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St Tropez med coast area advise


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Hello fellow campers


Im looking for any advise for ST Tropez area and med coast france, we are looking to go next month for maybe 3 weeks , we havent booked anything ,looking for any suggestions on aires or municipal campsites that you could recommend and also what route would you recommend from calais, i have looked at michelin route planner but looking for recomendations , i dont want to use toll roads, also a nice aires mid journey



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Well, if you really want St Trop in July, I think you will probably have to book, especially if you want to pick a good site. This is peak holiday season in one of Europe's honeypot holiday areas. There are hundreds of campsites, but not that many aires relative to demand, and all are liable to be very full at that time. If you accept staying inland a bit, you should be OK without booking. Many of the Cote d'Azur resorts are very motorhome unfriendly, and the local Police Municipale will quickly move you on if you stop in the "wrong" places. Too many of the rich and famous live down there, and they don't like motorhomes cluttering the views from their multi-million £/$/€ villas! :-)


By motorway, the distance from Calais is about 750 miles via Reims and Lyons. Avoiding tolls, the distance rises to around 850 miles, using toll free dual and two lane roads, via Lille, Namur, Metz, Nancy, Epinal, Vesoul, Besancon, Bourg-en-Bresse, Grenoble, and Sisteron. Bear in mind that these roads carry very heavy traffic at this time, and are prone to lengthy tail backs, especially at weekends. If you can, avoid travelling over the weekends of 26-28 July and 2-4 Aug - especially the latter.


If un-booked, to be sure of getting onto a decent site, I think you'll need to arrive as soon after 12:00 as possible and, if the reception has shut for lunch, be prepared to wait for it to open. This means, in simple terms, you will need more than two days, so more than one overnight stop en-route. What I am really saying is that I think you need to think this through a bit more than your question implies, and plan it out a bit more, unless you are happy just settling for whatever you can get. If it were me, I'd not go there unprepared. It will be crowded and expensive relative to almost anywhere else, and I'd want to try to get reasonable value for my money. Without some kind of plan, I don't think you will achieve that. But then, I'm an inveterate planner! :-)

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Guest JudgeMental

We like to the west of St Tropez, along coast and around Cavalaire-sur-mer. more down to earth, nice restaurants, some on beach, more family orientated. Dont get me wrong, St Trop nice and worth a look. but to the east, roads become deadlocked in high season, all the houses along this coast road locked up at this time as probably unbearable to live here. To get to a supermarket probably takes hours :-D


we have been a few times and book as any decent site will be fully booked. there are aires but not my cup of tea in July even if you get on...packed to the rafters with washing hanging everywhere, and more like a refugee camp....


Plenty of municipals but well away from the coast! This area probably the most expensive real estate in Europe with prices to match *-)



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OK........................ honest advice?




It'll cost you a fortune to get down there, and a fortune to stay down there in July/August.


Lovely area....we've been to the area a number of times, and personally we prefer the part to the West of there....but that's OUTSIDE of loony high summer season.

In July and even more so in August, all of Paris and the North go there en masse, then everywhere is like an overcrowded concentration camp, and bar, restaurant and campsite prices double or more. Millions of screaming kids all day and night, and 40 degree temperatures.




Why not come down to (say) the middle of France instead.......weather will be gorgeous then, and there is so much more to see, and it'll save you a packet, and maybe save your sanity too.

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We're at Camping de la Baie at Cavalaire sur Mer. This sun is shining and the campsite is full. It's fully booked for the summer. Some motorhomers are pitched outside of empty mobilhomes! ACSI finishes on 30th June at most sites on the Cote d'Azur. The prices then rocket and the campsites morph into holiday camps. Best to come to this area in May-early June or September (when it's still sunny and warm).
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As others have stated we would not go near the place in high season. If you are a millionare or own Top Shop then you can stay there comfortably. If you are a normal human being from the UK then you need deep pockets. It will be packed, sites will be full even away from the coast and the traffic will destroy your sanity, you will never get parked and shop prices are inflated. Aires will also be packed with French vans trying to cut costs. Plus all the French will be doing their annual suicide acts on the autoroutes. Why be a masochist?


As far as the rest of France, it is indeed very attractive but check the weather as everything this year seems to be abourt 3 weeks late. Middle France is only mid teens when it would normally be low 20's up. Down here in south Spain it is currently 27 which is lovely but normally it is 34-36 at this time of year. In fact the sites here are still full of Dutch and a few Germans who have delayed going north due to the adverse weather.


If you do decide then you had better book fast through the Caravan Club or C&CC and be prepared to pay top dollar. Some sites will be in the 30-50 euro per night range. The area from Montpelier down to the Spanish coast is also popular but less (slightly) expensive at that time of year. That might be a better bet for you but stay away from the Pyrenees unless you like rain or are lucky.


Sorry not trying to spoil your 'party' but many who wish to go to that area book a year ahead.

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Guest JudgeMental

"weather gorgeous in middle of france" .what year was this? *-)


We always go away July/August as wife works in education, and in over 25 years never had a problem..but we do book ahead for sites we want to get on. last year touring for 6 weeks we booked nothing and had a great time with no problem getting on anywhere....

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We went to st tropez 3 years ago on one of our first trips but it was september. We did not think much of the town & found it almost impossible to park. The roads in the area can also be somewhat frightening for the fainthearted, narrow carriageways up steep mountainsides with nothing between you and a 1000 ft drop except a pice of string! Definitely not on our list of places to visit again. Cagnes sur mer further along the coast is much nicer with a good choice of campsites.Another vote to look elsewhere I'm afraid


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Aren't these forums brill?have been sat down here in gloomy wet newquay ,saying to each other that's it next year we off to France,and which area did we fancy? Yes st tropez. So glad I've read this thread cos it's really put me off,because it sounds like everything we hate.plus am a skinflint! So I always think yes let's go abroad and then think "no it'll cost a fortune' pp
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...but Pam, the thrust of the responses were that 'this' (and similarly upmarket areas) would cost a bomb at peak holiday periods. There are loads of French places to visit (including the med) that are reasonable at all other times.

Go for it, but not in August.

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Guest JudgeMental

You lot make me laugh.....


We have holidayed in this area 3 times..... st. trop itself not THE destination but worth a day trip...you can park on way in and cycle the rest of way. We ate out many a time and did not find it anymore expensive than any other tourist area of France *-)


Most of you lot clueless regards high season travel, as you never do it or else it's a far distant memory!lol


Many have no choice but to go high season, and IMO it is the best, most atmospheric time, with far more reliable weather and great beaches that you can actually use!instead of looking at from under an umbrella..... Yes it costs a bit more, but we had favourite restaurants with one in particular on the beach, and prices were not out of this world and food excellent (along coast road towards Cavalaire)


So at least next month you are guaranteed a memorable holiday, unlike the many tales of woe from those in France this month who can't read a weather forecast!lol


Anyway after over 25 years of July/August summer holidays, EVERYWHERE is busy! but manageable, and enjoyable with s bit of planning. The driving aspect, best drive down overnight, and that way you miss the worst of the heavy traffic......


The rest of Med coast of France around towards Spain, not anywhere as nice and even more busy. Argles sur mer the most unpleasant place we have been in France,with unimaginable crowds! Truly......StTrop calm in comparison and far more civilised.....

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It depends what you like, personally we would not choose the French Med coast in that region at any time. July and August would avoid any coastel area anyway but if the coast is what you want then you are stuck with it I guess. Eddie is beyond belief with his July/August is best, most summers in the south of France June/September is just as good weather wise and fewer people. I admit have not been in peak season for years but if I had to and wanted to visit this region would book a couple of sites.
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JudgeMental - 2013-06-22 9:30 AM


You lot make me laugh.....


We have holidayed in this area 3 times..... st. trop itself not THE destination but worth a day trip...you can park on way in and cycle the rest of way. We ate out many a time and did not find it anymore expensive than any other tourist area of France *-)


Most of you lot clueless regards high season travel, as you never do it or else it's a far distant memory!lol


Many have no choice but to go high season, and IMO it is the best, most atmospheric time, with far more reliable weather and great beaches that you can actually use!instead of looking at from under an umbrella..... Yes it costs a bit more, but we had favourite restaurants with one in particular on the beach, and prices were not out of this world and food excellent (along coast road towards Cavalaire)


So at least next month you are guaranteed a memorable holiday, unlike the many tales of woe from those in France this month who can't read a weather forecast!lol


Anyway after over 25 years of July/August summer holidays, EVERYWHERE is busy! but manageable, and enjoyable with s bit of planning. The driving aspect, best drive down overnight, and that way you miss the worst of the heavy traffic......


The rest of Med coast of France around towards Spain, not anywhere as nice and even more busy. Argles sur mer the most unpleasant place we have been in France,with unimaginable crowds! Truly......StTrop calm in comparison and far more civilised.....



Horses for courses Eddie.


We pop up from Eastern Spain to the Med coast of France at least 4 or 5 times a year, for anything from a couple of weeks to 4 or 5 weeks at a time, as we can get into the western Med coast area within 1 days driving from home.


I'll repeat my own personal experience - at variance with yours - that in high summer (July and August) we MUCH prefer the far less crowded and far less expensive regions further north than the Med coast:

The northern parts of Aquitaine, Mid-Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon; and also Limousin.

In our experience, the weather in those areas in the late-June to mid-September periods has almost always been simply lovely.

Really really lovely. Not the killer heat of the Med coast at that time of year. 70's rather than the Med coast 80's or 90's


I accept that our penchant for small villages over crowded big cities, for countryside and rivers and lakes and canals and casltes and stunning scenery over rammed seaside beaches, and for quiet evenings sat outside the MH with just the peace of the countryside rather than being in a beachside campsite rammed with gazillions of French (and other) children racing about; is not for everyone.


Have been to St Tropez twice now. Can totally take of leave it OUTSIDE of peak season. In peak season, we absolutely loathed the place. Gazillions of people everywhere. Loud. Brash. Staggeringly high prices for literally anything. Nowhere to park at all. Not for us.


Likewise, we have over the years become Aire-lovers rather than full-blown campsite lovers; and because there are so many of those Aires all over the "Lower Middle" part of France, we've never yet had any problems just turning up and parking in high summer - without any of the (in our experience quite regular) " you can only stay if you pay our loony High summer charges AND stay for at least 3 nights" etc Med coast campsite policies in July and August.


Touring does cost money.

We tour in our MH a LOT; it'll be a total of over 25 weeks this year.

To us, cost per night does matter, given that amount of travel. So we do prefer the free Aires or wildcamping whenever we can find a nice spot. Yes, it's car-park camping. No the actual parking site might not be pretty, or have on-site showers and a pool and a bar and a kiddies club. But we don't want that. We want scenery, places to wander about in, parks, architecture to look at, local bars and villages shops to visit; AND we need to do it on the cheap as we do it for so many nights through the year.

In our experience, the costs of foodstuffs/coffees/eating out/campsite fees in that middle region of France are substantially lower than on the Med coast, especially in high summer.


France also a big country.

Driving all the way down to the very southern coastal area of France from Britain is a helluva lot of miles, and costs a very significant amount of money both in fuel and road tolls (unless time is not an issue and you choose non-toll roads, which will add days to your there/back travelling).

Locating in that middle region of France instead has the potential to cut a day or 2 from the southwards blast, and a day or 2 from the back northwards blast, giving maybe 3 or 4 days of extra real holiday time in-region; as well as cutting down significantly on fuel and toll costs.


It is for all those regions that I suggested and continue to suggest to the OP that, in our experience at least. Mid-France is very much nicer, much closer, much cheaper and much less crowded than the med coast in the July and August periods.


Personal views only, but the OP did ask.



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Agree with almost every thing Eddie says here. We still go away in peak periods at times, where it fits in with family commitments, for as Eddie points out there is often more going off and weather often better, although weather is not our main consideration. Regarding St Tropez then certainly worth a visit but yes the roads are very busy all along the coast. Best way to visit St Trip is to take boat from either St Maxine or Port Grimound, staying on site or aire at St Maxine, if you can get on and don't mind parking very close! For Nice, Monaco etc then we stay on a site (yes sometimes we do use sites!!!) near say Antibes and use the railway to visit all the places on the coast. Yes it will be expensive but against cost of a motorhome and seeing great places so what.
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Guest JudgeMental

The OP inquired about cote de azur and st trop in particular, and you want him to stay mid france? get a life for heavens sake!lol


FYI good campsites in attractive areas are all expensive..... The cote de azur no more expensive than lake garda or any other nice tourist area, but how would you know exactly... because you never use them!


some like to be by the sea and enjoy a beach holiday...have never found parking difficult on cote de azur. never found beaches, so busy to be uncomfortable...So being in the middle of France hardly a substitute just because you are such a skinflint...Would rather have a quality month away then 3 worrying about money in desolate mid france, eating fish fingers and oven chips as some on here do!lol Then you have to deal with sod all atmosphere and unreliable weather and cool evenings while we and others enjoy balmy evenings in attractive areas.


The reality bears no comparison to the idiotic prejudice displayed on here. parking has never been a problem in cote de azur west of st Trop, even on st trop beaches...and we would have gone back since, but we now go to Italy (8 years running). Yes expensive, but well worth it as you only live once....... So for us its Alsace/Switzerland/Italy next month. Spain for Sept/Oct, Sri Lanka for Christmas/new year, and Vietnam/Cambodia for next easter of summer.

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Guest JudgeMental
H as per usual you are not engaging your pea brain...some have no choice, not all are retired, some professions leave no choice but school/college/uni holidays. I am talking from 25 years practical experience, and have not had one poor holiday yet.....we have tried the odd out of season holiday and they leave a hell of a lot to be desired....
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Oh dear, teddies out of the prams again! :-) Why is it that some of us simply cannot accept that we are not all the same?


Personally, I hate, with a vengeance, tourist hot spots, crowds, and especially those French and Italian seaside resorts where half the beach is owned by hotels and campsites, and you either have to pay to use them, or use the cruddy bit left over for the locals. Not too keen on British seaside resorts in peak season either, if it comes to that, but at least we all own our beaches.


If one is going to travel for 2-3 weeks in the school holidays, one is taking "a holiday". If one goes away for 8/10/12 twelve weeks at a time, one is not, IMO, "on holiday", one is living elsewhere than at one's home. One's perspective on what one wants, and where one wants to be, are different. That, I think, is the difference that is causing the dispute, though Gawd only knows why, it is obvious enough!


The OP merely sought advice on 2-3 weeks near St Tropez, with an implied two days travel to get there. The general advice was that it would be crowded, noisy, and expensive, and probably poor value compared to elsewhere. All true.


However, if the OP likes crowded and noisy, doesn't mind the expense, and is not that concerned about the relatively poor value, they will be as happy as a pig in poo! In which case, even though I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, I am deliriously happy for them (and for me because, by their noble sacrifice, they'll be contributing to the relative calm elsewhere! :-)).

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Guest JudgeMental

Yet another naysayer...


There are only so many campsites/aire pitches and hotel rooms in any given destination before an area s meets saturation point...This does not mean the area unbearable far from it. most of you dont go at this time, we do, and our experience totally at odds with some of you who have never done it, or its a distant memory at best.


Argeles sur mer has so many campsites the crowds are unbelievable, and the town on a summer evening absolutely unbearable! Nigh on impossible to get a table for dinner. now that is holiday hell, and we stayed one night and moved on! ( we only popped in after a wonderful holiday in Spain) have never had an experience anything like this anywhere else in Europe in 25 years?


6 weeks last year, no pre booking (except for lake Garda) and no problems! this thread full of the usual jaundiced views based on nonsense :-D


you dont know the OP's circumstances and they may well have little choice like us..and all you can do is paint a totally unjustified position based on ignorance. can they just turn up and get on best sites? unlikely. but they will find something and I feel confident they can have a great time...


I dont get the "noisy" reference either, unless its the usual anti childrens laughter brigade..what a bunch!lol The noisiest and most memorable bad experince in that regard, was on a french dominated site in the Vendee 15 years ago with lax security...again once in 25 years ..

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JudgeMental - 2013-06-22 3:22 PM


H as per usual you are not engaging your pea brain...some have no choice, not all are retired, some professions leave no choice but school/college/uni holidays. I am talking from 25 years practical experience, and have not had one poor holiday yet.....we have tried the odd out of season holiday and they leave a hell of a lot to be desired....

Eddie I have always said I do not engage in abuse but have had just about enough of you. You are certainly the most obnoxious person I have ever come across on any forum. If anyone dares to disagree with your opinions or anything you have purchased mouthfuls of abuse will come their way. Most of us will argue our point often getting a little 'heated' about it but no one resorts to the internet 'bully boy' tactics you employ , suspect face to face you would not dare so hide behind your keyboard, pathetic really. Your holiday destinations like Benidorm and avator sum you up to perfection, lack of class it used to be called.

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Guest JudgeMental

pot kettle black..thats rich coming from you, one of the most obnoxious and stirring individuals on here.....


At least I gave factual information regards visiting the area the OP interested in, rather than try and dissuade him with stupid and ignorant opinion (that is your usual field of expertise)


I have been to Benidorm once, and you keep on raising it as an attack? you cretinous individual....get a life for pity's sake!lol

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BGD - 2013-06-23 12:49 PM


I'm sure this latest infantile bitchfest will be really really helpful to the new member who actually joined this forum and asked for some opinions..........not.

Totally agree, sorry about that, abuse from the resident moron I will ignore in future as I have done in the past.

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Guest JudgeMental
BGD - 2013-06-23 12:49 PM


I'm sure this latest infantile bitchfest will be really really helpful to the new member who actually joined this forum and asked for some opinions..........not.


It would not happen if a certain idiot did not keep on posting inflammatory off topic posts? but you were another one, instead of giving any practical info on where OP wants to go...we got the typical dads army response....


OP probably run oft and joined motorhome fun, at least the members on there tend to travel, are less sceptical and more open minded...I mean they had a meet in Morocco recently... could you ever see that happening on here!lol :D

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Well, he/she is at least getting a broad spectrum of opinions, which is probably normal for any group of people. The bottom line is anyone does what they feel is best suited for themselves and some you win, some you lose. That is the attraction of life.


An analogy to what the OP is looking at is going to Brighton on the hottest Bank Holiday of the year, or any seaside town for that matter. Lots of traffic, lots of people, inflated prices etc and yet by the very nature of the crowds many love doing it.


To each their own.

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We have had disagreements with Eddie in the past, and sure will have again in future, but regarding points he makes here he is spot on. He does, unlike many on here speak from first hand experience of recent high season travel, which he also sets in context of wider travel so it would be wise of OP to take note of them. As stated earlier we also still do some high season trips, this year heading for area around Mont Blanc in August(followed by Eastern France in September, Belgium in December and 2 months cruising far east in Feb/March), and our experience says yes it will be very busy and hot but that is how some places should be seen at least once.
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