as one who contracted toxacara canis as a child, I know that no dog should run anywhere near where children are likely to play -- respnsible local authorities in this country refuse to allow the things on their beaches anyway.


Maybe kids should be taught not to play with dog poo............... ;-)

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I was hoping that you were going to give Chris some good advice about how to restrain 'Aero' when he/she is travelling in their new 'van Dave.

Instead of which we get this vile and disgusting nonsense, which I presume that you think is funny and which turns my stomach.

But then, I seem to recall a previous post (apologies in advance if my memory is at fault) in which you boasted that you ran your dog on a (foreign) beach in defiance of 'no dogs on the beach' signs. I also think that you may not have had children -- again apologies in advance if I am incorrect in this assumption.


Sorry Chris ('Hilbum') to have gone a bit 'off topic'.



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