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2 X 12v batteries


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Hi all. My motorhome has only a single leisure battery. If I wanted to add another of the same amperage is there any other special wiring I would have to do than just wiring them + to + and - to -? I have heard of installing a split-charge relay system. Do I need this and is it an easyish DIY job if I do need it? Thanks for any help. John
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Hi, Adding another battery is as you say +tive to +tive and - tive to -tive. The same amperage is ok but Ideally they need to be exactly the same. IE ne w batteries. Your old battery may be showing signs of age and after fully charging will draw current of your new battery. This will reduce your overall capacity.
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As your motorhome has a leisure-battery fitted, it's probable that it already has a split-charge relay (or an equivalent) system to allow the charge from the motorhome's alternator to be 'split' between vehicle and leisure batteries. There are useful diagrams that would assist you in The Motorcaravan Manual (Haynes Publishing).
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