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Auto-Sleeper Nuevo


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With your guidance we have now made a decision on the motorhome that we feel meets our needs. This does not in any way decry the genuine points that have been made by those wishing to aid us in our decision, for which my wife and I are extremely grateful. In making our decision, one over-riding factor had to be taken into account: SIZE, because of the difficult access to our driveway. We were, after searching. able to find a dealer with a new Executive and a Nuevo in stock. With the expected delay from base vehicle we felt compelled to act quickly to avoid disappointment. The two dealers I approached normally keep the 2.2ltr Nuevo and the 2.8ltr Executive, so the engine size was taken care of. I did question the weight on the unsupported rear overhang on the Nuevo, where the cooker, sink and toilet/shower compartment are fitted. The dealers assure me that they would not envisage any problem in this area. Regarding the shelf over the refrigerator that pulls out to form a working surface, which has given two of our colleagues problems by sliding in and out when on the move, I found both of these in the Nuevo and Executive to be quite secure when pushed 'home'. Perhaps A-S have remedied this problem, or maybe it will occur after a period of use. Making the bed up in either of the two vehicles did not pose a difficulty for me. Maybe after 10 years of making up a bed in the A-S Harmony, life in the Nuevo or Executive did not seem too bad. I was rather surprised to find that the more expensive Executive is equipped with a toilet/shower compartment somewhat reminiscent of the 1990's Harmony - I dare say A-S have their reasons. Overall we were far from disappointed with either of these motorhomes but finally decided it had to be the Nuevo. Regards, John
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Guest starspirit
Good choice John! I had a Symbol for a while - a very short while - in between a Talisman and a Nuevo. I hope it serves you well and you get much pleasure from it. I only bought the Symbol as my wife had become seriously ill and I could not get her and the wheelchair into the Talisman. Sod's law being what it is the Symbol arrived the day after she died in 2004 and after enduring just two separate weeks away in it I swopped it for a Nuevo. Never a good idea to downsize I guess? Good job it was VAT free! The Nuevo was great and served me well for 8000 miles last year before going for an end lounge model (van I mean) this year.
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Thank you for your good wishes, Richard. So sorry to learn of your personal loss - very sad. However, with your friends and interest in the world of motorcaravanning I hope it will help to ease the burden. Thanks again for your contribution in helping us to come to a decision. Kind regards, John.
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Guest starspirit
Thanks for the kind thought John. I am a positive and resiliant sort of specimen and as it was also the wish of Molly, my late wife that, in her words, 'you get off your fat arse, don't grieve too long, and get on with your life' that's exactly what I am doing. I met a lovely lady whilst out with the dog last year and we have become partners with a view to the long term and as she loves me (can't think why?), and me dog (everyone seems to love border collies), and me van (I know why!) everything is coming up roses - must be all that bulls*** I keep spreading! Be lucky Richard
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Morrison 1105 Pleased to learn you have settled on the AS Nuevo. A great little outfit we have had ours 2yrs. Just a word if not to late. If you have chosen the Nuevo LP (not the ES) I'd suggest having both passenger and drivers seats swivel, it really does increase your 'habitation' area and make for more confort - Best of luck (lol)
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Guest starspirit
Yeah but the drivers seat is a real sod to turn and it makes the driving seat too high unless you are vertically challenged! I took mine out and improved the view out of the windscreen as well as removing the knuckle bashing seat turning operation.
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Guest starspirit
The sliding worktop is (or was) held in place by one central friction catch at the back. Fine when new but as it wears it starts to slip and the more it slips the more it will. It is impossible to reach without major dismantling as it is fitted prior to the unit being assembled Solution - two tapered rubber door wedges, one each side, and cut off so that they don't protrude too far. These also stop it chattering in its runners. Cheap and effective - just like me!
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We've got swivel seats in our Fiat, they can be turned and give more lounging space and we've never had a problem with the seats being too high for driving - my husband is 5"10" and I'm 5"5", although when I'm in the passenger seat I do like to have a small box to rest my feet on about a couple of inches high but that's more to make sure the dog doesn't slide off my knee!!! The drivers seat is more difficult to swivel but it can be done quite easily once you've got the knack - both are easier to swivel if you open the door a little but you don't have to really, and we don't usually bother.
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Good luck to you, Richard. Hope all continues to go well. We have a border collie/beared. Nine months old. Hence a good reason to take up motorcaravanning again. We are 'softies' so could not put her into kennels - where we goes she goes, if not we don't go at all. John
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Thanks, Febbie, for your comments on the Nueveo swivel seats. We would have liked both seats to swivel in the one we have chosen, but unfortunately the only one readily available to us had only the passenger seat that swivelled. There are not too many dealers in the North East, so we had to make a quick decision or face another round trip of over 100 miles. Kind regards, John.
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Thanks, Pete. It will be interesting to see if motorhome manufacturers really take note of what customers have to say about their products. If they do then I would have thought that the sliding counter top would have been modified by now. Will let you know how I get on. Kind regards, John.
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