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Old forum

Brian Kirby

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Has this been wiped?  I just tried searches on "Tyres" and "Tyre pressures".  Selected the "all posts" option and the earliest entry I got for either was this time last year.  I know there were posts on the old forum on this subject much earlier than that.

Anyone know, please?

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All OAL forums have a start-date at (or after) 2005/01/01. I don't think the loss of earlier data matters greatly as postings on the Warners forums normally have immediate rather than long-term value. It would have been another matter if earlier forum versions had included FAQ-type information into which much time and effort had been invested.
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[QUOTE]Derek Uzzell - 2006-08-05 7:08 AM All OAL forums have a start-date at (or after) 2005/01/01. I don't think the loss of earlier data matters greatly as postings on the Warners forums normally have immediate rather than long-term value. It would have been another matter if earlier forum versions had included FAQ-type information into which much time and effort had been invested.[/QUOTE]


Can't be changed now anyway, but I was thinking of some of your own posts re tyres, tyre pressures, loadings etc, that really should have be incorporated into a FAQ section.  That sort of information doesn't really date, but the queries go on and on repeating.

Has the FAQ idea progressed?  I seem to remember it being proposed a while back.  I'm sure we could all assist the moderators by suggesting which topics and which answers to include.

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I guess existing forum questions & answers could be cherry-picked to construct a rough and ready FAQ section, but would it be worthwhile? Many of the 'big' topics discussed on the Warners forums are already well documented in readily available and expertly written books where a picture/diagram is worth a 1000 words. Even though the idea was proposed in the past, do OAL forum members actually want a FAQ section? (You've seen the unprovoked reaction to the introduction of the 'New Sites Forum' that seemed to me a perfectly valid and potentially useful addition to the website. I could have posted details of the 5 inexpensive French campsites we overnighted at in June, but why should I bother when it's plain there's no interest.) I expect most of my earlier forum material is archived - I know I've hung on to the 'loadings' piece - but it would need vetting for accuracy and currentness before I would be happy to submit it for inclusion in a FAQ section. Frankly, Brian, I'm just not prepared to put in the effort.
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Yes.  Shame that.  I think it's gone downhill since it was made more open.  I seem to remember some thought that might be the consequence.  Can we get it back to subscribers or at least purchasers only.  What's in it for Warners?  Theforum doesn't seem like a revenue generator to me somehow.  Publicity?
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